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Psychology Research Paper Example

Gender Discrimination in India

Gender Discrimination in India

In India, gender inequality still exists. Being a woman in Indian society means being subjected to gender biases on all levels. Females, regardless of their educational degrees or work profiles, are constrained to the confines of their domestic duties, raising children, and caring for families at the family level. Women have limited career prospects in her employment, and they are paid less for the same task. Opportunities for education and learning: In India, literacy rates by gender reveal a significant disparity between men and women.

Charles Manson's Life Span Psychology

Charles Manson’s Life Span Psychology

Men are unquestionably more prone than women to commit murder. Countless events in the history of criminology have demonstrated it throughout the years. Manson was a cult leader and a criminal in the United States. Along with his accomplices, he has perpetrated nine killings. Charlie had no notion who was his father's son. He had never known a father figure in his life. His mother seemed unconcerned with her children, and it was alleged that she would leave them off at their grandmother's or aunt's house and then vanish for days or even weeks. This might also cause the whole discussion to focus on one of the most visible and apparent aspects of how the nurturing process affects a man's whole disposition. A man's life might be badly impacted by poor parenting or the absence of any parents. Having guiding figures in one's life might safeguard one against bad tendencies or goals. Charlie had a disadvantaged upbringing, and his illegal behaviour was his main outlet for discontent (Altman, 2015).

Applying Erickson's Psychology Development Stages

Applying Erickson’s Psychology Development Stages

Developmental phases are phases that everyone must go through or have gone through at some point in their lives, even adults. Development theories split a child's development into phases, which are usually defined by qualitative changes in behaviour. To begin with, there are multiple lifetime development theories; Gibson produced perceptual development theory and performed multiple research on many types of perceptions. He primarily focused on newborns' visual perception (Chen, 2014).

Relationship Between Public Speaking Fears and GPA

Relationship Between Public Speaking Fears and GPA

The capacity to be emotive in front of huge crowds has become more than a plus point in today's environment; it has become a highlighted element. Social phobia, on the other hand, is common among the general population and is characterised by short-term memory loss, trembling, and embarrassment while speaking in public. The purpose of this study is to see whether there is a link between public speaking anxieties and grade point average (GPA). Students and faculty members from a reputable business school participated in the research. Students were given a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions, with inferences formed from the results. Open-ended questions on relevant dependent variables related with public speaking were asked of faculty members during interviews. The findings revealed a link between students' grades and their accessible speaking capabilities.

Causes of Drug Addiction in Women

Causes of Drug Addiction in Women with Case Studies

Since the 1970s, drug usage and, in particular, addiction, has increased rapidly. It has now evolved into a severe societal issue that is likely to persist. There is no one-button approach for controlling or eliminating it. Politicians and religious leaders, as well as governmental and private groups. Drug addicts turn to crime to supplement their income in order to obtain drugs. Because of the high number of heroin users in the nation, the situation is deteriorating.

The Psycho-Social Factors of Health Promoting Lifestyle

The Psycho-Social Factors of Health Promoting Lifestyle

Every person seeks to improve their quality of life (QoL). Individuals struggle in a range of categories and attempt to engage in health-promoting lifestyles in order to attain or optimise QoL. (Ogden, 2004). Physical activity, being lively and energetic, avoiding smoking, and eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day are all health-promoting activities. These habits have the potential to enhance/improve an individual's life for up to 14 years (Khaw, 2008). However, there are fewer individuals who consume nutritious foods and exercise on a daily basis. When it comes to university students, they go through several stages of physical, psychological, social, and sexual growth. If health-promoting practises are encouraged at this age.....

Adult Psychological Assessment Cases

Adult Psychological Assessment Cases

Y.N. was a 27-year-old lawyer who had finished his LLM and came from an upper-middle-class family. He came to the Center for Clinical Psychology with complaints of excessive stress and anxiety for his personal health, the well-being of his family, his company, and his future. Worry was accompanied by headaches, weariness, restlessness, and personal and social disruption. A clinical and diagnostic interview, mental state assessment, GADS-7, Metacognitions Questionnaire, and DSM-5 checklist were used to examine him.

Types And Causes of Intellectual Development Disorder

Types And Causes of Intellectual Development Disorder

Intellectual development problem, often known as intellectual disability (ID) and formally classified as mental retardation, is an illness characterised by a lack of mental capability in a person. These flaws may be seen in areas like logical reasoning, problem solving, intellectual thinking, common sense, designing, qualifying, and interpreting historical content. A person with ID will also suffer from partly characterised work, which might lead to a loser in meeting mental criteria that are essential for generating appropriate societal responsibility and personal independence. Intellectual development disorder (IDD), formerly known as intellectual development disorder, is a term used to describe when a person's sense of smell or mental state is impaired.

The Relationship Between Personality Types, Perfectionism, And Procrastination Among Students

The Relationship Between Personality Types, Perfectionism, And Procrastination Among Students

The study's primary goal was to look at the link between personality types, perfectionism, and procrastination among post-graduate research students. It was anticipated that among post-graduate research students, there is a link between personality types, perfectionism, and procrastination. A total of 150 students from various disciplines at the University of the Punjab, ranging in age from 22 to 26, were involved in the study. Ten Item Personality Inventory (Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003), Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R) (Slaney et al., 1996 and Slaney et al., 2001), Procrastination Scale (Lay, 1986), and a self-constructed Demographic Questionnaire were the measures used.

A Triangulation or Mixed Research Method

Nursing Research Proposal Example

A triangulation or "mixed" research approach will be employed as a methodological framework for examining the prevalence and early identification of teen suicide and self-harm in this planned study. To achieve its goal, the study should ideally be a quantitative research study that employs both primary and secondary research methodologies (triangulation). Self-harm and suicide are significant sources of public health problems in our nation's adolescents, according to Hawton, Saunders, and O'Connor (2012), with self-harm statistics being high among teenagers........

Mental Health Problems of Prison

Mental Health Problems of Prison and Jail Inmates

One of the greatest issues in civilised society is the growing number of mentally ill patients in jail due to a shortage of healthcare specialists. Thousands of individuals with mental illnesses are denied care in jail, which is a truth. Most states believe that rather than punishing criminals, they should be treated for mental problems in prison. At some point in their lives, more than half of all convicts will experience mental health issues in jail.

Alfred Kinsey: History and Contributions to Psychology

Alfred Kinsey: Biographic History and Contributions to Psychology

Alfred Kinsey was born in 1894 in Hoboken, New Jersey, to a father who worked at Stevens Institute of Technology as an engineering professor. His family was destitute for the most of his life, therefore he grew up in a low-income environment. Kinsey was confronted with a difficult option after graduating from Columbia High School, as his father demanded that he continue an engineering degree at Stevens Institute. Nonetheless, Kinsey believed engineering to be beyond his interest two years into his degree programme. As a result, he was granted a transfer to Bowdoin College in Maine, where he would study biology, especially entomology. Kinsey's decision to study entomology would later show to be crucial in his contributions to sexology (Brown & Fee, 2003). Kinsey married in 1921 and had four children with her husband. Kinsey was bisexual in terms of sexuality, and his marriage to Clara McMillen contained the understanding that they may both have sexual relationships with other people and with one other. Alfred Kinsey, an entomologist, is widely considered as the most important sex researcher in the history of sexual development instruction. He produced two important volumes on the nature and features of human sexuality. The first, published in 1948, was Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, and the second, published in 1953, was Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Kinsey was also instrumental in the establishment of Indiana University's Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.....

