Bios meaning life and Logy means to study. Life science is the major discipline of natural science which involves the study of Living organisms involving their chemical interactions, physical structures, molecular processes, physiological mechanisms, growth and reproduction, evolution, and their interactions with all living things around the universe. The father of biological science is Aristotle.
Biology was primarily the ancient subject, a subdiscipline of medicine. Physicians were the contributors to the foundation of modern biology. It includes four major subdivisions.
Zoology (the study of animals), Botany (the study of plants), Microbiology (the study of microorganisms), and human biology (the study of human beings).
Now, modern biology has been divided into numerous sub-categories for the ease of study including virology (the study of viruses), marine biology (the study of marine life), Biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, environmental biology, sociobiology, genetics, molecular biology, medicine, kinesiology, toxicology, neuroscience, psychology, biotechnology, and a never-ending list continues. Theoretical and quantum biology are conjugating subjects.
Biological studies have an important impact on human development up to the present era. It is not only limited to health and living things but it is also involved in major consuming products. Whether it is the field of cosmetics or be it manufacturing, biology has its roots in every aspect of living. Human life could not have evolved to such an extent that we are now searching for life outside the planet. Isn’t it amazing? All with the study of BIOLOGY.
But studying it is not enough. As Plato said, curiosity has its own reason for existence. It is the curiosity that drives a man to SEARCH and RESEARCH. Wondering contributes to many new horizons yet to be discovered. Academics aim to allow our brains to wander beyond the horizons and that is why a research article is a must to submit to complete your studies.
Having issues while choosing a biology research paper topic? We have some topics that will help you in choosing yours.
Zoology Research Paper Topics
- Artificial sweeteners can kill gut bacteria.
- Statics between Animal brain sizes and their intelligence
- Characteristics of fungi associated with rotten fruits
- The beneficial role of bacteria in the roots strengthening among plants.
- The beneficial role of bacteria in the roots strengthening among plants.
- Role of liquid connective tissue in non-vertebrates.
- Intercellular communications and its effects on growth.
- Dopamine modulation in parasites.
- Role of microbes as Fertilizers.
- Plastic eaters the magic microbes.
Botany Research Paper Topics
- How plants can resist a disease?
- Comparison of conservative and aquaponic plant growths
- Production of Starch from Cassava
- Microbial Spoilage of food disorders and their effects on plant growth.
- Medical potentials of bitter-leaf.
- Best laboratory technique for phylum staining.
- Role of Chinese herbal medicine in miscarriages.
- Effects of Kava extract for the treatment of Anxiety.
- Plants play a pivotal role in the field of renewable energy.
- Toxic proteins in plants and their effects.
Microbiology Research Paper Topics
- Why is beef powder used in culture media?
- Effects of Zinc on Ciprofloxacin resistance
- Do all animals need a microbiome?
- Corona Viruses and their systemic invasions.
- Mucus interaction with prokaryotes.
- Is fermentation food innovation?
- Detection of enzymes produced by Fungi and Bacteria
- Effectiveness of biospeckle technique
- Association of microbial Biofilms and immunity.
- What are the virulence factors of E.Coli?
Biochemistry Topic Examples
- Effects of processing methods on
- Properties and effectiveness of active sweet components in artificial sweeteners.
- Analysis of Alpha-proteins among hepatitis patients.
- Determination of Prion Proteins (PRP) and changes in fertility hormones with sleep deprivation.
- Saturated fats and their association with obesity.
- Determination of biochemical properties among diabetic and pregnant patients.
- Analysis of chemical properties of Aspirin in pregnancy.
- Role of bacteriocins in Food processing and preservations.
- A critical study on Hormones
- Role of carrier proteins in signal transductions.
Genetics Topic Examples
- Is depression Genetics?
- Genes associated with the aging process in rats
- Is gene therapy the future of medicine?
- Role of mRNA in Covid-19 Vaccine development
- Genetic factors of obesity
- Genetic Signaling in Cancer.
- Destroying mRNA, suppress the gene expression?
- Role of genes in multiple organelle defect disease?
- Can we restrict the genetic expressions of totipotent cells?
- Genetic mutations and their control.
Molecular Imaging of Gene Expression
Environmental Biology Topic Examples
- Will vertical indoor gardens reverse climate changes in the future?
- Evolution of photosynthesis with present environmental factors
- Global warming and its harmful effects on human thermoregulation and survival.
- Effects of climate changes on biodiversity
- Assessment of ecosystems to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability.
- Investigation of Ocean’s carbon uptake via sinking particles.
- Assessment of water quality index in measuring drinking water quality.
- Will ‘Ideonella sakaiensis’ reverse plastic pollution?
- Global warming and coral mass bleaching.
- Climate change and the future of pollen allergy.
Sociobiology Research Paper Topics
- Sociobiology of Biofilms
- Sociobiology of bacteriophage and their hosts
- Prevalence of personality disorders.
- Behavioral disorders among caged animals.
- Interaction of culture and social biology
- Is sociobiology a threat to conservative cultures?
- Exploring the sociobiology of PSEUDOMONAS
- Evolution and social biology
- Racialism in terms of social biology
- Sociobiology as revolutionary psychology.
Marine Biology Research Topics
- Role of marine animals in balancing the biodiversity.
- Marine pollution and masks.
- Biological oceanography
- Ecology of larval habitats
- Aquatic animals and the cosmetic industry
- Photosynthesis under the water.
- Sponges as bioindicators of micro pollution.
- Rising threats to the marine environment.
- Marine viruses and climate changes.
- Effects of Light pollution in marine coastal areas
Molecular Biology Research Topics
- Molecular effects of exercise
- Reprogramming the cell to regenerate themselves.
- Molecular imaging
- Wasp venom as an antibiotic
- Gene targets in oncology
- Calculating the activity of phosphates
- The meiotic spindles and oncology
- RNA interference
- Xenoport-expanding natural metabolism
- Telomerase insufficiency and genome integrity
Neurobiology Research Topics
- Relationship of gut bacteria with anxiety
- Role of proteins in neuron functioning
- Do Fluctuations in Blood Pressure Lead to a migraine?
- Effects of Artificial intelligence on the human brain
- Do Brain Exercises Reverse Dementia?
- How hormones can affect neuronal connections?
- Role of afferent fibers in muscular reeducation training
- Relationship of sleep cycle with memory
- How sleep deprivation interacts with hormones and depression?
- How Cognitive behaviors work?
We hope that you may have found your concerning topic. There is a lot more to share with you regarding biology research paper topics. Stay connected as we will be updating the list shortly and will be adding topics for other sub-disciplines as well.