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What is Thesis Paper

What is Thesis Paper – Introduction

When it comes to the thesis, you must have gone through different articles, research, and books. It is the long essay that contains the different arguments based on the previous research. Thesis paper is the purely academic document that is used to determine the grades of the final project of the students. The thesis is written by the students who are in their final semesters, and it is the requirement of mostly bachelor degree. The thesis is prepared with the help of a supervisor and this all is done based on the research.

The thesis is not the simple Essay but it is detailed Essay supported by the evidence, research, analysis, and theories. Research there is not any concept of free writing but there are certain format and rules which must be followed in order to make it valid. It is the combination of almost four to five chapters that answer the research questions and accept or reject the hypothesis. It finds the results based on the research. We can simply state thesis as the academic document that must be submitted to the university on the completion of a bachelor degree. Researchers can write the Thesis on any topic related to their fields but while selecting the topic they must find the gap before finalizing it. When a gap is found that can be filled by researching on the selected topic and finding the updated results.

Purpose of Thesis

The major purpose of writing a thesis is learning. Many students think that it is the requirement of a degree but in actual it is given to the students so that they can apply the concepts of different theories which they have learned and they can research the findings of other authors to get the understating of problems and its solutions.

The primary purpose of the thesis writing is only creating the understanding and the secondary purpose of the thesis is degree requirement and completing the credit hours as per requirements of universities and high authorities. Apart from these two reasons many researchers write the thesis and publish it later for the sake of learning and understanding. Some of them are not students but they only work on the thesis to get the idea about it and later make the research paper.

What to do Before Writing a Thesis Paper

It is very much important that what topic you select for the thesis. Many students do mistake when selecting a topic, they do not carry out any research before selecting the topic and waste their time in the early days when the thesis starts. When it comes to the deadline they choose the topic that seems easy in hurry. But later when they do the actual research on the topic they select, they find it very much difficult and challenging. Therefore it is recommended that select the topic as soon as possible but carry some research and get the full idea of the topic and identify the key areas that topic covers.

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It is a great way to select multiple topics of your interest and consult with your supervisor before submitting the topic with his experience he can guide you for the topic and help you in finalizing the topic of your thesis. If you are not new to thesis you must be familiar with the chapter on data collection and you must know that it is the key chapter that is the foundation of data. Therefore make sure the appropriate data is available at your convenience to collect before finalizing the topic of the thesis. Data collection is a time taking process and it is also very much essential many times it has been observed that students select the topic and start working on it when the time of submission comes near they stuck on the data collection and face the difficulties to obtain the correct data. Working on the data earlier is preferable and makes your process smooth.

What is Thesis Paper

Format of Thesis Paper

Every writes up has its own style and proper format that must be followed in order to make it standardize and easy for the readers. Similarly, the thesis has its format and essential chapters that must be given that validated the thesis and make it acceptable by the professor.

There are almost four to five chapters in every thesis lets discuss one by one;

  1. Introduction

This chapter is the starting point of any thesis, in this, the researcher introduces their topics, its background, problem statement, the aim of the research, research questions that need to be answered by finding the previous papers and analyzing the data and at the end justification is given that justifies the thesis.

  1. Literature Review

This chapter is mostly named as LR and it is the second chapter of Thesis, in this the researcher review and read the previously published articles by the other famous authors. It contains the finding of other authors and talks about the already available findings. To write the literature review researcher has to read the different articles, books, magazines, valid resources including online libraries etc. This chapter also contains the theoretical and conceptual framework for the thesis. In the theoretical framework researcher has to describe the theories that must be related to the selected topic and talk about the findings of authors and in the conceptual framework, the sketches are made which conceptualize the dependant and independent variables of the thesis.

  1. Methodology

In this the students have to define the data collection methods, hypothesis, sample size, data collection techniques, it is also important to mention whether research is qualitative or quantitative. This chapter is all about the mythology and also discuss the data analysis methods that how it will be done and what software packages will be used for it.

  1. Data Analysis

This chapter contains the brief results, facts, and figures that are mostly shown by the charts, tables, graphs and other visual things. Only the results are discussed in a concise manner that talks about the findings.

  1. Findings and Discussions

This is the detailed chapter and talks about the findings and results that were mentioned in chapter four that is data analysis. This chapter interprets the data and makes it easy to read for everyone and it is written in detail so that a common man also can understand the data and its interpretation.

  1. Conclusion

Most of the times conclusion and discussion are combined in the same chapter but some universities require the different chapter on each topic. This chapter concludes the thesis and mentions the gaps that still can be filled in the future by other researchers.

Different countries may change the format of the thesis paper as per their policies and universities may also require the additional chapters. It is recommended to visit the official website of the university or consult your supervisor for the appropriate format and required chapters.

Most of the times the font size is used 12 and the font design is always selected Times New Roman for the academic writing. Margins should also be given to the pages and spacing should be set according to the policy. Mostly thesis covers pages up to 20 pages but this number can vary depending upon the requirement of the university and as per the topic.

Plagiarism Policy

What is Plagiarism. When it comes to Thesis writing, consider writing it yourself, copying the work of others directly is academic misconduct and it is not tolerated at all in university in the world. Therefore it is the responsibility of the students who write a thesis that refer to the author from where you have taken the ideas and cite the name of author properly and give him or her the credit of their work. The thesis should be original and new work. It must reflect your research findings and argue about the new and updated results. Read this article on Best Plagiarism Software for Students and Teachers

Adding References

Adding references to the thesis is an essential part. Without references, the thesis is not valid and acceptable. References make your thesis claims strong and your university accept it. References make it valid and these support the thesis. If any argument is done without the support of references that can be void or ignored because of less credibility. If you argue and provide the scholar references it makes your argument acceptable and valid.

Tips for Writing the Thesis

As we discussed Thesis is an academic document backed by the previous research and references. Therefore it should not be vague but clear and concise. When you write a thesis to make it clear and state its outcomes in a manner so that the reader can easily understand that what your findings are on the particular topic and how you have found these.

The thesis can lead to a job because many companies ask for thesis while hiring the fresh graduates. Therefore selecting a thesis topic and working on thesis can lead to a better career. It is recommended to select the topics in which you are expert and you will get the higher degree in the same area.

See also: How To Write Thesis Outline With Example

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