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Artificial Intelligence Development In UAE Government Sector Analysis

Research Proposal To Analyse The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Change By UAE Government Sector


The current research is based on the impacts of the artificial intelligence (AI); though, the artificialArtificial Intelligence Development In UAE Government Sector Analysis intelligence (AI) could be concerned as the new technologies that are focused by the business in order to bring the effectiveness in the tasks. However, there are companies that are developing the strategies regarding AI approach so that there could be benefits in the future businesses. Thus, the current research is based on the organization strategic change level of human resource business because there are issues or impact on the employment prospects in this way. The studies that are concerned in the research are based on the original surveys in the service industry that are in the UAE government sector(Wisskirchen, et al., 2017).

The research analyzes the positive or negative attitude on the effects that AI-related technologies. The analysis was done on the “AI-using industries” so that there could be the analysis of the AI approach and the impact on the skill level of employees. It is concerned that in the business development and diffusion related to AI companies are maintaining the employment opportunities so that there could be effective and in order to upgrade human capital. It is concerned in the studies that in the global markets there is the positive attitude of the AI approach; as support is there on the globalization of economic activities(Boddington, 2017).

The companies in UAE are also focused to implement the AI approach as in this way, they can facilitate the development and new technologies can be bought. With the global and strategic approach companies stay updated with the technological and benefits can be gained in this way. In some of the studies or according to the analysis, there are also some of the legal issues that are concerned with the AI approach; as human resources in the companies are suffering and companies are not effectively making or focused on the strategic change in this way, however, the current legal issues are known in the global labor market and it is analyzed that companies or economies of the countries including UAE are suffering are there are business, legal, economic issues etc.(Faris & Soto, 2016).

In the labour market AI, approach or practices are providing the benefits to the business and the company structures need to be formulated or need to focus on the effective strategies according to that. Moreover, there are companies that are facing issues and still not getting the benefits as a human resource are facing issues related to the working time, remuneration etc. The issues are also concerned with the working environment because better strategic outlay is not followed by the companies or made by the legislatures. Nonetheless, with the production of robots, it is analyzed that there is the mass unemployment in the country and future labour market seems darker. However, with the advancement in the AI practices, there is the need of the proper education, economic development, and strategies(Wisskirchen, et al., 2017).

Statement of the Problem:

In the UAE governmental segment; there are companies that are using artificial intelligence (AI) for the effectiveness in the tasks; however, with the development or advancing technology, there is the creation of the new challenges as the gap is identified between the reality as well as the legal framework in the labor market because strategic change are not concerned effectively in the information technology sector. There are issues related regarding the maintaining of the product liability, the competition and labour are growing, not effectively focus on the employment laws etc. In this way, gaps are increasing and in the segment, there is the need of transformation of the labour market regarding the employment relationships as well as the privacy protection issues. The gap between the rich and poor is also increasing with the rising of AI because there is now less dependence on cheaper workers and employees are targeted on the salaries and education. The well-educated employees can be paid effective as compared to the less-educated employees because they have knowledge regarding the AI.

Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of the current study is to focus on the impacts of the artificial intelligence (AI); as there are new technologies that are focused on the business for the effectiveness in the tasks. In the UAE government sector there are organizations that are implementing the practices of the AI; in this way; the purpose of research is to analyze the positive or negative attitude of the effects that AI-related technologies on the human resource of the companies. There is also focus on the new possibilities concerning to the AI; because the human resource in the company needed effective legislation and policies relating with flexible working time, remuneration etc. there is also focus on the purpose to find out the main legal issues faced by human resources and can be there in future trends.

Research Question:
  1. What is the impact of the artificial intelligence on the strategic change in the level of human resources in the UAE government sector?
  2. What is the relationship between the health and safety policies based on the artificial intelligence by UAE government sector on the human resource?
  3. Which remuneration practices by the UAE government sector are concerned in the AI-using industries?
  4. How is the change in HR strategies or strategic change focused on the UAE government sector in the AI-using industries?
Research Objectives:
  • To analyze the impact of the artificial intelligence on the strategic change in the level of human resources in the UAE government sector.
  • To find out the relationship between the health and safety policies based on the artificial intelligence by UAE government sector on the human resource.
  • To determine the remuneration practices by the UAE government sector in the AI-using industries.
  • To access the change in HR strategies or strategic change by the UAE government sector in the AI-using industries.
Theoretical Framework: 

IV’s: Artificial Intelligence                             DV: Human Resource Management (HRM)

Artificial Intelligence Development In UAE Government Sector Analysis

Literature Review:

A thorough reviews the previous literature is conducted as it provides the research background and illustrates that the research is knowledgeable about the theory scope. Various peer-reviewed articles,dissertations, and reports have been reviewed related to the topic and one of those is summarized below:

Wisskirchen, et al., (2017), the advisory board of IBA Global Employment Institute,presented the report on the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics on the workplace. The authors have focused on the future trends of artificial intelligence on the labour market along with its corresponding legal problems. According to the authors, the artificial intelligence is going to impact the labour market fundamentally in the coming few years. The authors have examined the impact of artificial intelligence on the organization of work, working time, andremuneration. Discussing briefly, the authors have shown that digitalisation and automation jobs are being eliminated in the services sector as well as the production sector leading to the unemployment(Wisskirchen, et al., 2017).