The Domestic Violence Cycle

What is Domestic Violence Cycle

Domestic violence is defined as any act of threatening conduct, aggression, or abuse, in any form, involving those who are or have been intimate partners, family members, or share a connection. Women, children, the elderly, physically or mentally challenged adults, and homosexual or homosexual relationship partners are the most common victims (Steiner, 1996). Domestic abuse is a widespread and societal issue that has sparked several important discussions. While many sociologists think that domestic violence is mostly done by males, some feel that women are just as aggressive in intimate relationships as males. Domestic violence against women in particular is not a new problem, and the anti-domestic-violence movement dates back at least three decades. The campaign has raised public awareness and resulted in the passage of several protective legislation. Many large networks of agencies have been established to assist domestic abuse victims.

A Behavioral Concept in Psychology

What is Attitude and Behavior Consistency in Psychology

Attitude and behaviour consistency is defined as the degree to which an individual's actions are influenced by their mental state when confronted with a certain item. Positive attitudes, for example, are thought to be associated to approach behaviours, whereas negative attitudes are thought to be associated to withdrawal behaviours. As a result, human beings' attitude and behaviour consistency may be tested by determining whether they conduct in a way that is consistent with their attitudes.

Alcohol Fetal Syndrome and Psychological Effects

One of the top three known avoidable causes of birth abnormalities, mental retardation, and neurodevelopment issues is prenatal alcohol consumption (National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 2011). According to Dasgupta (2011), foetal alcohol syndrome was first discovered in 1973 as a group of birth abnormalities resulting from prenatal alcohol consumption. FAS, or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, is a combination of physical, cognitive, and behavioural problems that develop in a baby as a result of excessive alcohol intake during pregnancy.

Misuses of Psychiatric Diagnosis by Dr. Allen Frances

Dr. Allen Frances discussed the issues raised by the most recent revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). He also expressed the genuine worries expressed by his colleagues and members of the general public. A large number of people attended his speech in the Robert Dean Institute's lecture theatre (Ici-berlin.org., 2015). Dr. Frances was concerned about the growing overuse of the psychiatry diagnosis, which puts healthy individuals at danger due to psychiatric prescription adverse effects (Frances, 2012). According to him, everyone goes through ups and downs in life, as well as anxieties, disappointments, setbacks, and tragedies. These difficulties are a natural part of life, and physicians should cease labelling them as mental disorders (Ici-berlin.org., 2015). Millions of individuals who are merely frightened are being labelled with mental diseases today, and they are being treated ineffectively. Dr. Frances traced psychiatry's roots back to the Sharmans, Hippocrates, Christianity, Galen, Priests and Gods, Arab illumination, Sydenham, Pinel, Linnaeus, Freud, Kraeplin, Spitzer, and the DSM (Frances, 2012). The unifying thread was to link deviant conduct to the need for certainty in order to better care for persons with varied issues and those who were acting inappropriately.

Action Plan to Tackle Teenage Pregnancies, Alcohol and Drug Abuse

This action plan suggests a programme to engage teens in high school academics between the ages of 13 and 16. It aspires to be a value-added programme that will include community participation in the form of information exchange. Far Rockaway is home to a diverse group of people from various origins, upbringings, and lifestyles. The majority of the residents in this region have incomes ranging from moderate to poor.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Research Paper Analysis

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that colleges and universities offer access/support services, such as American Sign Language interpreters, to ensure that deaf students have full and equal access to college's academic and social institutions. Since the law's passage in 1990, the number of colleges/universities providing access/support services has increased. At the same time, the number of deaf students enrolled in regular postsecondary institutions has risen considerably (Richardson, Marschark, Sarchet, & Sapere, 2010).

Adult Children of Alcoholics

Please accept the following as the final draught of my adult children of alcoholics study study (ACOAs). Over the previous two decades, a large quantity of data has been accumulated on this subject. According to the literature, the study is still in its early stages, and more work has to be done. During my study for this project, I came across numerous useful books on ACOAs. I complemented the content in the books using articles from journals and material from the internet. I discovered at the conclusion of the study process that I had accumulated much more data than I could possibly utilise for this project.

Adolescent Self Harm and Suicide Research Proposal

The rising number of instances of young individuals appearing in emergency rooms after purposefully injuring themselves has piqued physicians' and other healthcare professionals' attention in the subject (Storey & Hurry, 2005). There has also been a rising realisation that data on self-harming young people from tertiary healthcare institutions only reflect a small portion of the genuine prevalence of self-harm in today's youth (Storey & Hurry, 2005). Although exact figures are lacking, researchers have estimated yearly rates of purposeful self-harm among young people to be between 2.4 and 24 percent.............

Competency Screening Tests on a Minor

Balancing the expectations of the Competency Screening Test (CST) with the needs of a specific setting is often a difficult challenge for CST administrators. A CST tool is used to deliver tests to children and people who are mentally ill. The procedure is arduous since there are multiple instances of communication breakdown, which puts the procedures at risk. As a result, the administering authority should use exams or face-to-face discussion with the juvenile to demonstrate correct and higher levels of professionalism.

Adjustment of International Students Social Relationships in Australia

This paper examines QUT foreign students' social relationship experiences in Australia and highlights numerous issues that impede foreign students' capacity to build meaningful social connections while in Australia. This study was created with the use of both primary and secondary sources. The main data was gathered through a ten-question survey sent to a randomly selected group of twenty QUT foreign students, while secondary data was gathered via library holdings and other reliable sources.

Adult Therapy Case Report Example

Professor Preshaw's consultant clinic at the Newcastle dental hospital was sent to this patient by his regular dentist because of her periodontal disease. GDP attempted regular scaling and OHI, but no difference was made. After being checked at Professor Preshaw's clinic, the patient was sent to me for treatment of dental caries and moderate chronic periodontitis. She attends GDP every 6 to 12 months on a regular basis. She has been going to scale visits for 30 minutes without LA; 31 has composite root fillings.

Types of Addiction in America

Addiction was formerly described as the ingestion of chemicals that have a psychoactive impact on the person. Most individuals use these narcotics for recreational purposes, but their bodies develop reliant on them over time. Addiction is the term for a person's dependency on substances such as alcohol or cigarettes. Alcohol and other psychoactive drugs function by altering the brain's chemical equilibrium. Modern psychologists have recently broadened this term to include psychological dependence on a behaviour. Shopping, sex, the Internet, pornography, job, and physical exercise are all instances of psychological reliance. Psychological dependencies, like alcohol and other conventional addictions, should be deemed addictions since the persons affected have no control over them. Furthermore, anytime they indulge in them, they suffer emotions of guilt, humiliation, fear, and despair. Addiction is a big issue in many nations, and authorities are concerned that if nothing is done, future generations would be lost.

