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Problems Faced by College and University Students

Some Problems That Affect Students


Concerning the concept of evaluation or control of knowledge has existed because of the era of ancient times. Studies in educational sector have found that studies and grades influence students’ personal and professional life. There are different kinds of problems that exist in university students including anxiety, sleep, depression, eating disorder, perfectionism, low self-esteem, stress etc. There could be different reasons behind these problems and reasons could vary from one person to another. Some students are depressed due to poor grades, or they do not have confidence in their educational abilities and skills.  Moderate level of depression can lead to low performance while normal depression does not have a negative effect on students’ grades.

Gambling Severity

The research or the study focused on the pathological gambling in the college students, as the studies have directly examined that there is the relationship between the student and the gambling severity, however, there can be the issues faced by the students. Most of the students are not showing the effectiveness or good performance in the school, as there are co-occurring negative effects of the gambling, thus, the risk population is studied that there can be the negative impacts on the student.

Problems Faced by College and University Students

Thus, the survey was done on the 352 female and the 96 male students, who are under the age of 18–25, because at this age they can get addicted to the bad things, as the prevalence of pathological issues can be related (Atkinson, Sharp, Schmitz, & Yaroslavsky, 2011). The results have shown the Canadian Problem Gambling Index and the other Severity Index, as there can be the negative effect on the students of the college. However, the gambling can be linked to the reward-processing example, there can be the issues with the student as they can face the tension of the anxiety, and stress scales level in the college.

There could be the issues with the student result as due to the gambling use in excess they can face the tensions of depression and the other behavioral inhibition system. Moreover, there can be the ‘‘moderate-risk” or ‘‘problem gambling” regarding the gambling severity. The research also finds out the negative effect among males they can create issues in the university, however, among females there are less or very few problems, addressing the problem gambling (Atkinson, Sharp, Schmitz, & Yaroslavsky, 2011).

Bad Teachers

According to my believe majority of the teachers are very good and effective and most of the time these type of effective teachers seems like a sandwich between bad teachers and good teachers. The type of bad teachers is small in numbers and represents the small sample size, and mostly they are those teachers who generate publicity sadly. This factor is mush frustrating for most of the teachers because much hard work is made by us every day in order to make it sure that our students may able to receive a good quality of education with a little display.

The bad teacher is not able to set a group of student and sometimes even a single student back significantly. The major gap in learning can be created by them, which make the job of next teacher very hard. A bad teacher can become the reason of creating an atmosphere that is out of discipline and has full of disorder. This type of created model is very hard to break. They also have the ability to smash or finished the confidence of students and moral as well and these types of effect are almost impossible to reverse (Najimi, Gholamreza Sharifirad, & Meftagh, 2013).

That is why it is very necessary for the administration to make the smart decision at the time of hiring and the process of hiring should be taken seriously. The process of teacher’s evaluation should be granted equal importance. That is why the system of evaluation should be adopted by an administration in order to retain teachers’ every year. It is also necessary that without any fear a bad teacher should be dismissed.

Discipline Issues

  Discipline is also a serious issue that may cause destruction, which becomes the reason of additional time to learn anything. When a teacher wants to tackle the issue of discipline then it will prove the wastage of valuable time. This time quickly add up. Additionally, it can b said that every time when for the sake of referral of discipline a student is sent to the office, this activity becomes the reason of the lost of instructional time for that particular student. In short, it can be said that the issue of discipline become the reason of wastage of instructional time that may further become the reason of decline the potential learning of the student. That is why it is very necessary for administration and teachers as well to reduce the level of disruption at its minimum level (Sun & Shek, 2012).

Lack of Motivation

There are also such students in large quantity who pay no care and attention towards attending schools or also don’t bother to make efforts in order to maintain their grades. It becomes much frustrating to have such student in a class that only present there because they thought they should be present. These are those students who are not motivated in the start on their level of scores and when they wake up and starts realizing then they came to know that it is too late. So, it is the duty of a teacher and administrator to motivate the students.

Effects of Exam Anxiety on Students Learning

The assessment of students learning and its effects are quite complex. Teachers and instructors use testing as an instrument to check students’ ability. Many important decisions are based on the results of tests so tests can create anxiety among students. Student’s effect on the daily basis due to anxiety resulted from the test. Spielberger and Vag (1995) highlight that academic performance and test scores in different subjects are used in the evaluation of students that apply for a job or further studies. 

Therefore, test anxiety and exam stress have become invasive issues in modern society. Sarason (1959), also shared his views regarding test anxiety, the author commented, “We live in a test- conscious, test -giving culture in which the lives of people are in part determined by their test performance”.  Tests are important because they reflect students understanding regarding different subjects and their learning abilities.

