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Psychology of Infancy

Psychology of Infancy – Attachment Theory

Life of Mary Ainsworth

Bowlby was the pioneers of the attachment theory, Ainsworth work under the Bowlby guidance about the mother separation from the child tell that it affected the child emotions; however, she conducted the longitudinal field study and noticed the mother-infant interaction. The process was noticed that how the process of attachment occurs in the natural setting, the responses of child studied in the different situations.

Strange Situation

The strange situation was developed to understand about the different types of child reaction as the toddler’s separation with the mother. The mother and her child (1-2 years), were taken to a room, where they engage with the toys. After some time the stranger enters the room and also in the in absence of the mother and try to engage with child, the reunion after that of the child with the mother was noticed. The situation noticed that how a child responds with and without mother, the comfortable feeling of feeling of security was noticed.

Four Attachments and Importance in Child DevelopmentPsychology of Infancy

The 4 attachments were devised from the strange situation, the 4 situations are secure, insecure avoidant, insecure ambivalent and the disorganized.  There is the importance of the 4 attachments in the child development as the child feel secure in the presence of the mother, there is the assistance, sense of security and likewise, the child feel insecure in the absence of mother and show concern in the reunion.


Mary Ainsworth research is helpful in the child development as the reactions and emotions of the child can be known. Through the strange situation, 4 attachment take place, as, there is the security when the child has mother. However, the child feels insecure, with the stranger, and show the little emotions to the caregiver when arrive. In the anxious, ambivalent the child feels helplessness and showed anger on a reunion. In a disorganized situation, the child showed the tense movement and signified stress.

Also Study:

Childhood and Adolescent Observation and Theories

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