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Marketing to the Teenage Crowd


The teens use a lot of their time on media, particularly the electronic media. A study elaborates that they have a preference to texting other than the applications and social media platforms that require their constant updating of status. The constraints and issues with how the teens consume the electric media is that they are choosy, and their communications happen mostly among peers. Teens do not prefer communicating to their peers via email and neither do they read newspapers. A loophole that can be targeted by marketers is that teens depend on opinions from their peers when they go shopping, and the problem to marketers and advertisers is that they are suspicious of adverts to the extent that they doubt falling for the ads.

Discussion Questions

I have a belief that by having the assistance of some specially tailored promotional campaigns, the marketers have the opportunity of easily reaching out to the teens. As per some major concepts that look at segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing to teens needs to be tailored to specifically them for that individuality and attachment to be felt.

  1. Marketers can reach teens by coming up with precisely tailored adverts and promotional campaigns for the video games, the service and goods, concert tickets and Smartphone apps. Teen use these items as parts of their lifestyles. Most of the apps, goods, services or tickets are embedded in their t-shirts and other fabrics (Du Chenne, 2011). Marketers can market to the teenagers by examining the psychographic profiles of the teens to find out their interests, regular activities and the consequently incorporating these traits into television and Internet ad campaigns that communicate about the products and services. As a result, the teens identify with the ads that they see themselves in.
  2. It is possible to communicate to teens without having to reflect the condescending nature by utilizing teen opinion makers so as to approve and convey a promotion and ad information (Zollo, 2004). The opinion makers include idols that the teens look up to, identify with and even talk or interact with on the same social stages as their million teen fans.


It is possible to communicate with teens in adverts and promotions. All that is required to make the marketing effective is to incorporate the teens in the ads. Teens are suspicious about advertisements, therefore, using their opinion leaders such as youth celebrities that they identify with makes them embrace the product or service being advertised.

  • Du Chenne, S. (2011). Marketing to teens. Journal of Marketing, 28-28.
  • Zollo, P. (2004). Getting wiser to teens: More insights into marketing to teenagers. New Strategist Publications Incorporated.

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