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JD Sport and J Barbour and Sons Financial Management Analysis

Tables of Content

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • JD Sport and J Barbour &Sons Financial Analysis
    • Profitability Ratios
    • Liquidity Ratios
    • Efficiency Ratios
    • Investor Relation Ratios
  • JD Sport’s Cost of Capital
    • Discount Rate
    • Capital Structure
  • Purchase Price for JD Sports
  • Impact on Financial Statements
  • Share Price Movement of JD Sports
  • Recommendation
  • Appendix
  • References

Executive Summary

The report provides brief information regarding the financial position of the JD Sports & J. Barbour and Son. The profitability ratios of the JD Sports organization indicates that in the year 2017 the gross profit margin was 48.9% which shows the increase from the previous years. The profitability position of the organization is good and shows the increase over a period of time. If the profitability ratios of the J. Barbour are analyzed then it can be seen that the profitability position of J. Barbour is way stronger than JD Sports. The efficiency or Asset management ratios of the JD sport show that the company is utilizing its assets efficiently to generate sales. The ratios analysis is reviewed again to analyze the capital structure of the corporation. The company’s assets are more financed through equity than debt which is a good thing. The gearing ratio of the corporation has decreased from the previous years which shows a significant amount of decrease in debt. The acquisition would have the significant impact on the share price. After the acquisition, the prices of shares will increase dramatically however after some period of time the sales will start fluctuating and depend on the performance of the organization and what the investors feel about the acquisition process. It is recommended that the JD Sports should focus on its profitability and increase it if it wants to acquire the business.

Financial Management


The report provides brief information regarding the financial position of the JD Sports & J. Barbour and Son. JD Sports want to acquire J. Barbour &Son and for this, the company should have resources so that acquisition can be done effectively. The financial analysis of both companies is performed to know the profitability, efficiency, financial leverage and liquidity of both the corporations. The investor’s relations of both corporations is also analyzed to determine the strength of the corporations. The major parts of the report include financial analysis, cost of capital analysis, price to purchase the organization and recommendation.

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Management Analysis

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Analysis

Profitability Ratios

Profitability Ratios
Ratios Formulas Gross profit margin = Gross Profit/Revenue EBITDA margin = EBITDA/Revenue Operation profit margin = Operation Profit / Revenue Net profit margin = Net Profit / Revenue
Gross profit margin, % EBITDA margin, % Operation profit margin, % Net profit margin, %
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 48.9% 12.8% 10.1% 7.5%
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited 52.1% 17.2% 16.0% 13.1%
Sports Direct International Plc. ** 41.0% 13.5% 4.3% 7.1%
WH Smith PLC*** 59.4% 14.8% 11.5% 9.4%
Average 50.4% 14.6% 10.4% 9.3%
*Source: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/00124201/filing-history    


JD Sports Fashion Plc. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Gross profit margin, % 48.7% 48.5% 48.6% 48.5% 48.9%
EBITDA margin, % 7.1% 8.0% 9.4% 10.5% 12.8%
Operation profit margin, % 4.4% 4.4% 6.1% 7.3% 10.1%
Net profit margin, % 3.1% 3.0% 3.5% 5.4% 7.5%
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited 2013 2014 2016 (16 months) 2017
Gross profit margin, % 55.9% 53.8% 52.2% 52.1%
EBITDA margin, % 20.3% 18.6% 15.1% 17.2%
Operation profit margin, % 19.3% 17.5% 13.8% 16.0%
Net profit margin, % 14.1% 13.6% 9.7% 13.1%

The profitability ratios of the JD Sports organization indicates that in the year 2017 the gross profit margin was 48.9% which shows the increase from the previous years. The profitability position of the organization is good and shows the increase over a period of time. The Net Profit margins of the company in the recent years are 3.5%, 5.4%, and 7.5%. The profitability ratios of the company provides the information regarding how much profit a company is generating in a specific period of time and through profitability ratios it can be said that the company’s financial position is good however the profitability ratios of the corporation are significantly lower than J. Barbour & Sons (Walton & Aerts, 2006).