Adolescent Suicide in United States

In 2006, the United States had a disproportionately high rate of suicide among young people aged 15 to 24. With a 4000 mortality rate, adolescent suicide has risen to the third greatest cause of death among college-aged youths between the ages of 12 and 18. Suicide kills more teens and young adults than cancer, HIV/AIDS, birth abnormalities, and other chronic illnesses, according to hospital discharge data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In a more detailed breakdown of suicide deaths across these age groups....

Paradigms of Developing Emotional Capital Research Paper

Paradigms of Developing Emotional Capital Research Paper

Emotion is a human-created internal sensation that occurs as a result of an external experience that has an emotional tie to it. Emotions have no physical form and cannot be viewed as things. It is a sensation that may be conveyed by the one who is experiencing it, even though others may not fully get the emotion; it is more about feeling than learning. In their personal lives, people are motivated by their emotions, particularly when they are in charge of themselves rather than someone else.

What are Specific Needs in Health and Social Care

What are Specific Needs in Health and Social Care

The services of health and social care are sometimes represented as an addition to the services that are believed to be available and provided by medical practitioners. These services are also known as the services that bring together various biological, behavioural, and main views about food in order to make services accessible to all persons who needs them. These are the folks who are suffering from cerebral or corporeal disabilities, as well as a variety of other difficulties. In this work, the investigator will focus on rudimentary psychoanalysis, as well as attendance in health and social care, as well as cleanliness inside identical with a high view of disease, handicaps, and so on. There are also said to be a number of system and strategy concepts aimed at people with specific needs. (Bayat, 2015) (Bayat, 2015) (Bayat, 2015

Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development

Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development

The transition from middle childhood to adolescence is marked by significant changes in the youngsters. They change not just physically but also emotionally at this age. The adolescent transitional phase occurs between the beginning of maturity and late childhood, and it represents the beginning of the reproductive lifetime in humans. In terms of hormones, adolescence includes sexual maturity as well as physical growth, as well as a surge in the complexity of life, which is defined by group interaction and hence social conduct. During this period of development, many people develop a more grounded sense of themselves and begin to detach from their loved ones. There are several ways in which a child's childhood influences how they grow into adults. The familial environment in which a child is reared is an important one.

Child Bullying Research Paper Example

Child Bullying Research Paper Example

Bullying of children is a serious crime in many international, as well as national, developed and developing nations. Bullying is the phrase used to describe the most severe loss of self-esteem and self-efficacy. Bullying is when someone is teased in attempt to fear them and make them a loser. Bullying makes individuals feel insecure and causes emotional distress. Let's say you see your kid going home from school and see that he or she seems to be a bit troubled and worried. If he asks for more money for his school lunch, but the lunch box you provide him is already full, and even after he has taken a lot of money from you, he is still extremely slender and skinny in terms of his health. If he's behaving strange and terrified, or if he's behaving really different and perplexing. You must not ignore him since this is an indication of bullying.

Use of Technology for Autism Students

Use of Technology for Autism Students

Teachers have a difficult task when it comes to teaching kids with autism spectrum disorders. The issue emerges when instructors are unable to meet the requirements of pupils with autism using typical teaching and instruction approaches. The research is significant because it offers insight on the ways in which technology might aid in the improved education of kids with autism. One of the most successful instruments for resource rooms in classrooms is technology. Learning difficulties, such as autism, which affects writing expression, may be readily addressed with the use of technology devices if they are introduced . Teachers of special kids' classrooms are among the participants in the study.

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Research Paper

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Thesis Research Paper Example

America's culture and society have become synonymous with violence. The worldwide image of the United States is built on innumerable stories of senseless bloodshed. It includes, among other things......

Emotional Intelligence Research Article

Emotional Intelligence Research Summary

Emotional intelligence (EI) may be described as a tool that is used to assess a person's capacity to perform things and identify oneself. In an Emotional intelligence test, however, there are three outcomes from which a person might be rated. One must be self-aware, which means he or she should have knowledge of own, feelings, which may be connected to the past or experiences, from the three person talents he or she may be assessed or noted. However, one must be able to identify one or more emotions.............

Problems Faced by College and University Students

Problems Faced by College and University Students

Since the beginning of time, there has been an idea of evaluating or controlling knowledge. According to educational research, studies and grades have an impact on students' personal and professional lives. Anxiety, sleep, depression, eating disorders, perfectionism, poor self-esteem, and stress are just some of the issues that university students face. There might be a variety of causes for these issues, and the causes may range from one individual to the next. Some students feel melancholy as a result of bad marks or a lack of confidence in their academic ability............

Crisis Management Research Paper Example

Crisis Management Research Paper Example

A crisis is described as a disruption or breakdown in a person's or family's normal or usual pattern of functioning, a key turning point leading to better or worse outcomes, and a disturbance or breakdown in a person's or family's normal or usual pattern of functioning (Parad & Parad, 1990). Problem, emergency, and crisis were defined by the US Department of Health and Human Services in 1994. A issue might be stressful and difficult to address, but the family or person is usually capable of finding a solution. As a result, every situation that a person or a family can address is not a crisis. An emergency is a sudden, pressing need, such as when someone's life is in jeopardy due to an accident, a suicide attempt, or assault. It necessitates quick intervention by police police, Child Protective Services, or other specialists equipped to deal with such situations.

Human Communication Skills Research Report Analysis

Analysis of Human Communication Skills

Casual talk may be regarded as a typical discussion; nevertheless, public speaking may be characterised as a formal speech with clearly defined roles. A source may be characterised as a public speaker, while the receiver might be a member or an individual from the audience. Feedback is vital for the audience to understand why individuals are focused, for example, nodding, mumbling, and so on. If there is no public reaction or feedback, then communication may have just a minor role.

Biological Basis Of Behavior

Biological Basis of Behavior

The study of the nervous system's function is the focus of neurophysiology, a branch of physiology and neuroscience. Electrophysiological recordings, such as patch clamp, voltage clamp, extracellular single-unit recording, and recording of local field potentials, are among the most common instruments used in fundamental neurophysiological research, as are several calcium imaging, optogenetics, and molecular biology techniques.

Music Used for Therapy Research Essay

Music Used for Therapy Research Essay

The use of musical interventions in treatment is known as music therapy. To use Music therapy in his programmes, a therapist must first be authorised and finish a Music therapy programme. In other words, music therapy is the use of music to help a patient's physical and emotional well-being in a therapeutic relationship. The music therapist may assist their clients in improving their health in a variety of ways. This includes the therapist's ability to increase a patient's social skills.............

Long Distance Relationship Problems

Long Distance Relationship Problems

A long-distance relationship is a romantic connection that takes place between two people who live far away. They are separated geographically. Partners in a long-distance relationship are unable to communicate or contact each other face to face (Tseng, 2016). Long-distance relationships have a variety of problems, the most essential of which is keeping the relationship healthy.

