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Structured Report Writing Training Programs of Occidental Petroleum Corporation and its Methods

TASK 1:  Occidental Petroleum Corporation in Oman

The organization choses for this structured report is Occidental Petroleum Corporation is an American multinational natural gas and petroleum exploration company headquartered in Houston, Texas. Its major operations include in American Latin, Middle East and United States of America. In 2017 the company was the 3rd largest petroleum producer 21st largest natural gas producer in Texas. Occidental has been producing petroleum in Oman for over 30 years and today is one of the largest independent producers in the country. Their major operations are included in northern Oman at the Safah Field Block 9 and at the Mukhaizna field in the south. One of the most successful program led by Occidental is in northern Oman and more than 100 wells has been drilled till this date. Wadi Latham, Wadi Aswad North, Khamilah and Safah North B fields are all major drilling sites of this multinational corporation. (Occidental Petroleum Corporation, n.d.)

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