If the profitability ratios of the J. Barbour are analyzed then it can be seen that the profitability position of J. Barbour is way stronger than JD Sports. The net profit margin of the company in recent years is 13.6%, 9.7% and 13.1% which not only show the significant amount of increase in the profitability but also show the financial edge over JD Sports in terms of profitability. The operating profit margin of JD sports was 10.1% as compared to J. Barbour’s 16%. In short, the profitability position of J. Barbour is way stronger than the JD Sports. Therefore in order to purchase J. Barbour, the organization have to improve its profitability.

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Management Analysis

Liquidity Ratios

Liquidity Ratios
Ratios Formulas Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities Gearing = Non-Current Liabilities / Equity + Noncurrent Liabilities Acid Ratio = Current Assets – Stock / Current Liabilities Interest coverage = Operating profit / Interest Payable
Current Ratio Gearing Acid Ratio Interest coverage
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 1.33 14% 0.68 109.39
J .Barbour & Sons, Limited 5.67 7% 4.33 314.88
Sports Direct International plc.* 1.72 27% 0.87 345.24
WH Smith PLC** 0.89 13% 0.34 71.00
Average 2.40 15% 1.55 210.13
*Source: www.sportsdirectplc.com/~/media/Files/S/Sports-Direct/annual-report/Annual%20Report%202017%20-%20v3.pdf
**Source: https://www.whsmithplc.co.uk/docs/21119_WHSmiths_AR17_WEB_2017-10-25-min-compressed.pdf
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Current Ratio 1.21 1.15 1.22 1.47 1.33
Acid Ratio 0.52 0.50 0.54 0.78 0.68
Interest Coverage Ratio 37.24 33.10 33.01 61.68 109.39
Gearing 18% 17% 16% 14% 14%
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited 2013 2014 2016 (16 months) 2017
Current Ratio 2.72 3.14 4.82 5.67
Acid Ratio 1.91 2.09 3.37 4.33
Interest Coverage Ratio 17.80 15.62 182.54 314.88
Gearing 6% 3% 2% 7%

The liquidity ratios of the JD Sports indicates the corporation has enough cash to pay its short-term obligations. The current ratio in the recent years was 1.22, 1.47 and 1.33 which clearly shows that the company can easily pay the short-term loans. However, the acid test ratio of the corporation is a little bit lower and needs improvement. Another good thing that JD sports liquidity ratios show is that the corporation has not kept excess cash in hand that is a good thing. The company has kept cash by keeping its requirements in mind (Finch, 2010).

            The liquidity position of the J. Barbour is also quite strong because the organization has enough cash to pay the short-term obligation. The current ratio of the corporation in recent years are 3.14, 4.82 and 5.67. The liquidity ratios of the corporation show that they have kept more cash than its requirements. It is recommended that the company should invest the excess cash somewhere to earn the significant amount of return. Keeping excess cash in hand is not an appropriate practice because the cash should be used for such purposes from where the company can earn the profit.

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Management Analysis

Efficiency Ratios

Asset Management Ratios
Ratios Formulas Asset Turnover = Revenue / Total Assets ROCE = Operation profit / Capital employed – Current liabilities Debtors days = Debtors / Revenue * 365 Creditors days = Creditors / COGS * 365 Days Sales of Inventory = Inventory / COS * 365
Asset Turnover ROCE, % Debtors days Creditors days DSI
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 2.02 37.2% 3.48 49.57 104.54
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited 1.30 25% 20.71 49.64 127.63
Sports Direct International plc.* 1.33 9% 44.66 111.50 120.08
WH Smith PLC** 2.53 66% 15.97 169.02 109.28
Average 1.79 34% 21.21 94.93 115.38
*Source: www.sportsdirectplc.com/~/media/Files/S/Sports-Direct/annual-report/Annual%20Report%202017%20-%20v3.pdf
**Source: https://www.whsmithplc.co.uk/docs/21119_WHSmiths_AR17_WEB_2017-10-25-min-compressed.pdf
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Asset turnover 2.51 2.22 2.23 2.30 2.02
ROCE, % 19.3% 18.8% 26.1% 30.1% 37.2%
Debtors days 3.59 4.35 2.81 2.92 3.48
Creditors days 54.90 68.43 58.10 47.75 49.57
DSI 82.89 99.11 104.93 92.79 104.54
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited 2013 2014 2016 (16 months) 2017
Asset turnover 1.35 1.37 1.80 1.30
ROCE, % 39.0% 33.6% 30.4% 24.8%
Debtors days 37.03 40.18 17.00 20.71
Creditors days 107.21 88.77 46.18 49.64
DSI 167.66 173.93 115.49 127.63