Human Motivation Theory

Human Motivation Theory

The demands of the human mind are at the heart of motivation. When we use the term motivation, we are implying that we are in desperate need. What is the Human Motivation Theory and how did we develop the drive to please ourselves? To put it another way, we have distinct types of wants, one of which is less gratifying and the other of which is more gratifying. This is the procedure that has to do with motivation. E.g

Rousseau and Plato Views About Human Nature

Rousseau and Plato Views About Human Nature

Rousseau has always been a significant figure in philosophical history because of his contributions to political philosophy and moral psychology. as well as the impact he had on succeeding minds. His views on philosophy were occasionally pessimistic, since he saw them as self-serving.

Personal Vision and Mission Statement

Personal Vision and Mission Statement

I haven't seen my brother since I was three years old, and I'm afraid I'll be unpleasant if I meet him now. Personal Vision and Mission Statement If I meet him, I'm sure I'll hurt his feelings. However, if my family's father, mother, and siblings are pleased after learning about him, I will be pleased as well. I'll start by asking my mum why he's been missing for so long.

Wudnt Psychology Contributions

Wudnt Psychology Contributions

Through his methodological efforts, Wudnt made a significant contribution to the area of psychology. He was linked with advancements and improvements, not simply key breakthroughs, in one way or another. Wudnt's (1969) success was organisational in nature, as he worked as a vital catalyst in the field of psychology. His laboratory study, in which he meticulously controlled the circumstances for the tests......

Cohabitation and Divorce in United States

Cohabitation and Divorce in United States

Divorce rates in the United States are high. When many partnerships enter a married connection, such as cohabitation, the high likelihood of divorce is disturbing and, to some extent, improper (Family Law Review Articles, 2016). Premarital cohabitations allow couples to get experience living together before committing to each other in a formal marriage.

Factors Affecting Smartphone Purchasing Decision Research Paper

Factors Affecting Smartphone Purchasing Decision

We did the study to learn more about the factors that influence Smartphone buying decisions, as well as the psychology and behaviour of customers once they purchase a smartphone. We did the study at shopping malls in London, UK, but Smartphone businesses are benefiting more from consumers, and there are a variety of elements, including social variables, that might influence consumers' buying habits toward Smartphones.

Child Bullying Research Paper

Child Bullying Research Paper Thesis

Bullying of children is a serious crime in many international as well as national developed and developing nations. Also included is a Child Bullying Research Paper Thesis. Bullying is the phrase used to describe the most severe loss of self-esteem and self-efficacy. Bullying is when someone is teased in attempt to fear them and make them a loser. Bullying makes individuals feel insecure and causes emotional distress.....

Effectiveness of Cognition and Learning's Research Paper

Effectiveness of Cognition and Learning’s Research Paper

Cognition and learning are popular in today's society because students are provided assistance so that they may become more comfortable in the classroom and produce better outcomes. Cognition and learning are the processes of obtaining and comprehending information. However, according to the study done on class 5, cognition and learning assist kids in doing better and engaging in creative thinking. There are several advantages to having a good connection or relationships. There are positive relationships between students and instructors; as a result, students acquire confidence because they have a strong rapport with the instructor and as a result, they acquire self-confidence.

What Is Psychology

What is Psychology

What Is Psychology is a branch of behavioural science that focuses on the study of people's mental functioning and how they interact with others (Gleitman, 2011). Psychology may be defined as the study of the mind and behaviour in its most basic form. Psychologists are psychologists who study the physiological and biological elements.........

Philosophy Of Life

Philosophy of Life

Life is something we spend or pass by by adhering to some of the laws and laws that govern our way of life. Life is aPhilosophy Of Life race in which everyone has to go farther in order to keep the other people far behind them, but the most essential thing is that it must be spent in such a manner that it will benefit you for the rest of your life. The most significant aspect is that it not only keeps our working lives lively, but it also leads to the invention of things that may make our lives more exciting and meaningful.

Depression Patient Psychological Assessment

Depression Patient Psychological Assessment Case Session Report

S.S., the patient, was 33 years old, married, had completed high school, and was the youngest of six siblings. She presented to the hospital's Psychiatry Department with symptoms of low mood, crying bouts, outbursts of wrath, impatience, muscular tension, and a loss of interest in everyday routine tasks, as well as disrupted sleep. For Psychological Assessment and Management, she was assigned to a trainee Clinical Psychologist.

Evidence Based Practices in Special Education Articles Analysis

Evidence Based Practices in Special Education Articles Analysis

Bryan G. Cook and Sara Cothren Cook's paper focused on the evidence-based practises (EBPs) that were employed as institutional strategies in special education, however the study found that there were gaps to close in order to enhance student results. There was a clear grasp of the schools that implemented the technique and saw the effects; such methods were encouraged and effective in assisting instructors or special educators.

Gender Discrimination at Workplace in USA

Gender Discrimination at Workplace in USA

Sex discrimination has a detrimental impact on work terms and conditions in the United States and throughout the globe. Gender Discrimination in the Workplace in the United States When an employer treats an employee or candidate unfairly because of their gender preferences, this is known as unlawful sex discrimination. Employees or candidates are treated differently depending on sex stereotyping.........

Impact of Emoji or Emoticons on Students and Teachers Research Paper

Impact of Emoji or Emoticons on Students and Teachers

The study focuses on emoticons, or emojis, which are also known as image characters; nevertheless, instructors and students will be studied to determine the influence as well as the qualities or hidden repercussions of emoticons. Emojis are widely utilised in text-based communication, and these emojis are used to communicate sentiments to others. It is feared that text-based communication might exacerbate the issue; nevertheless, it may also make it more difficult for speakers to successfully communicate their views.

Psychological Disorders

Psychological Disorders Classification

Mental illnesses are categorised in medical terms based on the mix of symptoms that patients Psychological Disorders Classification present with. However, the American Psychiatric Association has devised a new categorization that recognises some of the key categories while also adding other psychiatric diseases to the existing categorization. 2008 (Vattano) The categories are based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, or DSMI, with the most recent edition being DSM-V. Anxiety disorders are the first category of psychological illnesses we'll look at. Anxiety disorders are disorders marked by excessive and abnormal dread, concern, and anxiety. Anxiety disorder symptoms vary depending on the kind of anxiety disorder, but they may include feelings of panic, fear, and unease, sleep difficulties.........

Childhood and Adolescent Observation and Theories

Childhood and Adolescent Observation and Theories

While conducting the surveys, we relied on child development theories, andChildhood and Adolescent Observation and Theories, but we had to go to schools, daycare facilities, and other places where children were watched via various games. Children and their development may be significant aspects of educating them; children are not similar in terms of physical characteristics, emotional, social, cognitive, and developmental patterns, and even identical twins are not similar. Parents and teachers must react to their children based on their actions in the surroundings. There is a need to guide the youngsters, and information may be imparted to them depending on their age groups. However, in order to promote healthy brain development, theories must be considered so that they might aid in the understanding of the child's surroundings and interactions.

