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Saudi Arabia Country Cultural Analysis Articles Summaries

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Saudi Arabia Country Cultural Analysis Articles Summaries

Outsourcing Destination Choices: The role of economic and cultural attributes

The article talks about the stereotyping of the country that affects the outsourcing decision of the managers. The stereotyping that is discussed is the perception of the cost along with the technology that the supplier of the host country offers. In this article, it is discussed that the economic attributes as well as cultural attributes of supplier of the host country affect the choices of selection. In this article, different scenarios are used to gather informative data for research. In this article, the researcher used the attitudes of offshore outsourcing from south-to-north and south-to-south trade directions. The researcher in this article told about the Saudi Arabia, as a country that has homogeneous managerial people along with the cultural attributes. Every country has its own culture, religion and attributes that play important role in shaping the norms. In this article, the researcher used the signaling theory to discuss the supplier and buyer relationship containing possible risk factor and the way to reduce them. This paper is important for the marketing point of view that is how developing countries can compete with other countries in the market.

Males’ Attitudes Towards Working Females in Saudi Arabia

In this article the researcher talks about the culture differences that the Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries have. In Saudi Arabia has different culture than the other Western countries. People living in Saudi Arabia perceive the situation differently than those of other westerns countries especially from the women job point of view. The researcher, in this article talks about the culture and religious factor that is people in this country have to sticky follow the Islam and cultural values. The number of working women in this country is very low as compared to western countries. In this article the main focus of the researcher is to find out the males attitudes towards the working women. In this article, the demographic variables like marital status, education level and employment status regarding working females is discussed. The researcher find out that male Saudi has traditional attitudes towards the working female especially males that are unemployed and are young. On the other hand male who are educated, has less traditional attitudes towards the working females if are compared to the married educated males. The author conclude that in Asian country the implementation of the ERP system is an issue for example social and cultural issues.

Do Cultural Dimensions Differentiate ERP Acceptance? A study in the context of Saudi Arabia

In this article, the researcher talks about the ERP that is enterprise resource planning as the essential part of the company or organization. With the help of ERP, the organization becomes able to manage their business and resources in order to be successful in the market. In this article, the main purpose of the researcher is to find out the effect of the culture and norms of the country on the individual for the acceptance of enterprise resource planning system. the researcher  in this article, talks about the direct and indirect impact of the supportive cultural values that differ among ERP stakeholders. This study is helpful form the ERP system implementation point of view.  As the implementation of the IT system is important, the implementation of the ERP is also important from the business point of view. For the research, various companies working in the Saudi Arabia participated. The article contains the moderating affect of the ERP users, education level of the people and the size of the organization.

Eighty Years of Urban Growth and Socioeconomic Trends in Dammam

In this article, the author talks about and wants to examine the socio-economic trends of Dammam, Saudi Arabia along with the urban growth. In the article, the author wants to find out the present and future challenges of the socio-economic trends and urban growth. In this article, the author discussed the different stages from which the Dammam passes to get urban growth. The researcher discussed the history of the Dammam, the discovery of oil and initial stage of the Saudi Arabia when it was discovered. Then he discussed about the second stage of the Dammam, and the third stage that is the emerging stage. At the last, he discussed about the fourth stage that is maturity stage or at present stage. The author found out that the Dammam is the city that grew rapidly with the time. However, the author in the article discussed that the regulations and legislation needs to be taken regarding the marine life and to improve the ecosystem in Dammam. This can be done by educating people with the help of programs.

Online Socializing: How does it affect the information seeking behavior and the educational preferences in Saudi Arabia?

In this article, the author discussed about the major issue that the country, Saudi Arabia face while adopting information technology. Moreover, the researcher discussed that he finds it difficult to reach for interview, face-to-face female participants because of the culture the country have and the perception of the local society.  The author discussed that the people living in the Saudi Arabia are now starting to use the online media to search information and to get education by reading books and other information for the education purpose. Mostly Saudis or the education point of view prefers traditional way of getting education. Male persons in the Saudi Arabia are more conserve than the female. Females react positively to get blended education. The author explained that the new system of getting education will improve the learning of the people also will improve the traditional way of education but it will not eliminate the concept of the traditional education system.

Principles of Employment Relations in Islam: a normative view

In this article, the researcher discussed about the employment relation in the Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. The author discussed that the Islam, does not provide deep information regarding the employment relation. Common emphasis can be determined regarding conduct of employer, the conduct of the employee and the concept of social justice in the ideology. The traditional way of doing job and business is common on the Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. The researcher discussed about the Islamic country that Islam give value to the work because with the help of work, a person can exhibit and express about himself/herself that contributes to the society. The article talks about the ethical way of doing the job especially in the Islamic Countries like Saudi Arabia. Islam defines the principle of employment, importance of the work, opportunity, social welfare and rights of the employees. In this article, the author also discussed the implications of the research regarding trade union etc.

Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Online Services in Saudi Arabia

In this article, it is found that there are many factors, which are influencing the services of internet, there is Privacy and Compatibility in the adoption of internet, the internet service is the relative advantage so it had a notable affect. People and young people are using internet because they feel that they are safe, nobody can harm them, in the culture of Saudi Arabia, and the usage of internet is increasing day-by-day, the people are getting advanced. The services of internet are not very expensive; people can easily afford the cost, this is also one of the reasons. The government of Saudi Arabia is supportive in this case, as it wants people is country to grow and move towards the development, so no restriction is there. Women in Saudi Arabia, are playing significant role in adapting the usage of internet, technology is like to be adopted in their culture or country.