The efficiency or Asset management ratios of the JD sport show that the company is utilizing its assets efficiently to generate sales. The asset turnover ratio of the corporation in 2017 is 2.02. The ROCE ratios also indicating an increase over the period of time. The asset utilization ratios show how efficiently the corporation is managing its assets for generating sales. In the future, the company can boost its sales because it is using its resources effectively and become a major reason for the profitability. The asset utilization and profitability of the firm has the strong relationship. When the organization uses its assets efficiently than it can boost its revenue which ultimately helps the business to expand its business & profitability (Tennent, 2008).

  1. Barbour is utilizing its assets but not as much effect as JD Sports. It means that the company in the future can face issues because it is not effectively managing its assets. The asset turnover ratio of the corporation in 2017 is 1.30 which is lower than the JD Sports. If the organization want to boost its sales and profitability in the future it has to increase its asset utilization otherwise it might lose its market share.

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Management Analysis

Investor Relation Ratios

IR Ratios
Ratios Formulas ROE=Profit(Loss) for the period / Shareholders Funds EPS = Net profit / Number of Shares DPS = Dividends Paid / Number of Shares P/E = Share Price / EPS
ROE EPS DPS P/E (price as of 23/02/18)
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 32.40% 0.18 0.01 21.11 1355.37
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited* 21.73% 64.22 n/a n/a 1076.11
Sports Direct International Plc. ** 18.57% 0.39 n/a 9.49 609.58
WH Smith PLC*** 62.03% 1.05 0.48 19.67
Average 33.68% 16.46 0.25 16.76
*source: J. Barbour & Sons, Limited, 2017 Annual Report, p.43
** Source: https://financials.morningstar.com/valuation/price-ratio.html?t=SPD&region=gbr&culture=en-US&ownerCountry=USA
*** Source: www.whsmithplc.co.uk/docs/21119_WHSmiths_AR17_WEB_2017-10-25-min-compressed.pdf
JD Sports Fashion Plc. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
ROE 16.31% 15.46% 17.77% 25.53% 32.40%
EPS 0.20 0.21 0.27 0.50 0.18
DPS 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.01
J. Barbour & Sons, Limited 2013 2014 2016 (16 months) 2017
ROE 30.21% 27.03% 21.88% 21.73%
EPS 57.43 60.81 53.19 64.22


The relationship with the investors is important because the investors provide funding to the organization and company can achieve its future goals through the investor’s investment. The organizations attract investors by giving them the higher amount of return. JD Sports IR ratios show that the company is providing the high return over the equity. In the year 2017, the ROE of JD sports is 32.40%.  Over the past few years, the ROE has increased which can become a reason for attracting investment in the future. When the investors know that the corporation is providing the huge return over the investment than the relation with investors will strengthen.

  1. Barbour is providing the return on equity but over the few years, the company has decreased the amount of return on the equity which might cause some issues with investor relations. The investors want to invest in such corporations from where they can earn a good amount of return. If they are not going to get high returns than they might move toward such corporations which are providing more return on investment. Although the profitability position o the corporation is stronger but if it is going to decrease the amount of return than the investors’ relation might get disturbed (Walton & Aerts, 2006).

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Management Analysis

JD Sport’s Cost of Capital

Discount Rate

WACC calculation 4.14%
Cost of equity (CAPM) 4.28% Cost of debt 2.22%
 – Rf 1.62%  – Interest coverage ratio     109.39
 – Unlevered beta             0.45 Retail General (Damodaran)  – Company default spread 0.60%
 – D/E             0.06
 – Levered beta             0.47
 – ERP 5.65% Damodaran
E/IC 94%
D/IC 6%


                         For finding the discount rate for the acquisition of J. Barbour WACC is evaluated by using the CAPM approach. Through the CAPM approach, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital is 4.14%. Through analyzing the capital structure it is evident that the cost of equity is more than the Cost of Debt. The cost of debt is 2.22% which is lower and it is a good thing for the corporation. The amount of debt should be low because debt has to return. The cost of equity is 4.28% which means that the company’s assets are mostly financed through equity. The ROCE of JD Sports is 37.2% in 2017 which higher than the evaluated WACC. This demonstrates that the capital structure of the corporation does not change quickly and the value of WACC can be used for capital budgeting. The corporation has employed capital efficiently (SINHA, 2012).