Furthermore, the authors have discussed the different problems associated with artificial intelligence i.e.new forms of employment, health and safety issues, data confidentiality and privacy protection issues. Moreover, the authors have discussed the two types of artificial intelligence i.e. weak (computers are being used only as the instruments), and strong (computers are self-learning process and intellectuals). Last but not least, the authors have looked upon the artificial intelligence as the opportunity and risk for the employment’s future and concluded that it could be either depending on the size, operations, and market representation of the organization (Wisskirchen, et al., 2017).


The budget will be developed for both primary and secondary research as both sources will be used to attain the final results. The existing knowledge and literature will be explored as the secondary data while for primary data there are two research methods i.e. Qualitative: it gives an understanding of fundamental opinions, and reasons and provides help to develop innovative ideas for the research, this technique is suitable to quantify the behaviors, opinions, and attitudes, and Quantitative: this technique is used to measure the research problem by generating the numerical data and transform it to useable statistics.

Research Design:

Mixed method approach will be used in the research that includes both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. For the qualitative approach, the data will be collected through the ground theories, case studies, narratives, and other previous literature. For the quantitative approach, the data will be collected through the close-ended questionnaire.

Research Instrument:

The questionnaire will be used as the research instrument.The questionnaire will be composed of 10 different questions and the logical structure will be strictly followed. It will be composed of standardized and close-ended questions so that its completion could be facilitated and respondents do not feel discouraged. There will be two parts of the questionnaire; the first part will be formulated in order to identify the respondent’s characteristics while the second part of the questionnaire will aim to collect the information regarding the impact of artificial intelligence, health and safety, remuneration, and HR strategy on the level of human resource in the government sector of UAE. The questions in the questionnaire will mainly consist of the closed questions and Likert-scale questions.

Pilot Testing:

A pilot testing will be implemented after designing the questionnaire so that it could be ensured that questionnaire is appropriate for the research and changes could be identified that must be made before administering the survey to the big number of possible participants.

Sample and Population:

The population of research will include the major UAE government sectors that rely on the artificial intelligence such as transport, health, and education. The questionnaire will be distributed to the employees of HR (Human Resource) department.The sample will be based on the availability and willingness of the employees.

Data Analysis:

The systematic approach will be adopted in the research in ensuring that data is collected accurately. The process will involve the data collection, immersion, reduction, data categorization, data processing, and final data evaluation. SPPS software will be used to analyze and interpret the data so that chances of data manipulation could be minimized. The findings and results will be presented and summarized in the tables and graphs form to describe the trends and relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Quality Levels:

Within the research, in order to ensure the high-quality levels, the findings of the research will be correlated to previous researches with the aim of forming the relationship between them. Aspects of personal judgement will also be taken into account in this research. Furthermore, in order to ensure the good quality levels within the research, the triangulation method will be used by taking series method into account so that bias could be minimized with the single method use. Well-structured questionnaires, desk research, and personal judgement will be the main methods used to ensure the high-quality levels within the research. The deficiencies associated with one method of use will be reduced by the strength of another method (Patton, 2005).


Time and money both are required to conduct the research, thus these are the most valuable resources that should be budgeted in advance. The total budget of 3,000 AEDwill be allocated for questionnaires, accommodation and meals, andprinting expenses of reports and questionnaires.

Research Timeline:

Time Research
Week 1 Questionnaire designing and contacting websites
Week 2 Questionnaire completion and desk research
Week 3 Conducting surveys to get the questionnaire responses
Week 4 Primary research through books and internet
Week 5 Completing data collection
Week 6 Data analysis
Week 7 Report writing


The research will serve as the pilot for the relevant courses at the respective institution and the other university and colleges throughout the country. The evaluation results will be disseminated on the website of the university as well as a university library. Additional dissemination will be conducted through the presentations at conferences, and through articles published in impact factor and peer-reviewed journals.

Ethical Considerations:

The author of the research will adhere to the ethical standards so that the public could believe in and support the research as ethical considerations are critical and so important in the research. Appropriate guidelines will be followed while collecting data through questionnaire and desk research. Respondent’s voluntary participation will be based on the informed consent and they will be given the right to withdraw their participation from the research at any time or anystage they want. The use of unethical, discriminatory and offensive language will be strictly avoided throughput the research and every previous research will be appropriately cited to acknowledge the author.


In the conclusion, the research will be combined, both quantitative and qualitative, so as to accomplish the insightful analysis of significant facts and figures derived from the research. Conclusions will be drawn and findings will be summarized in accordance with the research objectives and research questions. Last but not least, the recommendations will be drawn in accordance with the conclusion.

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  • Boddington, P. (2017). Towards a Code of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
  • Faris, A. A., & Soto, R. (2016). The Economy of Dubai. Oxford University Press.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2005). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods Integrating Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Wisskirchen, G., Biacabe, B. T., Bormann, U., Muntz, A., Niehaus, G., Soler, G. J., & Brauchitsch, B. v. (2017). Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Their Impact on the Workplace. IBA Global Employment Institute.

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