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Boy Scouts of America Crime Prevention Program Example

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a crime prevention strategy that complements the efforts of communities and neighborhoods in the fight against crimes. Particular emphasis is placed on the youth, families and the entire communities. This integrated approach ensures that the program effectively involves all parties in the fight against crime by offering material and psychological help. The goals of the program are wide and varied and as indicated, they focus on the child, parent and the community at large. To begin with, the program seeks to enhance communication between parents and their children by inculcating vital self protection skills in the curriculum employed in education. In addition, it seeks to enhance collaboration of all factions of the community in the fight against crime. This is all inclusive and involves particular efforts undertaken by the state, national and local organizations as well as individuals. Essentially, all individuals in a particular community are encouraged to participate actively in the program in order to attain optimal output. The ultimate goal is to reduce the level of crime at all levels by use of sustainable approaches.

The program particularly targets the youth and then extends the efforts to the families and then the entire community. The youth are taught about various factors that make the susceptible to crime and how to avoid engaging in criminal activities. Aspects of drugs and alcohol, sex, and personal security and protection are taught to the youth. Further, they are encouraged to involve themselves in community initiatives that are geared towards crime prevention ad to educate their peers about the measures employed in preventing crime. The program also appreciates the fact that parents and families play an important role in supporting the youth. It is for this reason that the program is extended to the family level where parents are taught on how to support their children in avoiding crime. In general, a viable environment for free information flow is encouraged during such programs. Emphasis is equally placed on discussion of positive aspects of crime prevention at the family level and not always the problems and negative aspects.

Boy Scouts of America Crime Prevention Program Example

The program is administered by the National Crime Prevention Council in liaison with the local law enforcement agencies and other local efforts that are initiated by nonprofit oriented organizations and religious institutions and groups. Every project at each level is placed under the guidance of the law enforcement officer. It has borne significant positive effects and can be considered to be successful in attainment of its goals and objectives. Relative reports show that in six months since its initiation; almost half of the local councils in America organized and held crime prevention events. In this, an estimated 292,950 youths participated actively and enrolled for the BSA program. Statistical evidence indicates that a significant 92% of the local councils across the nation have approved their participation in the program the coming year. In addition to the funding provided by the federal government, these councils have sourced for extra funding from local law enforcement agencies and foundations. Trends show that they maintain positive relations with other local organizations from which they derive mutual benefits. This is a clear indication that so far, the program has been successful in its operations and initiatives.

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