Operant Conditioning in Psychology

Operant Conditioning in Psychology

B. F. Skinner was a psychologist from the United States. He was a behaviourist who researched behaviour from several viewpoints, developing the idea of operant training behaviour and the consequences associated to human or animal rewarding or punishments. As a result, he employs a scientific approach to psychology. He did, however, become the chairwoman of Indiana University's psychology department in 1945. He begins teaching at Harvard in 1948 and continues until his death. He published a number of works on human behaviour.

Impact of Divorce on Children

Impact of Divorce on Children

Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court, and it may be defined as the separation of two persons. Divorce has a negative impact on children. However, divorce is always traumatic, particularly for those who have children. As there are disputes in the parent's life, the children are also subjected to the trials of life. Divorce may disrupt parent-child relationships, affecting the child's happiness and health.

Mental Health

Is Mental Health Real or It is in Our Heads

People's mental health has an impact on how they think, behave, and feel. An individual's mental health includes their psychological, social, and emotional well-being (Corrigan, 2004). Mental health may be used to determine how a person reacts to stress, suffering, decision-making, and interpersonal relationships. An individual's behaviour, emotion, and thinking are all affected by mental health issues. Mental illness is a genuine thing. It is not something that resides just in our thoughts, since it is simple to determine a person's mental health by monitoring their emotions and behaviour.

Child Abuse

Child Abuse and Substance Abuse

The consequences of child maltreatment are catastrophic. Child maltreatment has an impact on a child's development, rendering them vulnerable to drug misuse and violence as adults. When children are subjected to different types of abuse, their physical, cognitive, psychological, and behavioural development is harmed (Cohen, Frederick and Judianne, 2011). Rape, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and witnessing are all prevalent kinds of child abuse.

How Poverty Affects Behavior and Academic Performance

How Poverty Affects Behavior and Academic Performance

The disparities in behaviour and academic achievement among children are explained by a variety of hypotheses. The most popular of these arguments, however, supports the idea that behaviour and academic achievement are influenced by a combination of heredity and environment. According to proponents of this hypothesis, heredity initiates the process and accounts for around thirty to fifty percent of behavioural development, with the environment accounting for the remaining fifty to seventy percent. These assumptions, however, are rather deceptive. Other variables, such as prenatal care, toxicity exposure, and stress, may have a substantial impact on a growing kid.

The Effects of Grades To Students

The Effects of Grades on Students

Teachers and educators are generally given instructions in the present educational system to utilise grades to evaluate pupils. The grading system in education is a specialised method that is used to assess a student's educational performance and is solely based on points. The objective of assigning grades to students is to give feedback on their success and development, to be utilised for different administrative reasons, and to give recommendations to the student for their future education. Grades help in judgments on student retention and enrollment, as well as placement when students move from one institution to another, for the regulatory goal.

The Impact of Sleep on Learning Process

The Impact of Sleep on Learning Process

Memory function is influenced by a good night's sleep. It encourages optimum learning. Memory, Sleep, and How Sleep Affects the Learning Process Learning and cognition are two processes that are intertwined. Many individuals have a misunderstanding about their connection. A number of research have shown that the amount and quality of sleep has an impact on memory and learning. In two ways, the quality and amount of sleep play a crucial role in memory and learning.

Changing In Childhood

Changing In Childhood

Childhood and adolescence are the most abysmal phases of human development. They are social constructions that vary over time and differ significantly amongst social and ethnic groupings within a culture. Childhood and adolescence have evolved through time and will continue to evolve. Childhood and adolescence have been seen as phases of human growth rather than permanent states. However, there is a lack of interest in changes in childhood and youth, which may be explained in terms of socioeconomic circumstances.

Impact Of Social Media on Teenagers

Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

Teens' access to and sharing of knowledge has been altered by social media. With the growing number of social media platforms, many teenagers find it entertaining to sign up for numerous social media platforms. Teenagers benefit from social media in a variety of ways. Teens may use social media to communicate with their friends........

16 Personality Traits

Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, were the inventors of the personality test. They started developing the indicator during World War II, assuming that understanding personality preferences would aid women joining the industrial industry for the first time in identifying the kind of wartime professions in which they would be "most comfortable and successful." The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was originally published in 1962, based on the original questionnaire. The MBTI is a personality test that focuses on normal people and highlights the importance of naturally occurring variances. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychometric instrument that assesses people's psychological preferences in terms of how they see the world and make choices. These preferences were derived from Carl Gustav Jung's typological beliefs...................

Impact of Student Teacher Relationship on Academic Performance of Students

Impact of Student Teacher Relationship on Academic Performance of Students

The purpose of this study was to see what effect or affect the student-teacher connection had on students' academic achievement. A large body of literature and a research paper imply that if instructors take the time to create connections with their pupils, they may drive them to study. According to further studies, instructors must have a strong conviction in the importance of developing connections in the motivating process.

Psychological Assessment And Management Example

Psychological Assessment And Management Example

The client said that her issues began three years ago, when she moved to the city with her father at the age of 18 after her mother died in 2014. She went on to say that when she was six years old, her father divorced her mother and married her workplace colleague, then moved to another city, leaving her mother with her grandparents. After her mother died when she was 18 years old, he returned and took her with him. In 2014, they relocated to the city. She struggled to fit in with her family and her new college in the city. She yearned for her mother.

Formal And Informal Psychological Assessment Example

Formal And Informal Psychological Assessment Example

The client was referred to the trainee psychologist because he was experiencing loneliness, sadness, and a sense of despair. The client had been dealing with these issues for the last five years, after the loss of his wife in a car accident, in which he was rendered crippled and unable to walk; he had been living in an elderly house since May 2015. The client said that his issues began when his wife died. In January 2011, she died in a vehicle accident, and he was wounded, losing his leg and becoming crippled as a result of the event. After his body was severely harmed in the accident, he was left alone after the loss of his wife. In Lahore, he lived with his lone kid.


Counseling Case Report

With complaints of melancholy, rage, sleep issues, bad academics, and low self-esteem, the client was removed from PSRD. Eight months beforehand, the client was struck by a motorcycle while crossing the street. The client's hand was entirely destroyed when he was transported to the hospital, and physicians had to amputate it. He was released from the hospital after two weeks, and his wounds were healed after three months, although he sometimes had phantom limb discomfort in the place where the limb had been amputated. The client returned to school after three and a half months since he had healed, but his hand was amputated, which caused him anguish. The client was depressed after losing his hand since it had a negative impact on his body image. When his classmates made fun of his amputee hand, the client felt ashamed. The customer was enraged as to why he had been involved in this mishap. The customer was furious that he couldn't do his assignment on his own.

psychological assessment example

Psychological Assessment Example

Since 2016, the client has been residing at his Aunt's house. His mother abandoned him at her sister-in-house law's because she couldn't afford to support her children. His father was a gambler and a gambling addict. His father used to abuse the mother of one of his clients. He was jobless and, like many addicts, stole items. Client's grandfathers supported him financially and sent him to a foreign nation for work, where he was caught and imprisoned for four years for stealing. When he returned to Pakistan, he began gambling, drinking, and abusing his client's mother. The client's trouble began when he was nine years old and was an orphan. He was anxious and sobbing at first since he had to see his mother. He used to cry a lot and have rage tantrums. He was depressed and used to think about his mother.