Test or exam anxiety is one of the important factors that should be taken into consideration.  Test anxiety is a combination of tension and somatic symptoms, physiological over-arousal, fear of failure during test situation. Due to tension and fear of failure, most of the students fail to perform well. They often fail in exams because anxiety does not let them perform effectively. (Trifoni, 2011)

Low Self-Esteem and Academic Performance

Researchers have conducted research and evaluated effects of self-esteem and academic performance. Many behavioral and educational problems arise due to low self-esteem. In educational institutes, different kinds of problems occur such as psychological and physical health problem. Self-esteem has become a major concern in organizations and educational institutions. Therapists, teachers, and parents give attention towards students and help them to increase their confidence. High self-esteem results in different benefits and positive outcomes, while low self-esteem brings different problems. Low self-esteem can cause to panic attacks and lead to depression.

Moreover, many students suffer from self-esteem attacks. For instance, when a student perceives that she/he has said/done something wrong, stupid, or inappropriate. Low self-esteem results in isolation from group activities, avoid presentations, not share thoughts/perceptions and stay quiet,  not initiate with others due to fear of rejection, and not applying for internship/job due to feeling insufficiency.  While high self-esteem can increase students’ performance and help in getting good grades.

However, according to some studies, the modest correlations between school performance and self-esteem do not specify that high self-esteem leads to good performance. However, good grades may help in boosting low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a major cause of depression and students feel that they cannot secure good grades and they will fail. These problems also affect students’ social and personal life. They do not seem interested in meeting with people and try to stay alone.

Relationship of Depression and Students’ Learning

Studies have examined the connection between depression and students’ academic performance. There is a significant negative relationship between students’ performance and depression. Researchers have identified that different level of depression affects students’ grades. Moderate level of depression leads to low performance while normal depression does not have a negative effect on students’ grades. Results suggest that there is a need to take preventive measures so that depression among students can be reduced.

As per National Institute of Mental Health report, depression affects about 19 million American students every year. Depression is the most common mental health condition that is identified among USA students. It negatively affects students’ personal and academic life. Academic performance, financial problems, and social stressors contribute to increasing depression, (Leach, 2009).

Results of different studies have validated that the occurrence of depression amongst college students has become increasingly common. Most of the students experience depressing situations when they enter into college and new environment. The study of Oswalt and Finkelberg’s (1995) concluded that most of the students consider themselves as moderately depressed since arrival to college. For example, when students enroll into a degree they become depressed due to difficult course material, university/college environment, or conflicts in class.    There is a need to provide students ‘counseling so that they can they can improve their academic performance and personal life.  Several medical types of research show that medical students often experience depression but there is no relationship between depression and academic performance of students. However, some studies show that depression led to poor grades and it affected students’ performance.

Relationship Between Students Happiness, Study Habits, and Depression

A descriptive and correlation survey also identified the relationship among, happiness, depression, and study habits of students. Research shows that 65% of students from the sample are happy with their grades and educational performance and there was no depression of those students. While 7.5 percent students were suffering from depression and there was no significant between study habits and happiness of students. However, there is a negative and significant relationship between study and depression. Happiness and sadness are major indicators of students’ personal and professional growth. Consequently, the researchers have also found out that the ways that can be used to increase happiness and reduce depression in educational institutes (Julia & Veni, 2012).

Happiness is a significant factor in human life. Happiness can be achieved from different sources. For instance, when a person achieves good grades he/she feels happy and accomplished, when students get admission in their desired course they feel happy, and their happiness can come from achievements in supports as well. The physiological capacity of depressed students can affect their academic performance negatively.  The educational environment also plays a vital role in creating depression among students. For example, in achievement oriented university/college environment depressed students may feel a lack of confidence or failure due to increased pressure and competition (Bahrami, 2011)

Failing To Manage Money

Most of the college students have the issues to manage money, as they are not able to manage the money personally, thus, they may not know that how to make the plan about the money, the student in this way cannot pay attention to studies because there is always the tension or the depression created because of the money issues. Moreover, the student sometimes does not know that how to set the financial goals because they never knew the value of money or that the money is important in the future, they can make goal more permanent through focused on the emergency fund.

  Most of the students cannot anticipate the differences or the values of the Wants vs. Needs, they do not know what they exactly want and what they need, they sometimes spend the maximum of the money on the wants regarding spending on the needs. The students in the way can perform badly in the classroom environment because all the time they could have the tensions of money (Guimba, Alico, & H.Taib, 2015).

