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Effective Team Building

Building a Productive TeamEffective team building

I’ve got past experience in a team where we carried out different tasks which were productive and successful. I was opportune to perform a task where I employed different ways in carrying out tasks.

Listening: I take my time to listen to my team mate, I always wanted to hear their views, opinion and ideologies. I also observed a simple conversation with them on related issues changed their perspectives.

Recognizing every team mates’ hard work: When I was made the team leader, I ensured I knew everyone’s name, knew a few things about their background and got to always acknowledge them and showed interest in their lives.

Show respect: Respecting my team members earned me respect too. I built trusts and challenged my teammates to have respect for one another and I also valued everyone.

Honesty and Humility: Honesty is a weapon that builds trust and helps one to prepare for any foe that lies ahead. Pride kills a team, I took into consideration some use of words that could sound boastful and ensured I was humble as much as I could and I tried to maintain trust too.

Individual Accountability and Personal Accountability

Individual Accountability implies that all individuals share responsibility regarding their collective output, and for their accomplishment in achieving their objectives. Since teamwork is organized at the collective level as opposed to on a per-person basis, its outcomes are the whole of every member’s effort.

Personal Accountability is taking responsibilities, giving up certain behaviors that aren’t suitable to group success, beliefs and attitudes. It also involves willingness to claim total ownership for the outputs or results provided as a consequence of one’s involvement, both individually as well as collectively with other team members.

Some Theories related to Problem-Solving Techniques in Groups or Teams

Posing the Problem: This theory explains coming to a consensus over a specified topic or tasks is important to improve the team approach to problem solving. There are benefits in using this theory and also benefit in making a better decision.

Generating Multiple Perspectives: Engaging different perspectives will help decision making in a team, team members will interact as experts and they will develop skills to represent the perspective in proffering solutions to problems.

Making Informed Decisions: An evidence of informed decision making will enhance cooperation among team members through cooperative arguments and a constructive solutions to problems.

Short Descriptive Experience

I worked with a group of people where we carried out some analysis on the wide use of a certain drug. One of the problems we encountered was the fact that many of us were so informed about what to do, but we were not carrying ourselves along.

Everyone was carrying out their observations and researches individually. I suggested a solution that we had to meet to analyze this problem and solve it in consensus and we agreed and we started meeting on a regular basis, there was readiness amongst team member because everyone was allowed to share their individual perspective and a fragment of their opinions were considered with cooperative argument till the project was successful.

Work Cited:
  • 6 Keys to Building a Productive Team | The Business Report of North Central Florida. (2012, December 18). Retrieved August 20, 2015, from https://gainesvillebizreport.com/6-keys-to-building-a-productive-team/
  • The Collaborative Research Model: Student Learning Teams in Undergraduate Research. (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2015, from https://tep.uoregon.edu/showcase/crmodel/strategies/basic_group_theory.html
  • (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2015, from https://www.training.oa.mo.gov/solutionsarchive/solutionssum04pg4-5.pdf
  • (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2015, from https://www.compuhigh.com/demo/work_exp/Solutionsspg3-4.pdf
  • Problem-solving and decision-making. (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2015, from https://www.businessballs.com/problemsolving.htm

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