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Organizational Goals by Organization Strategy

Organization Structure In Understanding Of The Business

In the matrix structure of the company, there are the relationships or matrix rather than in the,Organizational Goals by Organization Strategy traditional hierarchy. There may be two bosses; it has the aspects of functional and divisional structure, in the case of employees, they are focused on the function and product, the focus is on individual product, there is the need of IT support, operation support or customers service support, however, the matrix structure is complex and focused on both functions and products. The employees in matrix may report the functional or divisional manager, it enables the organization to use it own resources, managers can take full advantages, to use the team. It provides the work opportunities. Weakness could be due to multiple bosses, which result in confusions, slow down the decision-making and reduce the work quality (Abel, 2016).

Divisional Structure

The Divisional structure is simple to manage, within the organization, it give a clearer, line of control. There is separate division of products, and company sells the product demographically. Division structure is used for the sales of new company or products, as the decisions make, are quick and according to the need of time. There is efficient use of resources and easier to manage in a group. Labor cost is lower and workload can be balanced according to the demand, it encourages the independent decisions making, competition boost and team-sprit develops. The weakness could be, company focused could be restricted to only one product or service. May be less sharing of resources or different customer segments or groups could be evolved.

Organization Structure

The organization structure could be helpful in understanding of the business, it give vision to drive strategies, after understanding the organization structure, the strategies could be designed that are very useful for the future of organization, and that can strengthen the business in the market. The company also come to know that how could it survive in the competitive market, the study is very useful from all aspects of business activity, as it focused on the organizational development, which are related to the strategic success. The effective implementation of the effective strategies can take the organization towards success. The tactics are required for effective tasks or for the formation of the strategies. Organization need motivation, continuous monitoring, for the goal attainment, the leaders need to evaluate them-selves and the employees as well.

Organization need to focus on it structure and employees, the designed strategies must be according to the culture of the organization, as employees are the important asset for any organization there is need to provide them culture, which can towards growth, training and retaining of employees is necessary in the case. Team builds and career planning, is important to focus, the employees should know about the company mission, so they work hard to achieve the organizational goals.

In real life, the process of creating the organizational structure, could be very helpful for any organization, from the structure, we learn that there is need to understand the relations, the group activities should be encouraged, the determination of the authority is important and coordination is important in various units (Pumamom, 2012).

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  • Abel, M. (2016). What Is the Difference Between Matrix and Divisional Structures? Retrieved April 20, 2016, from https://www.ehow.com/info_8642411_difference-between-matrix-divisional-structures.html
  • Pumamom. (2012, Sep 12). Why is organizational structure an important issue for international companies? Retrieved April 20, 2016, from https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/why-organizational-structure-an-important-issue-359107

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