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USA Immigration Policies


The immigration policies have raised a lot of questions in the United States. This follows the executive order that USA Immigration Policiestargets the immigration of citizens from Muslim majority countries. Such countries include Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somali, Sudan and Yemen. The Trump’s administration policies have hardened the policies regarding illegal migration in the US (Swers, 2017). The Obama’s administration only banned immigration of people who were a threat to the national security of the United States. Other individuals who risked deportation were gang members and the felons. The new policies on immigration require any alien who is found of a criminal offense to be deported to their respective countries. These policies are supposed to be implemented by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The new directive will not exempt anyone irrespective of the social class in the society. It also applies to the minors who have been convicted of a criminal offense. The new immigration laws are aimed at protecting the US from the terrorist attack. Some of the new directives that government will implement will entail building a wall between the border of the United States and Mexico.

The new directive will affect everybody who has no legal rights to stay in the country. It would apply to even those who have de facto protections (Swers, 2017). However, the Federation for American Immigration Reform President asserts that the law will only affect those who fall into the high-priority category. During the Obama’s administration, those who found crossing the border without permission were caught and released. However, they were allowed to reside in the US while their requests for asylum were being processed. On the other hand, the Trump’s administration has banned the “catch and release policy.” Instead, the immigrants are being sent back to Mexico awaiting the immigration documents to be processed (Dorf, 2016). This applies to even citizens of other countries. Besides, the policy requires the government to hold the immigrants at the various detention facilities awaiting immigration decisions. The new directive also requires the officials of detention facilities to expand or build more facilities in the US or find rooms within prisons to hold the asylum seekers (Dorf, 2016). This instruction works for the United States since their constitution allows it. However, it does not favor the Mexicans since the law does not support it. The new directive issued by the Trump’s administration also plans to use expedited removal where undocumented immigrants are deported without being represented in the court. This law was passed by the Congress two decades ago to allow the country to deport illegal immigrants without going before a judge.

In my opinion, the new solutions will help the state weed out illegal immigrants. Besides, the cases of crimes committed by the immigrants in the US will reduce. The new policy solutions on immigrations will also protect the country from receiving illegal migrants who have to lead to an increase in the country’s population and denied the locals of employment opportunities. I would propose solutions that prohibit total ban on immigrants from the Muslim majority countries. Those who have valid documentation should be allowed in the country. However, those who are suspected of criminal activities or terrorism should be thoroughly scrutinized before being allowed in the country. Moreover, both the government of the United States and Mexico should develop policies that limit immigration of its citizens to the US rather than constructing a wall between the two nations.

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  • Dorf, Michael C. “Donald Trump and Other Agents of Constitutional Change.” U. Chi. L. Rev. Online 83 (2016): 72.
  • Kteily, Nour, and Emile Bruneau. “Backlash: The Politics and Real-World Consequences of Minority Group Dehumanization.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43.1   (2017): 87-104.
  • Swers, Michele L. “Cracks in Republican unity between Trump and Congress are already beginning to show.” USApp–American Politics and Policy Blog (2017).

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