Smartphone Addiction Among Students

Smartphone Addiction Among Students

First and foremost, I thank Allah Almighty, the Most Gracious and Compassionate, for His unending blessings, which give me with hope, bravery, and patience to achieve my life's goals. During my investigation, I met a number of people without whom the study would have been impossible to accomplish. I owe a debt of gratitude to my family and friends for their direction, encouragement, and friendship during the course of my study endeavour. First and foremost, I'd want to express my appreciation to my research supervisor, Institute of Applied Psychology, for his constant mentoring.

Factors Affecting Motivation of Students

Factors Affecting Motivation of Students

Factors affecting student motivation argues that motivation is the drive to keep learning and to achieve the best. A normal student's ambition is to continue advancing and rising up to the greatest levels of school and to reach the top levels of academia. Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) declare that the motive of the term is derived from the Latin word mover meaning 'to move.' Motivation is defined as "those psychological processes that provide the excitement, direction and endurance of voluntary acts aimed toward the goal."

Leisure Activates and Their Link with Emotional State of Adolescence

Leisure Activates and Their Link with Emotional State of Adolescence

I bow my head to Allah the Almighty, who gave me his infinite blessings, led me on the road of achievement and gave me confidence to face issues and hurdles which enabled me to do this study. I would like to thank my supervisor for his assistance and guidance in this real sense at all stages of the completion of this research. I would like to thank the Director of the Institute of Applied Psychology; without her idea and support, this study would not have been feasible. I want to thank the distinguished writers who allowed me permission for my study to use their scales. I am also grateful to the participant who participated in this research and offered me their valuable time and knowledge. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my parents, who have supported me tirelessly and have always hoped to achieve my objective.

Coping Strategies in The Women With Infertility and Miscarriages

Coping Strategies in The Women With Infertility and Miscarriages

Allah Almighty Glory, I give my humblest gratitude to Allah, the Beneficiary, the Merciful, Who has rewarded me with enormous bravery and strength in carrying out my work. In addition to my efforts, the success of the project relies to a significant extent on many others' support, prayers and recommendations. I take this occasion to convey my thanks to the folks who have helped to complete this task successfully. Above all, there are my loving parents and my younger sister who have helped me to complete the degree and the research work with a bunch of prayers, spiritual support and encouragement during the two years.

Styles of Humor and Happiness in Marital Relationship

Styles of Humor and Happiness in Marital Relationship

The purpose of this research was to look at the influence of affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour styles on marital satisfaction. Purposive sampling was used to choose the sample, which comprised 50 married males and 50 married women (N=100). In the Pakistani cultural setting, the Humor Style Questionnaire HQS (Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, and Weir, 2003) was used to evaluate various forms of humour and a scale was designed to measure marital satisfaction.

Counseling in Medical Setting

Counseling in Medical Settings

A new way of thinking about health and sickness has emerged as a result of advances in psychological, medicinal, and physiological research. This is mirrored in the bio psychosocial paradigm, which sees health and sickness as the result of a complex interaction of biology (e.g. genetic predisposition), behavioural (e.g. lifestyle, stress, and health attitudes), and social variables (e.g. cultural influences, family relationships and social support). This way of thinking about health and sickness offers a lot of scientific and practical advantages.

Elderly People Counseling

Elderly People Counseling

The ongoing rise of the senior population in society has put a renewed emphasis on providing older persons with adequate mental health treatment, as explained by Elderly People Counseling or old age counselling. The ageing of the baby boomers, along with studies suggesting that psychotherapy is beneficial with an older population, emphasises the need for individuals who are knowledgeable in counselling the elderly. Historically, providing therapy treatments to an older adult population was not considered a possibility, since age and developmental status were regarded to be important factors of psychological suitability.

Physically Disabled Counseling

Physically Disabled Counseling

Physically Disabled Counseling addresses how Disability is frequently seen as a negative experience by those without impairments and society as something undesirable. Such views are not often shared by persons with disabilities and their families (Dunn & Brody, 2008; Wright, 1991); yet, for those who do not understand disability, the negative elements of having and living with a disability continue to be a prominent focus and feature (Smart, 2009). Stuntzner and colleagues set out to assist counsellors enhance their awareness, expertise, and comfort level while dealing with the different needs of people with disabilities.

Love of Learning, Perseverance and Academic Stress in Young Students

Love of Learning, Perseverance and Academic Stress in Young Students

One of the most common sources of stress is academic pressure. Taking several tests, writing various texts, and completing various tasks is one example of academic strain. In a nutshell, academic assessment is a way of determining what a person has learned. Students in college experience a variety of stresses, including professional obligations, academic deadlines, tests, papers, and projects. budgeting money life style conduct friendship intimate connection financial and education loan (seaward, 2006).

The Effect Of Parental Involvement In The Academic Achievement Of Their Children

The Effect of Parental Involvement in The Academic Achievement of Their Children

The purpose of this study is to see how parental participation affects their children's academic progress. The study was carried out in a Pakistani metropolis. A total of 150 kids (boys and girls) from 1 to 5 private school classes were surveyed. A survey questionnaire was utilised to obtain information. Following the study of the data, it was shown that parental participation had a significant impact on their children's academic success. The current study found that parental participation improved their children's academic performance.

The Emotional Strengths and Posttraumatic Growth Among Families of Addicts

The Emotional Strengths and Posttraumatic Growth Among Families of Addicts

The purpose of this research was to look at the link between emotional qualities (love, spirituality, compassion, hope, and forgiveness) and posttraumatic development in addicts' families. In previous research, there has been evidence of the impact of posttraumatic development and emotional strengths among families. As a result, it was postulated that emotional qualities were associated to posttraumatic development in a favourable way. We also looked at how traumatic issues might lead to an increase in posttraumatic development. A total of 100 people were recruited from various addiction treatment programmes, families, and government hospital addiction departments.

Emotional Intelligence and Pro social Self-Regulation in University Students

Emotional Intelligence and Pro social Self-Regulation in University Students

I would want to express my thanks to my Director and supervisor, Professor Dr., for approving my study idea and for always being helpful to students. She was constantly attentive to my work and provided me with excellent guidance. I'd also want to thank Ms. for her excellent and motivating supervision, which has given me the motivation and direction I needed to accomplish my research assignment. I'm at a loss for words to convey my thanks for her guidance. I'd want to express my gratitude to my family.........

Empathy, Emotional-Behavioral Problems and Cyber Bullying Among Young Adults

Empathy, Emotional-Behavioral Problems and Cyber Bullying Among Young Adults

Almighty Allah's gracious blessings directed me to a successful success and gave me the fortitude to face the challenges and barriers that enabled me to complete my study effort. My sincere appreciation goes to my high supervisor, whose direction, support, and assistance were with me like a fire fly in the stormy night, and I was able to finish the phases of the study in the genuine meaning. I owe my gratitude to my co-supervisor, whose vast expertise, when shared, lead me to the hidden secrets of consistent study success. I'd want to express my gratitude to the authors for allowing me to utilise their tools in my research project.

