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What is a Good Leadership


As a team supervisor of my company, I am going to manage the overall situation in my company. Leadership is that quality or field that is the most critical factor in the life of every person or organization. It is that specific quality that makes the working of the people comfortable and efficient if they have the leadership qualities in them. Leadership quality is to lead a group of people regarding doing any work. If you are a good leader, then you can achieve your targets efficiently and can make progress in your goals. Every organization needs to have effective leadership in its management system so that they can meet their objectives well and can make the possible outcome of progress on the specific time as well. The management has to perform many of the tasks regarding making it efficient and high in performance.

The leadership if not correctly efficient then it cannot be possible to get the target achieved on time and with high efficiency as well. Leaders are the role models for the employees or workers of any organization. If leaders are right, then the whole team act right, and if leaders do not show proper efficiency in the leadership, then the overall team under that leader will not work right, and it became impossible to achieve targets on time as well. Leaders must be very much confident and courageous towards its team or for the achievement of its goals so that it can be easily achieved by the margin of maximum profit and with the ease and comfort of adequately utilizing the management as a must. (Mindtools.com, 2018)

What is a Good Leadership

Leaders must be appreciated towards their team members so that they can be motivated and can perform tasks in great order with great passion as well. Motivation increases their courage and gives them the confidence to do work with more hard work and more success. A good leader must perform some of the tasks by itself if they are hard to do because this will make its team courageous that if our leader can do this, then we also can. This is the best factor in a leadership because sometimes there came many of the difficult tasks in an organization working that are compulsory to do but they are not possible to perform easily so in that situation leader must be a good role model for their people as well as for their whole team make them comfortable by showing them how this work could be happened and keep standing with them while they are working on that task.

 It is essential for the management that they have to perform their tasks on a very small deadline. That situation is very much difficult for the organizations and their workers as well. So in such situation leaders may not be panic and do not make their teams as well. They should remain calm and relaxing and hence make the work complete with working day and night with their team equally so that the task should be achieved on time and leadership became successful with such high efficiency.

John was concerned with the fact that only he would be listening regarding deciding on the organization. Martina just tried to move after John as she loved it most and she just wanted to make John happy all the other three persons also participate less in the talks as they are happy in every situation. The strategies are adopted regarding creating more creative ideas to the business innovations in the meeting is that they are being followed by the game and some other activities to remain active. (Fries, 2018)

Leaders directly influence the behavior of the employees in an organization. Their ethics can permeate a group or organization. Leaders develop the ethical environment in the organization when they take ethical decisions in an ethical dilemma. Employees follow up the behavior and communication way of their leaders. Therefore leaders are responsible for the organization and to permeate ethical values to become shared by all. When leaders support stereotyping and discrimination it becomes the culture of the organization as all employees group accept it and promote it in the workplace. While importance to the ethical decision and moral values by the leader support the groups and organization to follow up moral and ethical values.

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  • Fries, K. (2018). 8 Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimberlyfries/2018/02/08/8-essential-qualities-that-define-great-leadership/#43e932a63b63
  • com. (2018). What Is Leadership? Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_41.htm

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