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Right to Vote at 16 Pros and Cons


There is need to recognize the importance of casting a vote, right to caste vote is an important aspect, which shouldRight to Vote at 16 Pros and Cons be disused, everybody in the nation or country, should have the same right, there is a need to allow the right to vote to the 16 years old. Government need to identify the importance of teenagers, they should also given the rights, support should be given to the 16 year age, voting age should be lower to 16. The young vote caster in the age of 16 and 17, will caste the meaningful vote. A research shows that, government has discussed a lot on it that the young teenagers should be allowed to caste vote or not, however, there are political issues. The right to caste vote if given to the 16 and 17 years of teenager, then they will be empowered and their knowledge will be increases, they can better take the decision, and the habit to cast votes will be developed in them in their formative years. Moreover, the teenagers in 16 years are not mature enough to decide what is good for them; they might follow their parents or the one who influence them that the vote should be given to this person.

Arguments For:

There are many advantages for the society and for the 16 and 17 teenagers, if they are allowed to caste the vote, first that voting right at 16 years old will have significance effect in our culture, the young citizen will be motivated and they will support the government that their government is accommodating and encouraging them.  When they know, they are going to caste the vote they will feel responsibility at their part, and they will pay the tax. It is also the matter of equality and fairness, when they know they are getting equal rights as others, they will not miss the chance to caste the vote (Fairvote, 2016).

The positive impact on the families will take place, when there are 16 and 17 years old at the home or households are involved in the civic life, this can turnout their parents and others, of all ages to caste the vote, the early teenagers will influence the family members and people around them. The young voter can also access that who is right person for them; it can establish the long-life habit, it van make them sound decision-makers, they needed to be involved with the civic and social matters so their quality participation should be a part of democracy.

Teaching and giving opportunities at the early ages can make them capable enough, to respect their politics, they will take part in the news, they will stay updated with everyday changing in the politics, and they will evolved with the political matters from the 16 and 17 years. Before leaving the school, they will be well aware of polices and society that what needed to be improved or changed. They will be involved with the politics for the later life, the parents and government need to engaged them in voting, the voters will be increased in this way, and right person for the state will be selected by the nation, 16 is the better age to begin with the vote. When youth will participate, it will generate the much gain from the 16 years of age. It will generate the positive impacts and can capable the voters to decide what is good for them, at the early ages (Vote16sf, 2015).

Arguments against:

According to the World health organization, the mental capacity of the teenagers are not fully developed, they just do, what they are guided to do. They brain of 16 and 17 years of age are not fully mature, there is a need of guidance to them. In the case of vote, they should not allow to give the vote due to some reasons. They can wait for two years, after the age of 18 they will be given the right, they may be deprived by the group of people, or someone may influence them to give the vote to this or that party. Anybody can target this age group easily by offering them some things they desired off, they could easily influenced, as they are not fully matured (Berry & Kippin, 2014).

The two years of life from the 16 to 18, can make them capable to understand the government, and the civic parties, children of this age group are lazy. They can learn about the government and after this, they will be mature to cast a vote, according to the choice, the children at 16 years are not much competent or capable to take decisions, they are emotional and live in a fantasy world. They want to change the world; they want to see everything, according to what they desired, they can smart in taking decisions but not as fully grown adult, like they will be in 18. At the age of 16, they are pressurized by the peer, they even do not pay attention to the households matters, they are not aware of the taxes and property, so how they could decide the political parties and the benefits.


The children of 16 years of age are not mature enough as they can deprive, people and political parties can take advantage of this age group, they are not capable enough to take the decisions, and they cannot choose what is good and bad for them. However, the early teenage voters can participate with the parents in choosing the best leader, if they are given right to cast votes, then they will feel responsibility at their part, and may be try to increase their knowledge regarding political matters, voting right can make them active and involved them in civic life.

  • Berry, Richard and Sean Kippin. “Should the UK lower the voting age to 16?” (2014): 1-36.
  • Fairvote. Lower the Voting Age. 2016. 2 May 2016 <https://www.fairvote.org/lower_the_voting_age#why_should_we_lower_the_voting_age_to_16>.
  • Vote16sf. 7 reasons why 16 and 17 year olds should vote. Nov 2015. 2 May 2016 <https://vote16sf.wordpress.com/>.

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