Capital Structure

JD Sport and J Barbour & Sons Financial Management Analysis

                         The ratios analysis is reviewed again to analyze the capital structure of the corporation. The company’s assets are more financed through equity than debt which is a good thing. The gearing ratio of the corporation has decreased from the previous years which shows a significant amount of decrease in debt. The company’s interest coverage ratio has increased over the past few years which means that the company can easily pay the amount of interest on the debt. The corporation’s capital structure has the low cost which indicates that the company is in the position to perform the acquisition of another corporation.

Purchase Price for JD Sports

J.Barbour & Sons,Limited – Investment value for JD Sports    
Assumptions Growth rate @ CAGR 7.41%
COS growing to JD’s 51%
Admin reduced by 30% to 25.90%
WC needs declining to 4.57%
  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Operating profit            50,479         52,090         53,662         57,635          61,902
Tax rate 23%
NOPAT            39,088         40,336         41,553         44,630          47,933
Fixed Assets            12,521         13,147         13,805         14,495          15,220
DA             2,516           2,642           2,774           2,912            3,058
DA/Fixed Assets 1.30%
WC needs            29,029         20,320         17,069         15,682          14,114
Changes in WC –              293 –         8,709 –         3,251 –         1,387 –          1,568
Capex             3,831           3,268           3,431           3,603            3,783
FCFF for J.Babour            38,066         48,418         44,147         45,326          48,777
FCFF for JD Sports          142,308       100,175       107,598       115,571        124,135
Consolidated FCFF          180,374       148,593       151,745       160,897        172,912
Period 1 2 3 4 5      
Discount factor               0.96             0.92            0.88            0.84              0.81      
PV FCFF          172,865       136,479       133,572       135,732        139,795      
EBITDA 2022          401,384      
EV/EBITDA             11.72 Source: https://www.gurufocus.com/term/ev2ebitda/OTCPK:JDSPY/EV-to-EBITDA/JD-Sports-Fashion-PLC      
Growth 1%      
TV       4,704,215     5,222,931      
PV TV       3,803,253     4,222,624      
WACC calculation 4.34%
Cost of equity (CAPM) 4.49% Cost of debt 2.53%
 – Rf 1.9265%  – Interest coverage ratio   314.9919
 – Unlevered beta               0.55  – Company default spread 0.60%
 – D/E               0.06
 – Levered beta               0.58
 – ERP 4.45%
E/IC 94%
D/IC 6%
Enterprise value       4,521,697     4,941,068
Total debt            33,960         33,960 think on financing the deal ass costs and debt
Cash          247,560       247,560
Debt for JB’s purchase          343,652       343,652
Net debt –        130,052 –     130,052
Equity value       4,651,749     5,071,120
Price per Share               4.78             5.21 19% Potential UPSIDE


                         In order to acquire the J. Barbour JD Sports will require further financing. As the corporation is the position to take more debt the corporation can take debt in acquiring the corporation.  The DCF model indicates that the investment would be profitable in the future. As the J. Barbour has the strong financial position and the significant amount of resources the acquisition would definitely help the business to expand its services and take benefit from the sources of the corporation. The amount of debt for JB’s purchase is 343652 and EBIT growth rate over the years are 11.72% (Pandey, 2015).

