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Types of Communication Skills

Communication Skills Definition:Types of Communication Skills

  • Latin “to impart, to share” is imparting, conveying or exchanging ideas, knowledge, etc.
  • Transactional process in which messages are filtered through the perceptions, emotions and experiences of those involved.
  • Communication is any means of contact between two or more people, out of which impressions are made attitudes, are created.
  • “By communications, I mean the simple process of getting information known by one person to the attention of the other people who should have this information…”

Types of Communication Skills:

The types of communication skills  are as following :

  • Listening Communication

Listening is a mode where you are receiving and processing every other form of communication another person, or group of people, is putting forward.

  • Verbal Communication

Verbal or oral communication uses spoken words to communicate a message. When most people think of verbal communication, they think of speaking, but listening is an equally important skill for this type of communication to be successful. Verbal communication is applicable to a wide range of situations, ranging from informal office discussions to public speeches made to thousands of people.

Improving your verbal communication skills can help you to foster better relationships with your coworkers and maintain a large network of contacts that you can call on when necessary. Consultants are one group of professionals that need to pay particular attention to this area of communication, as they need to constantly meet with new people and quickly communicate large quantities of important information.

  • Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication includes body language, gestures, facial expressions, and even posture. Non-verbal communication sets the tone of a conversation, and can seriously undermine the message contained in your words if you are not careful to control it. For example, slouching and shrinking back in your chair during a business meeting can make you seem under-confident, which may lead people to doubt the strength of your verbal contributions. In contrast, leaning over an employee’s desk and invading his or her personal space can turn a friendly chat into an aggressive confrontation that leaves the employee feeling victimized and undervalued.

Also Study: Verbal and Non Verbal Communication Types

  • Written Communication

Written communication is essential for communicating complicated information, such as statistics or other data that could not be easily communicated through speech alone. Written communication also allows information to be recorded so that it can be referred to at a later date. When producing a piece of written communication, especially one that is likely to be referred to over and over again, you need to plan what you want to say carefully to ensure that all the relevant information is accurately and clearly communicated.

  • Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is the communication between one person and another (or others). It is often referred to as face-to-face communication between two (or more) people. Both verbal and nonverbal communication, or body language, plays a part in how one person understands another.

  • Family Communication

Family communication is the study of the communication perspective in a broadly defined family, with intimacy and trusting relationship. The main goal of family communication is to understand the interactions of family and the pattern of behaviors of family members in different circumstances.

  • Political Communication

Communication is one of the most relevant tools in political strategies, including persuasion and propaganda. In mass media research and online media research, the effort of strategist is that of getting a precise decoding, avoiding “message reactance”, that is, and message refusal. The reaction to a message is referred also in terms of approach to a message.

Also Study:

Concept of Interpretation of Communication With Example

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1 comment

QUSAIN June 20, 2021 - 5:11 pm

this is very imporatant topics of communications skills I am prepare presentation on this page.


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