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Impact of Employee Turnover in Small and Medium Construction Firms

Abstract:Impact of Employee Turnover in Small and Medium Construction Firms

The issue of employee turnover has raised quite a number of concerns in the construction industries as a result of its effect on productivity. It is a known fact that employees are  important  stakeholders  in  the  firm,  but  unfortunately after limited resources have been used in recruiting, training and developing the employees, they leave for other organizations. Employee’s turnover has drained limited resources of small and medium sized construction firms as the services of the lost employees are no longer available to be utilized by the firm. Hence, this research is aimed at assessing the impact of employee’s turnover rate in small and medium construction firms in Nigeria. The study adopts a literature review approach to review existing journals in related field so as to arrive at recent findings. However, many of the researches done in this area emphasized on big firms with complex operating structures and strong research and development background. Not much research has examined this concept in the  perspective of small and  medium sized construction firms. The findings from this study will add to existing body of knowledge in the domain of managing employees in small and medium sized construction firms, thereby increasing job performance and productivity in the sector.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Firms; Employee Turnover; Human Resource Management; Service Organizations; Construction Firms; Nigeria


The uniqueness of the construction industry especially in its approach towards the management of its human resources in a very dynamic and complex working environment has been acclaimed by several authors [46, 22,62]. They argued further that this maybe  because developing the abilities of human resources and retaining them over a period of time in an organization is turning to be a great challenge for construction industries in the small and medium sized firms (SMFs). This requires sound and competitive human resource management such as training and development to be carried out by business organizations. This also is to ensure the growth of personnel and systematically reaping benefits from skilled and well trained personnel to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the construction industries [44].

Also Study: Impact of Employee Retention on Performance of a Company

Employee  turnover  is  the  rate  at  which employee‟s leave a company and have to be replaced by new or existing staff. Bilau [14] opine that the construction industry is an important sector which plays a great role in the country  through the  creation  of employment, contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country and provision of infrastructures such as highways, residential and commercial centers.

See Also: Factors Affecting Employee Performance

George & Jones [33] posit that in the construction industry, job  satisfaction is very crucial  when studying human behaviors and attitude. They added that job satisfaction is the  collection  of  feelings  and  belief  that people have about their current job. They are of the opinion that if job satisfaction studies are properly planned and administered, a number of significant benefits will be produced [44, 4]. Therefore, there is need to assess the rate of employees turnover in the construction firms and its effect on job performance. The issue of employee turnover has raised quite a number of concerns in the construction industries as a result of its effect on productivity. Beardwell [16] and Long et al. [45]  are  among few authors who argued that employees of a company are important stakeholders in the firm. They regretted that after limited resources have been used in recruiting, training and developing the employees, majority of them leave the organization for other organizations. It  was put forward that employee‟s turnover has drained limited resources of small and medium sized construction firms (SMCFs) as the services of the lost employees are no longer available to be utilized by the firm [14, 6, 39]. If the demands of employee‟s are properly addressed, turnover rate is not likely to rise. Risen level of employee‟s turnover implies that employees are not satisfied with their current job [2, 64]. In view of this, it is necessary to study existing documents to understand the impact, causes and nature of employee turnover in the construction industry to reach an appropriate  conclusion. Earlier studies have  established that human resource management is a serious challenge within SMCFs in Nigeria thereby leading to employee turnover which in turn impact on productivity.

The preceding section of this research shall focus on important themes such as follows; the perceptions on employee turnover and types of turnover, job satisfaction, job performance, the construction industry, definitions of small and medium enterprises, factors that cause job turnover and so on. The section that ends this study shall be a comprehensive conclusion that highlights evidence of findings and brief recommendation for policy direction.

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