Impact on Financial Statements

Consolidated Income Statement
  Turnover 2,378,694 184,311 2,563,005
  Cost of Sales -1,215,053 -88,289 -1,303,342
CoS/Sales 51% 48% 51%
  Gross Profit 1,163,641 96,022 1,259,663
GP Margin 49% 52% 49%
  Administration Expenses -919,244 -67,774 -987,018
Adm exp/Sales -39% -37% -39%
  Other Operating Income/Costs pre OP 1,815 1,165 2,980
other/sales 0.1% 0 0
  Exceptional Items pre OP -6,419 0 -6,419
  Operating Profit 239,793 29,413 269,206
OP Margin 10% 16% 11%
  Other Income 0 0
  Total Other Income & Int. Received 767 11 778
  Exceptional Items 0 0
    Profit (Loss) on Sale of Operations 0 0
    Costs of Reorganisation 0 0
    Profit (Loss) on Disposal 0 0
    Other Exceptional Items 0 0
  Profit (Loss) before Interest paid 240,560 29,424 269,984
  Interest Received 767 11 778
  Interest Paid -2,192 -93 -2,285
    Paid to Bank -1,934 -1 -1,935
    Paid on Hire Purchase 0 0
    Paid on Leasing -3 0 -3
    Other Interest Paid -255 -93 -348
  Net Interest -1,425 -83 -1,508
  Profit (Loss) before Tax 238,368 29,330 267,698
  Taxation -53,788 -5,239 -59,027
Effective tax rate -22% -18% -22%
  Profit (Loss) after Tax 184,580 24,091 208,671
  Extraordinary Items 0 0
  Minority Interests -5,666 0 -5,666
  Profit (Loss) for Period 178,914 24,091 203,005
  Dividends -14,501 0 -14,501
  Retained Profit(Loss) 164,413 24,091 188,504
0 0
  Depreciation 51,394 2,327 53,721
    Depreciation Owned Assets 51,110 0 51,110
    Depreciation Other Assets 2,315 2,315
    Impairment Tangibles 284 0 284
  Audit Fee 765 59 824
  Non-Audit Fee 111 33 144
    Tax Advice 77 13 90
    Non-Tax Advisory Services 34 20 54
    Other Auditors Services 0 0
    Non-Audit Fees paid to Other Auditors 0 0
  Total Amortization and Impairment 14,399 12 14,411
    Amortisation 7,980 12 7,992
    Impairment 6,419 0 6,419
  Total Operating Lease Rentals 166,210 8,687 174,897
    Hire of Plant & Machinery 3,224 176 3,400
    Land & Building or Property Rents & Other 162,986 8,511 171,497
  Research & Development 0 0
  Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses 3,467 106 3,573
  Remuneration 335,773 28,786 364,559
    Wages & Salaries 301,137 23,656 324,793
    Social Security Costs 29,881 2,130 32,011
    Pension Costs 4,755 3,000 7,755
    Other Staff Costs 0 0
  Directors’ Remuneration 3,750 2,262 6,012
    Directors’ Fees 1,167 2,092 3,259
    Pension Contribution 32 170 202
    Other Emoluments 2,551 0 2,551
  Highest Paid Director 2,762 1,029 3,791
  EBITDA 305,586 31,740 337,326

 Share Price Movement of JD Sports

 The acquisition would have the significant impact on the share price. After the acquisition, the prices of shares will increase dramatically however after some period of time the sales will start fluctuating and depend on the performance of the organization and what the investors feel about the acquisition process. However, in the long run, the acquisition would increase the share price because due to the expansion of the business the corporation will generate profit that will increase the value of the firm. When the value of the firm increases the share price also increases as a result (Finch, 2010).


                         It is recommended that the JD Sports should focus on its profitability and increase it if it wants to acquire the business. The company has to increase its revenue s that it would have enough resources for the acquisition. Debt is a good option because the company has the ability to pay back the loan.