Gender Differences In Awareness Of Physical Developments Of Adolescents

Gender Differences in Awareness of Physical Developments of Adolescents

I owe everything to Allah Almighty, the Creator of Life, Death, the Universe, Mountains, Oceans, Trees, Lands, Seven Skies, Stars, Moon, Eden, Hades, and the Most Merciful Merciful and Gracious. I give my civic homage to Allah Almighty's loving Last Prophet, Hazarat Muhhamd (PBUH), for whom everything in this earth was created. I am overjoyed to be the blossom and pupil of Hazarat Muhammad, the great Prophet (PBUH).

Emotional Suppression and Psychological Adjustment in Breast Cancer Patients

Emotional Suppression and Psychological Adjustment in Breast Cancer Patients

The association between emotional repression and psychological adjustment in breast cancer patients was investigated in this research. There is a link between emotional repression and psychological adjustment in breast cancer patients, according to one theory. Furthermore, psychological adjustment and its domains are likely to be predicted by emotional suppression and its domains. A sample of 100 breast cancer patients aged 25 and above (M= 45.76 and S.D= 10.50) was collected...........

The Relationship Between Trust, Possessiveness and Marital Relationship

The Relationship Between Trust, Possessiveness and Marital Relationship

I thank Allah Almighty for assisting and allowing me to finish my thesis. Without the help and direction of numerous individuals, my thesis would not have been feasible. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to my parents, who have supported me in every part of my life, particularly my father, who has given me the bravery and confidence to achieve my goals. I can't accomplish anything without his help and, especially, without his prayers. Without them, I would not have been able to accomplish all of my life's goals.

The Relationship Between Perceived Social Stigma and Psychological Distress in Mothers having a Child with Intellectual Disability

The Relationship Between Perceived Social Stigma and Psychological Distress in Mothers having a Child with Intellectual Disability

The goal of this study was to see whether there was a link between perceived social stigma and psychological distress in moms of children with intellectual disabilities. A correlation study design was utilised to recruit an 80-person sample, with (n=40) educated moms recruited via purposive sampling and (n=40) uneducated mothers recruited via purposive sampling. The sample was gathered from several special children's institutes in Lahore. We utilised the Affiliate Stigma Scale (Mack, 2008) and the Psychological Distress Scale (Kessler, 2002).

The Role of The Parental Expectations and Academic Stress on Academic Achievement in High School Students

The Role of The Parental Expectations and Academic Stress on Academic Achievement in High School Students

The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of parental expectations and academic stress on high school kids' academic progress. It was expected that parental expectations, academic stress, and academic success in high school pupils would have a positive association; gender differences in research variables were also suggested. A purposive sample of 200 students was recruited from two public and two private sector schools and colleges in Lahore, including 100 students in 10th grade (sciences and computer sciences) and 100 students in 12th grade......................

The Relationship Between Attachment Orientation, Perceived Parental Support or Social Adjustment in Adolescents of Working Parents

The goal of this study is to see whether there's a link between attachment style, parental support, and social adjustment in teenagers with working parents. It was hypothesised that: attachment orientation, perceived parental support, and social adjustment have a positive relationship; attachment orientation predicts social adjustment in adolescents; and gender differences in attachment orientation, perceived parental support, and social adjustment exist.

The Correlation Between Personality Traits, Conflict Resolution Styles and Relationship Quality Among Married Couples

I am thankful to Almighty Allah for providing me with the strength and courage to conduct this study. I owe my supervisor, Dr., a great debt of gratitude for guiding me through the process and shaping my thoughts into effective production. Her excitement, encouragement, great curiosity, inventiveness, motivating attitude, and patience in coaching me and making useful ideas have all contributed to my successful research effort.

The Relationship Between Empathy, Self-Efficacy and Pro-social Behavior in College Students

The Relationship Between Empathy, Self-Efficacy and Pro-social Behavior in College Students

I am overjoyed and grateful to Allah Almighty (the God of All Creatures and the Universe) for allowing me to complete my thesis, which has been a difficult effort for me. Without the assistance of my loved ones, I may not have been able to fulfil this huge responsibility. In this respect, I am thankful to the whole institute personnel, particularly the computer lab incharge, library incharge, and testing lab incharge, for their invaluable assistance in completing this research project.

Relationship between coping strategies and health-related quality of life especially in young asthma patients

Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Health-Related Quality of Life Especially in Young Asthma Patients

In those who suffer from depression, there is a link between coping mechanisms and the health-related component of quality of life. The link between coping methods and health-related quality of life, particularly among young asthma patients with chronic diseases (Martz & Livneh, 2007). The present research investigates the relationship between coping methods and health-related quality of life in chronic illness patients. A chronic sickness is a condition that lasts for an extended period of time in the sufferers' lives (Taylor, 2006).The present study focuses on individuals with asthma, which is a chronic condition, and examines the coping techniques that patients employ to adjust to the daily changes brought on by the condition.

Gaming and It's Helpful Effects for People with a Stroke

Gaming and It’s Helpful Effects for People with a Stroke

A stroke is defined as a brain assault, according to the “stroke association in the United Kingdom” (2012). It is a gaming and its beneficial effects for those who have had a strokecardiovascular illness that happens when blood supply to a region of the brain is cut off. (The American Stroke Association, 2012) A stroke is a life-threatening medical illness that is one of the top causes of long-term impairment in our seniors and people in general. (2010, Alankus) According to Professor Johan De Sutter et al. (2016), Belgium has around 1,144 cardiologists to combat or care for patients suffering from cardiovascular disorders such as stroke.

Effects of Video Games on children

Effects of Video Games on Children

The article Effects of Video Games on Children explores this topic. Will parents have to suffer the consequences of video gaming indefinitely? Or will video games' positive impacts continue to motivate young guys while their bad consequences continue to harm their everyday performance? Virtually every American child enjoys video games and is captivated in the imagination, thrill, motives, and rhythm. Video game sales have risen dramatically over the years and are expected to continue to rise internationally. Children can't seem to get enough of playing games. Games are the most effective method for children to unwind, have fun, pass the time, and keep themselves occupied. Video games are one of the most popular pastimes among youngsters all over the globe. Young boys, in particular, like games like Nitendo, Sony Play Stations, or computer-based games.

Predictors of Persistence in High School Children

Predictors of Persistence in High School Children

All praise is due to Allah Almighty. I express my deepest gratitude to Allah Almighty, the Beneficent and Merciful, for bestowing upon me enormous bravery and strength to perform this duty and assisting me at every stage of the process, from subject selection through thesis completion. I would not have made it thus far without His assistance. I'm grateful and obliged to my respected supervisor, who was always there for me with irreplaceable kind conduct, supervision, support, and solution of my every issue, from the choosing of the subject to the completion of the full thesis. It was because to her advice and assistance that I was able to build an understanding and complete the research work from the beginning to the end.

role of psychology in education

Role of Psychology in Education

Many projects and techniques have been developed at various schools throughout the years. These efforts were well-aligned school technical plans focused at improving a comprehensive school, and they were completely in line with the vision and stated goals and objectives of these school district strategic plans. Many of these institutions' administrators advocated for reorganising specialised curricula and accompanying services in order to better support all students in regular classes. This kind of programme may be created to represent the school's overall vision in real concepts and practises. These values and practises are aimed at transforming the school for the better.

