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Factors Affecting Motivation of Students


Factors Affecting Motivation of Students explains that Motivation is the desire to continue learning and achieving the best. It is the need to continue conqueringFactors Affecting Motivation of Students the unknown and the little known. A typical student’s desire is to keep progressing and ascending to the highest educational horizons and climbing to the highest rungs of the academic ladder. Kreitner and Kinicki (2010), state that the word motivation derives from the Latin word mover which means ‘to move’. They define motivation as “those psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed”. Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) link motivation to needs. They define needs as ‘physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior’. They argue that needs can be ‘strong or weak’ and that they are influenced by environmental factors. Accordingly, unmet needs motivate students to satisfy them. The suggestion by Epstein (1994) and Schultheiss (2001) as reported by Pintrich (2003) that ‘individuals do not need to know what they want in order for motives and needs to influence them’ is totally unfounded. In order to succeed in a research methodology module, students need to know the benefits that derive from the module. The need to know the importance of research skills after graduation, the benefits that accrue from the masterly of such skills and the salaries and fringe benefits paid to researchers not to mention the prestige and fame attached to quality research motivate students into investing much more time studying research. The need for achieving something tangible is a catalyst of motivation. In his definition of motivation, Pintrich (2003) agrees with Kreitner and Kinick (2010). He emphasizes the role and impact of ‘self-regulating’ in shaping behavior. The higher the quality of self-regulating behavior, the higher the chances of a student performing better in a research module. Motivation as a key instrument to success needs to be well understood. Though some contemporary researchers such as McInerney and Liem (2008)argue that ‘grades’ are the ‘principal’ drivers of motivation among students in America, there is apparently no practical research that has been conducted to investigate the role played by disciplines such as andragogy, peer collaborative learning and blended learning in motivating university students. Success is driven by motivation. Well-grounded research is important in unpacking the myth surrounding motivation. Crowning and Campbell (2009) seem to be suggesting that gender, attitudes, possessing an external locus of control and culture play a significant role in students ‘motivation.

Motivation amongst students is a dynamic subject. It seems that peer led activities that enhance learning play a crucial role in motivation though it has not been fully investigated. Cassidy (2006) mentions that a program of assessment which incorporates an element of peer assessment is beneficial to learning. He argues that students work harder with the knowledge that they will be assessed by their peers. Peers according to Deutsch (2002) can tremendously play a significant influence towards the attitudes and behaviors of the target peers. But he concedes that there is a dearth of sound research on peer education as a motivator and as a catalyst of behavior change. The relationship between students’ motivation and their academic success in a research methodology module will be the focus of this study.

Learning is a continuous process. Students register for courses at different universities and colleges some solely for academic purposes to see them walk through to success. The academic journey students walk is sometimes precarious. It is full of hurdles and obstructions. This academic journey is like a zigzagged road full of ups, downs, challenges and hardships; these impediments are not new, they are traditional to the academic world. To some, it involves sometimes falling down and picking up the pieces and moving again. The slippery and sometimes rough path the students take there is an invisible urge that keeps propelling the inner concern to keep the fighting alive. Motivation is a reward to those students who have conquered the inner anxiety.

It is a key to success in research and other studies. Motivation contributes significantly to ethical practices in the academic world. Motivation precedes success. Where motivation is a norm, success is the culture. Plagiarism rampant amongst students is itself a symptom of a diseased ethical and moral fabric of students’ academic life, its presence, is a deficiency of motivation and an obstacle to success in research. Though no significant research has been done to pervasively prove the correlation between motivation, plagiarism and success, there is strong anecdotal evidence that ties poor quality motivation to academic cheating. The onset of the dotcom bubble has only added insult to injury. Though the internet is supposedly to be used as the robust driver of research and innovation and therefore uphold motivation high amongst research students, this is not the case. Gulli, Kohler and Patriquin (2007) report that its advent has ‘accelerated the trend’ of cheating and consequently lowering success rates. Low quantity motivation plays a significant role in the ‘cut and paste’ culture prevalent amongst some research students. Motivational science should delve deeper into the phenomenon of student motivation. It should interrogate all the proven and unproven, implicit and explicit theories related to the subject. Theories such as self-efficacy and expectancy-value theory are vital in the investigation of motivation as a social cognitive construct, (Vansteenkiste et al 2009).

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Clara December 1, 2020 - 12:42 pm

Who is the author?

Clara December 1, 2020 - 12:43 pm

I mean, what is the name?

ajjieh mae comiso December 6, 2020 - 6:07 pm

can i please know who is the author please

John Melfried June 17, 2021 - 10:07 pm

What is the name of the author? May I know please.


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