Profit & Loss account 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
  Turnover 2,378,694 1,821,652 1,522,253 1,330,578 1,258,892 1,059,523 883,669 769,785 670,855 592,240
    National Turnover 1,655,537 1,407,866 1,184,966 1,086,335 1,029,801 863,771 801,728 722,221 670,855 592,240
    Overseas Turnover 723,157 413,786 337,287 244,243 229,091 195,752 81,941 47,564
  Cost of Sales -1,215,053 -937,431 -782,703 -685,448 -645,404 -538,676 -446,657 -390,248 -340,309 -300,813
  Exceptional Items pre GP
  Other Income pre GP
  Gross Profit 1,163,641 884,221 739,550 645,130 613,488 520,847 437,012 379,537 330,546 291,427
  Administration Expenses -919,244 -726,561 -638,302 -575,832 -554,592 -447,116 -363,546 -319,499 -293,505 -256,898
  Other Operating Income/Costs pre OP 1,815 1,242 925 1,593 2,427 2,730 2,177 2,270 1,109 1,086
  Exceptional Items pre OP -6,419 -25,496 -9,527 -11,839 -5,348 -9,685
  Operating Profit 239,793 133,406 92,646 59,052 55,975 66,776 75,643 62,308 38,150 35,615
  Other Income 1,068 2,823 -473 748 -145
  Total Other Income & Int. Received 767 388 657 582 645 1,714 3,441 -88 1,277 152
  Exceptional Items
    Profit (Loss) on Sale of Operations
    Costs of Reorganisation
    Profit (Loss) on Disposal
    Other Exceptional Items
  Profit (Loss) before Interest paid 240,560 133,794 93,303 59,634 56,620 68,490 79,084 62,220 39,427 35,767
  Interest Received 767 388 657 582 645 646 618 385 529 297
  Interest Paid -2,192 -2,163 -2,807 -1,784 -1,503 -1,048 -455 -827 -1,210 -764
    Paid to Bank -1,934 -1,908 -2,542 -1,767 -1,367 -905 -380 -511 -1,209 -758
    Paid on Hire Purchase -1 -6
    Paid on Leasing -3 -7 -23 -7 -19 -129
    Other Interest Paid -255 -248 -242 -10 -117 -14 -75 -316
  Net Interest -1,425 -1,775 -2,150 -1,202 -858 -402 163 -442 -681 -467
  Profit (Loss) before Tax 238,368 131,631 90,496 57,850 55,117 67,442 78,629 61,393 38,217 35,003
  Taxation -53,788 -31,001 -20,741 -16,364 -13,875 -18,093 -22,762 -18,647 -13,707 -11,416
  Profit (Loss) after Tax 184,580 100,630 69,755 41,486 41,242 49,349 55,867 42,746 24,510 23,587
  Extraordinary Items -15,784
  Minority Interests -5,666 -2,996 -1,294 -1,328 -2,456 -2,502 17 154 -131 -38
  Profit (Loss) for Period 178,914 97,634 52,677 40,158 38,786 46,847 55,884 42,900 24,379 23,549
  Dividends -14,501 -13,820 -13,260 -12,871 -12,408 -11,338 -9,002 -5,937 -4,392 -3,524
  Retained Profit(Loss) 164,413 83,814 39,417 27,287 26,378 35,509 46,882 36,963 19,987 20,025
EBITDA 305,586 192,002 142,943 106,156 88,795 96,034 98,264 82,281 56,974 49,894
EBITDA Margin, % 13% 11% 9% 8% 7% 9% 11% 11% 8% 8%
D&A 65,793 58,596 50,297 47,104 32,820 28,190 19,798 20,446 18,076 14,424
D&A/Fixed assets 14% 21% 18% 17% 13% 12% 13% 15% 16% 14%
  Depreciation 51,394 38,692 36,804 32,529 27,707 23,024 18,338 17,067 15,669 14,364
    Depreciation Owned Assets 51,110 37,310 35,601 30,743 21,427 18,338 16,660 13,527 11,829
    Depreciation Other Assets 26,993 23
    Impairment Tangibles 284 1,382 1,203 1,786 714 1,597 407 2,119 2,535
  Audit Fee 765 460 463 407 576 513 366 211 164 148
  Non-Audit Fee 111 73 83 299 192 260 143 149 95 98
    Tax Advice 77 40 45 37 90 160 94 108 69 27
    Non-Tax Advisory Services 34 33 38 262 102 100 49 41 26 71
    Other Auditors Services
    Non-Audit Fees paid to Other Auditors
  Total Amortization and Impairment 14,399 19,904 13,493 14,575 5,113 5,166 1,460 3,379 2,407 60
    Amortisation 7,980 9,304 8,433 2,736 2,798 2,451 1,460 762 362 60
    Impairment 6,419 10,600 5,060 11,839 2,315 2,715 2,617 2,045
  Total Operating Lease Rentals 166,210 131,324 125,178 115,821 120,164 94,829 82,348 77,210 72,060 69,342
    Hire of Plant & Machinery 3,224 3,102 2,906 2,605 2,760 2,243 1,716 1,459 1,253 923
    Land & Building or Property Rents & Other 162,986 128,222 122,272 113,216 117,404 92,586 80,632 75,751 70,807 68,419
  Research & Development
  Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses 3,467 -6,300 4,698 -6,032 2,633 1,438 -568 572 698 525
  Remuneration 335,773 267,994 237,620 213,653 208,702 170,803 133,858 116,283 102,442 89,865
    Wages & Salaries 301,137 241,536 214,312 192,490 188,826 155,369 122,946 107,464 95,351 83,890
    Social Security Costs 29,881 23,341 20,667 19,175 18,607 14,018 9,711 8,010 6,617 5,601
    Pension Costs 4,755 3,117 2,641 1,988 1,269 1,416 1,201 809 474 374
    Other Staff Costs
  Directors’ Remuneration 3,750 3,598 3,728 4,416 1,894 2,440 2,747 2,411 3,359 5,904
    Directors’ Fees 1,167 1,008 1,163 1,365 1,264 1,313 1,235 955 921 843
    Pension Contribution 32 26 39 53 53 49 47 44 43 41
    Other Emoluments 2,551 2,564 2,526 2,998 577 1,078 1,465 1,412 2,395 5,020
  Highest Paid Director 2,762 2,728 1,951 3,137 978 1,393 1,493 1,321 1,578 4,819
  EBITDA 305,586 192,002 142,943 106,156 88,795 94,966 95,441 82,754 56,226 50,039
  Number of Employees 16,218 12,602 11,198 10,508 10,430 10,626 6,759 6,128 5,737 4,951


