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The US-China Trade Policies, Treaties and Sanctions Enhancing It

“The US-China Trade Relationship”

The trade relationship between China and the US dates back to the early days of America’s independence. This study intends to examine the trade links between these two countries. The study involves the country’s trade policies, treaties, and even sanctions that enhance trading. It is worth noting that at the end of World War II, China became the USA’s leading trading partner. However, when the Republic of China was founded in 1949, trade between the two nations was dried up (Louis and Bull 127). This study shows that trade sanctions have remained part of economic and business relations between the U.S. and China since then. However, the sanctions have assumed different forms and taken on dissimilar levels of sternness at dissimilar times.

The United States imposed selective controls on trade with China immediately after the communist forces commenced to win the civil war in the early 1949. U.S export controls were then progressively tightened until a whole ban was set in place against China by the U.S following the outbreak of the Korean War (Louis and Bull 127). The United States was fundamental in creating the coordinating Committee on Multinational Export Controls (COCOM). It comprised of representatives of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Japan. It was intended to supervise a ban, which was imposed on China and the U.S. This study reveals that, by 1951, no trade existed between the two countries.

The US-China Trade Policies, Treaties and Sanctions Enhancing It

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