Saudi Females on Facebook: An Ethnographic Study

In the article, mainly women of Saudi Arabia are dominant in the website “Facebook”, there are three main reasons that why women are popular, the women like to friendship, and they want to keep relationships with their older friends, as they want to do fun. Second, they like to share their feeling with the friend and public by expressing through status, they want people to stay concerned with them. They share their thoughts, on Facebook, and the third reason they love to have fun, however, they are very much concerned about the privacy they do not want hackers, to hack their accounts or photos. Facebook is a secure website; one can safely use this website. In Saudi Arabia, there are discussion about politics, fashion and other social aspects. Facebook has made the women and young generation of Saudi Arabia, more confident, which resulted in the neglecting towards study and families.

The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics on Work Outcomes

In this article, there are discussions about the Islamic work ethics, that in Saudi Arabia there are different and protective laws for the employees, the government is very much concerned about the right of their employees; benefits are given to the employees. The study also examine about the job satisfaction in Saudi Arabia, that if the employees are satisfied or not, their commitment is significant or not, there are Islamic work ethics, which tells about the importance of employees commitment towards their organization. The result shows that people of Saudi Arabia are committed and sincere towards their organization because they are protected under Islamic laws. The mangers need to support their worker so they can work more hard, the culture of Saudia Arabia, is very good and favorable for the employees, the applications of organization are based on the Islamic morality and values.

Critiquing of Higher Education Policy in Saudi Arabia: towards a neo liberalism

Neoliberalism “relies on the society of individuals”, these are the people, who are motivated towards, the global market, and Saudi Arabia has the vision of co-universities, they want their women to study and get knowledge about business world, its means the culture of Saudi Arabia is also changing with the changing world. They are training their students and teachers for the advancement, they are moving towards the power of technology, they are changing their nation through technology, they have the assessment of education of the American-Styles, they want to grow with the modern world, and government is investing for the students and technology. They understand the term of business in the growing world; they are educating their businesspersons in this way, to achieve the development. They are more focused about the learners, and giving training to their students so they can walk with world and nation feel proud of them.

Attitude of Academic Ambulatory Nurses toward Patient Safety Culture in Saudi Arabia

It is concluded that the in the enhancement of the safety culture  in academic care set up will satisfied the betterment of the patient safety and security. Evaluation in the field of nursing and in workplace safety culture is the initial step in identifying the hindrance that the nurses have to face in providing the safety to the patients care. Nurse management plays a vital role in the development of the safety measures. It has great challenged for the Saudi state because there are lacks and weaknesses in the promoting the education, awareness and in the expansion of the technology. Saudi Arabian government and administration is using the strategies and techniques in the development of the nursing workforce and the environment of the nursing community. It will bring positive change in the country. It would be helpful for the stability and solidarity of the country. The government and administration of the country is needed to take solid steps of the safety measures for the people of the country.

Arabs, the West and Public Relations: A critical/cultural study of Arab cultural values

In this article, the culture of Saudi Arabia is focused on the power, identity and culture. The government and people of Arab want themselves dominant around the world, they are focused on their beliefs and culture, and they are educating their new generation about their language and culture. They give preference to their culture, and want development through public relations initiatives. In their country they are focused about the language and skills they have, they are also focused about culture-economic model; they want their nation to fully understand about the economics for the development and prosperity of nation. Their cultural-economic have the model frame of cultural language and the Arab society affectively deal with the public relationship, in the Arab world. They are focused more on the public relationships, because they know the importance of their culture. Their perspective is to elevate the importance, of their culture towards public relation theory development.

  • Kandari, A. A., & Gaither, T. K. (2011). Arabs, the west and public relations: A critical/cultural study of Arab cultural values. Public Relations Review , 37, 266-273.
  •  Zakari, N. M. (2011). Attitude of Academic Ambulatory Nurses toward Patient Safety Culture in Saudi Arabia. 8 (3), 230-237.
  • Elyas, T., & Picard, M. (2013). Critiquing of higher education policy in Saudi Arabia: towards a new neoliberalism. 6 (1), 31-41.
  • Rokhman, W. (2010). The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics on Work Outcomes. 15 (1), 21-27.
  • Saggaf, Y. A. (2011). Saudi Females on Facebook: An Ethnographic Study. 9 (1), 1-19.
  • Syed, J., & Ali, A. J. (2010). Principles of employment relations in Islam: a normative view. Employee Relations , 454-469.
  • Xanthidis, D., Alali, A. S., & Koutzampasopoulou, O. (2016). Online socializing: How does it affect the information seeking behavior and the educational preferences in Saudi Arabia? Computers in Human Behavior , 425-434.
  • Alhowaish, A. K. (n.d.). Eighty years of urban growth and socioeconomic trends in Dammam. Habitat International , 90-98.
  • Alhirz, H., & Sajeev, A. (2015)). Do cultural dimensions differentiate ERP acceptance? A study in the context of Saudi Arabia. Information Technology & People , 163-194.
  • Elamin, A. M., & Omair, K. (2010). Males’ attitudes towards working females in Saudi Arabia. Personnel Review , 746-766.
  • Livanis, G., Robertson, C. J., Al-Shuaibi, K. M., & Hussain, K. (2016). Outsourcing destination choices:the role of economic and cultural attributes. International Marketing Review , 1.

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