Balance sheet 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
  Fixed Assets
    Tangible Assets 235,762 173,317 147,934 141,574 129,101 119,518 78,120 67,434 62,668 53,622
      Land & Buildings 44,993 27,705 20,087 21,080 13,437 12,219 8,783 7,578 6,684 5,710
        Freehold Land
        Leasehold Land 7,578 6,684 5,710
      Fixtures & Fittings 179,775 135,790 111,287 102,682 101,844 81,134 65,774 56,818 52,866 44,725
      Plant & Vehicles 238 166 239 381 409 498 192 107 220 230
        Vehicles 238 166  

381 409 498 192 107 220 230
      Other Fixed Assets 10,756 9,656 16,321 17,431 13,411 25,667 3,371 2,931 2,898 2,957
    Intangible Assets 190,902 73,611 101,075 104,330 96,024 99,814 58,315 50,121 42,890 41,371
    Investments 38,103 33,673 32,402 23,802 20,568 16,975 19,630 17,920 10,669 9,536
  Fixed Assets 464,767 280,601 281,411 269,706 245,693 236,307 156,065 135,475 116,227 104,529
Fixed asset turnover           5.12           6.49           5.41           4.93           5.12           4.48           5.66           5.68           5.77           5.67
  Current Assets
    Stock & W.I.P. 348,007 238,324 225,020 186,116 146,569 130,355 84,490 74,569 58,287 58,669
      Finished Goods 348,007 238,324 225,020 186,116 146,569 130,355 84,490 74,569 58,287 58,669
DIO 103 92 103 98 82 87 68 69 62 70
    Trade Debtors 22,677 14,592 11,719 15,849 12,386 17,730 13,626 10,535 2,503 2,235
    Bank & Deposits 247,560 215,996 121,317 76,797 53,484 67,024 90,131 64,524 23,538 11,969
    Other Current Assets 95,925 41,783 42,203 51,117 44,375 36,417 23,479 21,122 17,950 13,664
      Group Loans (asset)
      Directors Loans (asset)
      Other Debtors 50,398 11,297 4,465 5,751 6,413 3,804 1,955 2,179 2,550 167
      Prepayments 45,527 30,486 37,738 45,366 37,962 32,613 21,524 18,943 15,400 13,497
      Deferred Taxation
    Investments 2,053
  Current Assets 714,169 510,695 400,259 329,879 256,814 251,526 211,726 170,750 104,331 86,537
  Current Liabilities
    Trade Creditors -165,003 -122,638 -124,590 -128,510 -97,084 -93,305 -56,297 -52,268 -34,837 -33,818
    Short Term Loans & Overdrafts -31,431 -6,301 -36,713 -30,970 -7,157 -5,547 -2,874 -2,712 -83 -134
      Bank Overdrafts -30,565 -6,191 -36,620 -4,869 -7,036 -4,937 -2,874 -2,712 -83 -134
      Group Loans (short t.)
      Director Loans (short t.)
      Hire Purch. & Leas. (short t.) -503 -44 -28 -37 -49 -610
        Hire Purchase (short t.)
        Leasing (short t.) -503 -44 -28 -37 -49 -610
      Other Short Term Loans -363 -66 -65 -26,064 -72
    Total Other Current Liabilities -338,722 -219,215 -165,445 -126,171 -108,508 -114,983 -87,109 -77,183 -56,490 -57,611
      Corporation Tax -33,648 -15,757 -12,931 -11,596 -8,817 -8,861 -12,370 -10,789 -8,395 -9,147
      Accruals & Def. Inc. (short t.)
      Social Securities & V.A.T. -58,511 -41,713 -33,272 -23,620 -26,876 -22,939 -18,045 -14,209 -8,674 -10,222
      Other Current Liabilities -246,563 -161,745 -119,242 -90,955 -72,815 -83,183 -56,694 -52,185 -39,421 -38,242