Consequently, the students can face the peer pressure, as they do not know how to manage the entertainment budget, they friends may force them to see a movie or they could force to go on a trip etc. Peer pressure can influence on one financial goal. Abusing credit is also another reason due to which there could be issues of mismanagement of the credit. Therefore, the abusing student loans may affect the credit of one and one may not have the enough money, in order to pay for the necessities.

Failing To Manage Relationships

International students or the student, who live in the hostels, can face the issues in managing the relationship. However, there could be the tension of leaving the old friends, as new friends may not be that much helpful as old friends were, there can be issues when the students have to face the separate ways, which may lead them to face the problems with new people. Students can be surprising and sadden for leaving their friends and the place they were familiar with, thus, the students may have the friends with the variety of backgrounds there could be the issues regarding the sexual orientation, personal values and another lifestyle (Franklin, Harris, & Allen-Meares, 2013). The roommates may be unreliable, assertive, the students who lie in hostels may have the roommate problem and they often complain about them, as there can be troubled students from which students can be disturbed.


Students in the universities and college may feel the homesickness and they may not fulfill the expectations of their parents, parental expectations can make the student alone because one may not feel himself enough compatible to fulfill the dreams of the parent. The study needs proper work schedules so that there could be the proper influence on the education ideal conditions, but due to homesickness, one may not experience the freedom and there could be the great sense of loss (Franklin, Harris, & Allen-Meares, 2013).

The student when going home for vacations they can experience the changing in the attitude of the family as the family does not need them. Most the international students have this type of feeling, which does not allow them to concentrate on their studies and due to the thinking of homesickness there could be changes in the genuine interest and one may not study, as one should be.

Skipping Classes

  Skipping school is very common in teen agers; however, skipping classes is common in the college and university students, the parents need to focus on the children behavior beyond the punishment as in this way, they could gain the academic success. Moreover, students can be successful in the future, if they do not bunk the classes. The teacher and parents need to give the punishments for skipping school and need to track the teen’s access so that the issues could not be there in setting the reasonable academic goals or the values. With the school short attendance, the student can never able to met goals (Sood & Cohen, 2014).


Regarding focused on the studies in educational sector have found that studies and grades influence students’ personal and professional life. While concluding, it could be said the student’s effect on the daily basis due to anxiety resulted from the test. Self-esteem has become a major concern in organizations and educational institutions. Therapists, teachers, and parents give attention towards students and help them to increase their confidence. High self-esteem results in different benefits and positive outcomes, while low self-esteem brings different problems.

The research focused on the pathological gambling in the college students, as the studies have directly examined that there is the relationship between the student and the gambling severity. Moreover, the student sometimes does not know that how to set the financial goals and there could be the tension of leaving the old friends. The universities and college may feel the homesickness and they may not fulfill the expectations of their parents. Therefore, in this way, the parent and the teacher need to properly train the students, so they do not lose the hopes, proper training and self-confidence need to be to the children so that they could able to survive in the competitive environment. In the campuses, it is necessary that teacher and other staff should keep the check on the students.

Also Study,

Factors Affecting Motivation of Students

  • Atkinson, J., Sharp, C., Schmitz, J., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2011). Behavioral Activation and Inhibition, Negative Affect, and Gambling Severity in a Sample of Young Adult College Students. J Gambl Stud, 437–449.
  • Bahrami, S. e. (2011). The relationship between students’ study habits, happiness, and depression. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 217.
  • Franklin, C., Harris, M. B., & Allen-Meares, P. (2013). The School Services Sourcebook, Second Edition: A Guide for School-Based Professionals. OUP USA.
  • Guimba, D. W., Alico, J. C., & H.Taib, A. B. (2015). Problems Experienced by College Student Scholars. International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 2 (3), 118-192.
  • Julia, M., & Veni, B. (2012). An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Students’ Adjustment at a University in Zimbabwe. International Education Studies, 5 (6), 224-250.
  • Leach, J. (2009). “The relationship between depression and college academic performance.”. College Student Journal , 325.
  • Najimi, A., Gholamreza Sharifirad, M. M., & Meftagh, S. D. (2013). Academic failure and students’ viewpoint: The influence of individual, internal and external organizational factors. J Educ Health Promo, 1-7.
  • Sood, A. B., & Cohen, R. (2014). The Virginia Tech Massacre: Strategies and Challenges for Improving Mental Health Policy on Campus and Beyond. Oxford University Press.
  • Sun, R. C., & Shek, D. T. (2012). Student Classroom Misbehavior: An Exploratory Study Based on Teachers’ Perceptions. The Scientific World Journal, 1-8.
  • Trifoni, A. a. (2011). “How does exam anxiety affect the performance of university students.” . Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 93-100.

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