Charles Darwin Psychology

There were men and women who had an effect on the field of psychology throughout this period of early psychology, and their contributions were notable. I choose Charles Darwin from the extensive list of these persons provided on sparknotes.com because of his important views in evolutionary psychology and how mankind evolved today.

Anthropology on Race and Racism

With regard to race and racism, which pervade every corner of the globe today, variety in human culture is a contentious subject today. They are striving to address concerns like why racism still persists in the United States today, even though it has been for many years. According to research, polls, and studies, racism is on the rise on a daily basis, resulting in a high level of prejudice in America. And, astonishingly, many native residents do not believe racism is a problem. According to Sean Last (2015), a well-known SWPL YouTuber, John Green just published a video titled Racism in the United States: by the Numbers. This movie demonstrated that many white individuals in America do not feel that racism is a serious or unique issue in the nation today, according to a recent study.

Cricket Mental Toughness Inventory (CMTI)

Cricket Mental Toughness Inventory (CMTI)

Mental focus and attention are required to guide one's thoughts in sports. In the same way that a batsman perfects his reverse sweep or a bowler perfects his slower ball, a cricketer's mental approach may be developed in the nets. This, however, takes time, and even cricket teams are still trying to figure out how to tackle the psychological element of the game. Even the most skilled athletes might fall short on the field if their psychological approach does not match their physical ability (Stow, 2013). The fitness revolution occurred in the 1990s, the sport science and analysis decade occurred in the 2000s, and the next leading edge will be mental health (Lenac, 2012). Cricket is a physical and psychological sport that is performed in over 104 countries across the world. Emotional equilibrium, intensity, and confidence are all ensured by mental flexibility (Gill, 2000). A batsman may bat for more than three hours to get a hundred runs, although he is only batting for 8-10 seconds every ball. In cricket, the area under batsmen's helmets, bowlers' hair bands, and fielders' hats must be the focal point (Katie, 2011). The topic of mental toughness has lately gotten a lot of attention from sport psychology researchers who are trying to figure out how psychological aspects might influence athletic achievement. According to the growing body of literature, mental toughness is a multi-dimensional psychological construct with cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components that is linked to sports performance (Jones, Hanton, & Connaughton, 2007). Mental toughness refers to a set of characteristics that include an unusually high level of resolve, a refusal to be intimidated, the ability to stay focused in high-pressure situations, the ability to maintain an optimal level of arousal throughout a competition, an unwavering desire to compete even when injured, an unyielding attitude when beaten, and a willingness to take risks when rivals show a willingness to take risks.

Concept, Theories and Process of Socialization

Concept, Theories and Process of Socialization

Socialization is a process of human development that involves an individual's growth and development in a unique way. Socialization is the process of integrating a person into society. It is a process of education that prepares a person to function in society.

Anomie and Modes of Adaptation in Criminality

Anomie and Modes of Adaptation in Criminality

The essay by Robert K. Merton is based on a sociological theory that is related to criminology and also describes a condition of conduct that is out of the ordinary, commonly known as deviance. He introduced key ideas such as unintended consequences, role strain, and reference group, which might be interpreted as the phrases self-fulfilling prophecy and role model, according to the article. Merton (Merton, 1936) Merton's viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that this specific conduct is a product of social structural circumstances. Furthermore, the tension between culturally established aims and social culture must be overcome.

The Foundations and Components of Psychoanalysis

The Foundations and Components of Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud coined the word psychoanalysis; he developed, invented, and implemented it over a fifty-year period, and his participation in the major portion of the theoretical formulation cannot be overlooked. Psychoanalysis is based on the unconscious mind's effect on human behaviour. Freud's theory may be classified into three types: one that deals with the treatment of sickness, another that investigates how the mind works, and a third that focuses on behavioural or psychological research. (“Encyclopedia of the Year, 2015”) This notion arose from Freud's findings that hysterical patients' physical symptoms tended to go away as the obvious lost material became aware.

Gestalt Psychology

Gestalt Psychology And Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Organization

Gestalt psychology is a school of thinking based on the belief that all situations and things may be perceived in their most basic forms. It's also known as the "Law of Simplicity" or the "Unified Whole." It is a theory based on the idea that the total of any thing or scene is more important than its individual pieces, which was developed by a German psychologist named Max Wertheimer. Gestalt psychology is a unique perspective on human perception. Gestalt psychologists think that the world is not seen, but rather that we skillfully interpret what we see, based on what we desire to perceive. Gestalt psychology encourages people to think about patterns rather than just looking at objects.

Attention and Consciousness – Unlearning Through Hypnosis

Attention and Consciousness – Unlearning Through Hypnosis

Dr. Amir Raz is a brain researcher who discovered the knowledge of how individuals may unlearn behaviour via hypnosis as a result of his curiosity. According to a study of his experiment and study, hypnosis may be achieved by learnt actions. With regard to smoking habit, Dr. Raz's study may be expanded by using scientific methods. A evidence based on the application of hypnosis to a real-life circumstance is also included. Unlearning Through Hypnosis on Attention and Consciousness Hypnosis has been around for a long time, with roots in medicine and entertainment, and it's getting a lot of positive press from neuroscientists.

Power of Optimism

Power of Optimism

My 15-year-old cousin's life changed on January 23, 2015. He'd been experiencing problems at school with his classmates and instructors, and he'd been labelled a "slow learner." Why? He struggles to understand basic mathematics and math, and he keeps pushing harder than his colleagues to get remarkable things done efficiently and efficiently. That day, however, altered his life since his instructor taught him the importance of positive thinking, attitudes, and a better way of accomplishing things that he lacked. He shifted his thinking and attitudes, and he began to strive for achievement.

Non-Experimental Research Methods in Psychology

Non-Experimental Research Methods in Psychology

There are two types of open source software: open source and closed source. People may share their whole thoughts and a lot of facts using open source, for example, tell me what you think about boxing. While closed sources provide quantitative data that is considerably simpler to examine, the responses received are simple, consisting of yes or no replies. Do you appreciate boxing, for example, and do you agree with boxing? Structured interviews include unchanging and set questions, but semi-structured interviews include questions that adjust to the responses of respondents and so become easy, but may be misleading at times.

Academic Dishonesty Case Study Solution

Effect of Stress on Academic Performance of Students

Several studies have demonstrated that stress from health and social activities has a favourable impact on pupils' academic performance. Many studies have been conducted on this issue, either on a gender basis or at various educational levels, to determine the impact on student academic performance. We aim to see how much stress on a gender basis impacts the academic performance of Master's students at the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences within this study framework.

Impact of Social Networking Sites on academic performance of students

Impact of Social Networking Sites on Academic Performance of Students

We therefore certify that all of the work given in the project report titled "Impact of Social Networking Sites on Academic Performance of Students"

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