  Current Liabilities -535,156 -348,154 -326,748 -285,651 -212,749 -213,835 -146,280 -132,163 -91,410 -91,563
  Net Current Assets (Working Capital) 179,013 162,541 73,511 44,228 44,065 37,691 65,446 38,587 12,921 -5,026
NWC/Sales 8% 9% 5% 3% 4% 4% 7% 5% 2% -1%
  Net Tangible Assets (Liab.) 452,878 369,531 253,847 209,604 193,734 174,184 163,196 123,941 86,258 58,132
  Working Capital needs 205,681 130,278 112,149 73,455 61,871 54,780 41,819 32,836 25,953 27,086
9% 7% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 5%
  Total Assets 1,178,936 791,296 681,670 599,585 502,507 487,833 367,791 306,225 220,558 191,066
  Total Assets less Cur. Liab. 643,780 443,142 354,922 313,934 289,758 273,998 221,511 174,062 129,148 99,503
  Long Term Liabilities
    Long Term Debt -2,529 -274 -374 -551 -691 -1,182 -1,117 -1,347 -83
      Group Loans (long t.)
      Director Loans (long t.)
      Hire Purch. & Leas. (long t.) -461 -64 -35 -35 -7 -50
        Hire Purchase (long t.)
        Leasing (long t.) -461 -64 -35 -35 -7 -50
      Preference Shares
      Other Long Term Loans -2,068 -210 -339 -516 -684 -1,132 -1,117 -1,347 -83
    Total Other Long Term Liab. -53,179 -40,834 -41,733 -34,487 -30,085 -36,149 -28,782 -24,050 -19,690 -11,839
      Accruals & Def. Inc. (long t.)
      Other Long Term Liab. -53,179 -40,834 -41,733 -34,487 -30,085 -36,149 -28,782 -24,050 -19,690 -11,839
    Provisions for Other Liab. -9,230 -1,209 -2,824 -6,056 -7,225 -7,419 -6,437 -8,143 -5,689 -4,772
      Deferred Tax -8,192 -1,804 -4,283 -3,852 -1,012 -748 -379 -46
      Other Provisions -1,038 -1,209 -1,020 -1,773 -3,373 -6,407 -6,437 -7,395 -5,310 -4,726
    Pension Liabilities
    Balance sheet Minorities -26,592 -18,405 -13,502 -13,074 -13,934 -13,992 -1,085 -1,333 -1,295 -1,182
  Long Term Liabilities -91,530 -60,722 -58,433 -54,168 -51,935 -58,742 -37,421 -34,873 -26,674 -17,876
  Net assets 552,250 382,420 296,489 259,766 237,823 215,256 184,090 139,189 102,474 81,627
  Shareholders Funds
    Issued Capital 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,433 2,413
      Ordinary Shares
      Preference Shares
      Other Shares
    Total Reserves 549,817 379,987 294,056 257,333 235,390 212,823 181,657 136,756 100,041 79,214
      Share Premium Account 11,659 11,659 11,659 11,659 11,659 11,659 11,659 11,659 11,659 10,823
      Revaluation Reserves
      Profit (Loss) Account 543,268 378,898 297,161 257,744 230,572 207,503 171,916 125,341 88,382 68,391
      Other Reserves -5,110 -10,570 -14,764 -12,070 -6,841 -6,339 -1,918 -244
  Shareholders Funds 552,250 382,420 296,489 259,766 237,823 215,256 184,090 139,189 102,474 81,627
  • Finch, B. (2010). Effective Financial Management. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Pandey, I. (2015). Financial Management. Vikas Publishing House.
  • Tennent, J. (2008). Guide to Financial Management (illustrated ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Walton, P., & Aerts, W. (2006). Global Financial Accounting and Reporting: Principles and Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA.

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