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Blueprint For a Mess Article Review

Blueprint for a Mess – Introduction

The article focuses on the real lessons that Iraq got after or postwar mess; there is the focus on the occupying and Blueprint For a Mess Article Reviewreconstructing Iraq, which also becomes difficult for the country because poor planning is done by American policies. Thus, there was wishful thinking that is focused at the moment the decision. The main target was to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s and his bestial dictatorship (Rieff, 2003).

Determine the stakeholders

  • The people from the United States and Iraq
  • People who suffer in postwar Iraq
  • State Departments
  • Segments involved uniformed military
  • Top officials
  • Department of Defense
  • Iraqi-Americans

SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths
    • The United States could be explained as the nation doing a great deal of good in Iraq.
    • There is a rise of the American motives by focused on the conspiracy theories.
  • Weaknesses
    • Poor planning and execution are done in war furthermore its aftermath.
    • Assumptions related to the overwhelming majorities of Iraqi Shiites.
  • Opportunities
    • Bush administration
    • Occupying as well as reconstructing Iraq
  • Threats
    • Adversarial relations with Iran
    • There was a threat of war by the Korean Peninsula.
    • Threat-related to the nuclear, chemical as well as the biological warfare potentials by the Saddam Hussein’s.
Determine the key issues
  • ORHA ineffective planning on the time, expertise, and resources
  • The planners by American not carefully planned before attacking Iraqi infrastructure.
  • The military’s plans were not sufficient; there was lack of adequate personnel.
  • Post-conflict work by the military police.
What went wrong?

There were several things that went wrong, as there were the postwar mess and poor planning; the planning was not done effectively before destroying the infrastructure of Iraq. To overthrow Saddam Hussein’s was also wrong decision because in reaction supporters went wild, there were wrong decisions and planning’s because the aftermath not focused and ineffective planning was done.

Avoid some of the problems

The planning was not efficient thus the mess created in the postwar Iraq. However, the failure of planning, as well as implementation, made the hardship for the stakeholders. To avoid the problems, before taking the decision to go to war, there was a need to access the infrastructure that what need to destroy and what to not. The plans related to overthrowing Saddam Hussein also needed to be effectively focused.


Rieff, D. (2003, November 2). Blueprint for a Mess. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/02/magazine/blueprint-for-a-mess.html

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