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Management Concepts in Organizational Culture

Management Concepts


Management could be explained as the administration of an organization, in which there could beManagement Concepts in Organizational Culture various activities regarding the setting of the strategy and doing the efforts while coordinating with the employees. Moreover, management manages all operation in the organization and there could be the application of the available resources example of management includes the technological, financial and the human resources.

Management can manage an organization, as the larger organizations have three different levels of the managers, a company can have the hierarchical or pyramid structure. There are senior managers, middle managers and lower managers in the company; the example of the senior manager is chief executive officer, who set the strategic goals for the company, example of the middle manager is the branch manager, who gave advice to front-line managers and example if lower manager is regular employees and other bodies etc.


The concepts and process of management include the activities of planning, where there is focus on the monitoring of the organizational performance. Managers apply the concepts of management as there could be application of managerial knowledge and other skills, tools, techniques etc. thus, the process of the report and improve processes  could be focused and the process approach also focus on the implementing and improving  the organizational quality management system, in order to enhance the customer satisfaction.

Concept Of Organization And Its Characteristics

Management relates to the concept of organization and characteristics as managers can be supportive in this way, there could be a development of the effective framework through the focus on the manageable components so that company environment can facilitate the achievement and thus, there could be achievement and management of the organization objectives or goals. The management process enables the people or human resource of the company so that there could be a utilization of the resources in order to achieve the objectives.

Manager’s Job Across National Borders

Manager’s job is universal because there are managers in every organization, who apply the management process according to the needs, there are the decisions according to the situations as the management concepts cannot be transferable across national borders because the management concepts are completely generic. Countries are not supposed to act universally according to the management concepts, countries in the world need to focus on the management concepts according to the economic, social, political and cultural differences. Thus, there could be specific differences between the countries; therefore, managerial concepts can be different for each country (Lussier, 2014).

Management Concepts Are Affected By:

  • Political Systems

Management concepts can be affected by political systems, as there could be the political system, which can be varying from a country to country; some states have the relatively stable political system. Example, the presidents, the governors, the senators and the prime ministers can do changes in the legal systems according to the country consistency. However, the legal and political systems of the countries can be said as turbulent because there could be pervasive corruption (Ghuman, 2010).

  • Political Cultures

Moreover, a political culture of the country depends on the internal political factors of the country; political culture also involves ethics and legal system of the country. Thus, the country political culture can have own laws and acts example employment discrimination and other employment-related laws etc.

  • Social Cultures And Norms

Social culture and norms are the important part of an organization because the culture is what organization does and they perform their daily task. Socials culture and norms of an organization include how peoples in the organization behave with each other and how managers treat their employees. Moreover, effective organization culture, working environment helps the employees, manager to work collectively, and s achieve overall goals of the company collectively (Watkins, 2013).

  • Cultural Environment

The Cultural environment of a country includes the beliefs, behavior, practices etc. of people living or working at the certain place. Now a day’s company wants diverse workforce because they have different types of knowledge and experience that significantly provide benefits to the companies.  However, having diverse workforce also let the company have problems. Therefore, it is important for the company to maintain the environment in the company in order to have success and to achieve their overall goals.

  • Planning In An Uncertain Global Environment

The term planning can be defined as the ways an organization use to achieve their goals.  In other words, planning helps the organization to achieve their goals systematically like what kind and how much moneys they will require and, how many resources they need, what kind of procedures they follow,  what are  the possible risk and who the overall goals of the company can be achieved.  This shows the importance of planning in the organization.   Saudi Arab is the country where a large number of firms work. A large number of firms means the large number of employees and managers work there in different companies. Due to the recent change in the world business environment, the Saudi firms and managers in the organization need to do planning because without planning they cannot achieve their goals. It is planning that let them to face and handle problems in the business and to face the change in the business environment (Ramady, 2010 ).

Also Study:

The Impact Of Organizational Culture On Employee Commitment

Organizational Development and Its Role In Change Management

  • Ghuman, D. K. (2010). Management: Concepts, Practice & Cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Lussier, R. N. (2014). Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, & Skill Development. SAGE Publications.
  • Ramady, M. A. (2010 ). The Saudi Arabian Economy: Policies, Achievements, and Challenges. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Watkins, M. D. (2013, MAY 15). What Is Organizational Culture? And Why Should We Care? Retrieved April 11, 2017, from hbr.org: https://hbr.org/2013/05/what-is-organizational-culture

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