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Consumer Protection Ontario

Consumer protection Ontario is a program of giving awareness about the human rights. Ontario’s consumer service and Ministry of the government are indulging in it, which is in the favor of the individuals as there is promotion of the consumer rights protection, the protection program is there so the rights and public safety could be there.  There is the consumer’s service protection laws and these programs also deal with handling the complaints.

All the programs are in favor of the people as it helps the people in taking the right decisions, they aware the people and let them know about the rights they have. They have the consumer beware list that consumers need to check the business record of accomplishment before they deal with them, however, they also maintain beware list of the business and the complaints by the consumers so that the consumers can be aware. They aware the consumers to report about the financial scam or fraud, if they face. They can contact the local police, Canadian anti-fraud center or other regulatory bodies, so the actions against them could be taken.

Consumer Protection OntarioConsumer protection ontario

However, the guidance about, how scam could be avoided, or what needed to do during scam are given by the relate bodies. The types of scam are also discussed. The consumers are guided that they are under the consumer protection act, there are legislations regarding the consumer transactions, all the acts are for the safety of the people so that they could be protected from the unfair practices. They also teach about the rights the consumers have before joining a gym, there is guidance that is properly given to the people, the membership fees, service guidance, canceling the contract and tips of selecting the gym are given on the page.

Besides this, the awareness about the rights, when starting home renovations is also mentioned on the page, example, hiring the contractor, estimation etc. The credit and debit collection information are also given by the company that how one could protect the credit, there are the rights regards to the debt collection, the rights there when one is getting a payday loan.

Other than these rights, the awareness about the driving rights example, repairing the car, buying the new car etc. and the family and relationship rights example, burial, scattering etc. are also given. The traveling rights are also there.

Anyone who is living in Canada is under the Canadian protection laws, the laws are beneficial and helpful, the website provides the complete information about the rights that the people or consumers have. A consumer can get the information about every right, even the little information is also given on the website, so the people could able to take the right decisions at the right time (Ontario.ca, 2016).

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  • Ontario.ca. (2016). Consumer Protection Ontario. Retrieved September 21, 2016, from https://www.ontario.ca/page/consumer-protection-ontario

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