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Chemically Induced Labor

At some point labor delays to start for one reason or another, in this case, an IV infusion of Oxycontin is administered to the patient to trigger the process. The drug which is commonly known as Nitocin is a chemically generated hormone required to during normal labor (CBEd, 2017). Mayo(2007) defines Chemical labor as a technique used to trigger labor that is by using chemicals to motivate uterine contractions rather than letting it happened on its own. If the outcomes are positive, a virginal birth is achieved else cesarean delivery is performed. There are many reasons as to why one may find herself in for it. Rather than personal will, the first reason why labor induction is carried out is when pregnancy extended beyond the expected time frame.  The normal duration of gestation is 41 weeks after which there are high chances that a child can develop problems. To avoid this induction labor is recommended to save the child and the mother just after 41 weeks. Early membrane rupture is the second reason; that is when the fluid around the baby breaks. If within 24 hours after the peeling off the mother does not deliver then both the mother and the baby are at a risk of infection to avoid this labor induction is performed. The final reason as to why labor induction is prescribed is due to medical reasons. When doctors examine the baby and the mother’s health and an abnormal medical condition notice that risks their health the need for labor induction arises. Consequently, the labor period may be reduced by an hour. Despite the few benefits chemical inducing labor as bitter consequences which include:

  1. Risk for C-section delivery type; since labor induction is a forced labor the body is not prepared well for the same therefore leading to a C-section birth type
  2. Can result in premature birth: When labor induction is not timely enough it may lead to an early birth which is relatively un healthier to the baby and can lead to complications such as breathing difficulty.
  3. There is a high chance that the baby born through induce labor will have a low heart rate that is if the induced chemical provokes over contraction.
  4. High chance of baby and mother infection. The method used for labor induction may result in an infection of both the parent and the child Infection.
  5. High chances of umbilical cord problems. There are high chances that the Induced labor may cause umbilical cord to slip into the vagina before time which inter leads to a decreased baby’s oxygen supply
  6. To much bleeding: Since this is a forced occurrence, there is high chance that the uterine muscles will not contract after giving birth which results in a severe bleeding case.

Chemically induced labor involves forcing the body to do what it doesn’t want to do, or it is not ready for. Before accepting the procedure get to digest the consequences and possibly find an alternative through the doctor Because once the process has begun, there is no turning back yet this is a life threatening case.

  • Clinic Staff, M. (2017). Labor induction – Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 13 June 2017, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/labor-induction/basics/definition/prc-20019032
  • CBEd, S. (2017). Induction of Labour – The Risks of Inducing Labour | BellyBelly. BellyBelly. Retrieved 13 June 2017, from https://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth/induction-of-labour-to-induce-or-not-induce/

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