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Singapore Airline Marketing Strategies

Singapore Airline Plan for Change

The Singapore Airline, which is serving the customers from years and focused on bringing theSingapore Airline Marketing Strategies changes with the passage of time, however, the company has maximum customers in the market because new strategies and implemented timely and the company has the understanding of the world-class customers. Moreover, Singapore Airline is serving the customers so that they could enjoy the flight; they focused on the delivery of services. Singapore Airline in 2004 gets the 16th award of being best on all flights. The company was given high services in the market by maintaining the competitive advantages.

Other Airline companies like Singapore Airline, can plan the effective strategies in order to increase the reputation and revenues in the market, Singapore Airline has focused on the three pillars that proved to be effective in the market, three pillars were, and strategy of superior’s in-flight service, outstanding ground service and the most modern fleet. These three strategies’ proved effective thus; airline could maintain the standards through having continuity in the best services, so that customer could be attracted.

Other than this, Airline could also focus on the policy of steady organic growth because it provides a long-term vision and company could grow, thus, strong corporate culture is also important in order to make employees able to focus on the customer’s services. The concept of Singapore Girl proved to be effective for the airline because customers prefer the service in which they enjoy. By hiring unique people and providing them with continuous training can provide benefits to the airlines who want to stay competitive in the market. Singapore Airline provide the training to the employee and focused on the leadership development, based on the reasons of effective strategies the company had the value in all over the world because there are effort to maintain and meet the future desired goals, therefore, best customer services can grasp or motivate the maximum customers from the market.

Facilitation with Stakeholders to Communicate Plan and Intentions:

To get the benefits from the market, the companies’ first need to value and maintain the facilities for the stakeholders, in this order, there is the need to communicate with the stakeholders so that they can provide the good level of satisfaction, thus their quality performance could be improved. Consequently, the employees need to given facilities prior to anyone because they can establish the impression in the customers. In the case of, Singapore Airline the company recognized the value of the stakeholders and thus able to provide the desired services.

Stakeholders need can be at certain levels, as in the Airline companies, there is the need to deal with the staff recognition and rewards so the employees could be given the rewards on the good performance, in this way, their performance could be improved if they come to know that they are evaluated. Thus, another important aspect of maintaining and considering the stakeholder’s communication about the plan can be supported through focus or monitoring customers satisfaction, the Airline staff could ask about the service, so that the professional services.

There could also be the demanding customers, so responding to customers can be a challenge for the company so there is the need to focus on approaches 1 and 2 can be helpful, as stakeholder need to given safety or protection and they need to be involved in decision-making, so that there could be encouragement (Husted & Allen, 2010).

  • Husted, B. W., & Allen, D. B. (2010). Corporate Social Strategy: Stakeholder Engagement and Competitive Advantage. Cambridge University Press.

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