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Sample Restaurant One Act Play

Second Day in Restaurant


  • Waiter:
  • Manager:
  • 1st Costumer
  • 2nd Costumer
  • 3rd Costumer



A hotel in commercial residential area. Today is not a very busy day. Everything in its usual place. Staff of restaurant are not very active and sharp now.

Manager: Today I have completed fifteen years in hotel?
Waiter: Oh sir was your experience in all these years?
Manager: Good, but…..
Waiter: I think, some things have tortured you really?
Manager: It is your second day. You may learn things with passage of time.
Waiter: But sir, your experience shows your age.
Manager: What do you mean? To mean now everything look same.
Waiter: Come on sir! How can everything be same?
Manager: You want to challenge my words. I  can proof my words.
Wiater: Sir sir sir I cannot dare to do so. I was just making   request to elaborate your point.
Manager: Ok! Its time to elaborate look at these I can  for tell you their behavior  to our staff.
Waiter: Sir! I will enjoy myself. Ok tell me. What will this couple do?
Manager: This boy will try to impress his mistress and will use fancy words. Or will show extra efficiency.
Waiter: I am going to serve them.
Manager: Go  go! And you can write my words.
Waiter: (to costumer) sir your order:
1st costumer:  My order will be what my bellawil…..you want to have?
Water: I am very weak in that kind of knowledge. (look angry at costumer’s behavior).
1st costumer: Misery upon you that you even don’t know what to call the beautiful lady?
Waiter: Sir please give me order about meal.
I am to serve other people too.
1st costumer: (giving him order) go and look sharp about my order.
Waiter: His conversation offend me.  I’m know nothing but have a complete knowledge.
Manager: Ok if you want to test more. I can predict more things to you.
Waiter: Well, sir what will those men do?
Manager: They will do funny things.
Waiter: Funny things?
Manager: Look Sunny is going to take order.
Waiter: Everything is looking quite normal.
Manager: Wait, Don’t you look they are just staring menu card.
Waiter: One of them is giving orded.
Manager: (In loved voice) Sunny  hurry up and explain things, translate things help them.
Waiter: (Giving to Costumer) sir you need help.
2nd costumer: No no you have already (one of three men) told your what we want to have
Waiter: (to manager) Sir they thought help is an edible thing.
Manager: Look they are having cold drink before meal and have already taken desert.
Waiter:  I have not noticed.
Manager: They were putting tissue papers in every plate.
Waiter: Yes I saw that. No I must go to know their remarks about meal.
Manager: As you wish.
Waiter: (to costumer) how did you feel? I mean either our meal was good? Or very good.
2nd costumer Neither good nor very good. I was normal.
Waiter: It was your first visit to your restaurant when you will next come you shall things growing better.
2nd costumer Sir, few day it was in news that in every restaurant “Haram” meat is being cooked.
Waiter: There were many restaurants which were many restaurant which were indulge in such crime but our restaurant have neither be fined our sealed.
2nd costumer Good
Waiter: If you have doubts you can go to your kitchen.
2nd costumer We have no others option but to believe you because we have eaten.
Waiter: (to manager) they are sweet people.
Manager: As they look like.
Waiter: I am frightened.
Manager: Frightened? Why? Am I a monster or ghost? Is there is problem in my looks.
Waiter: No sir you are as handsome as I am.
Manager: You need a opportunity to praise yourself. Always blow your own trumpet.
Waiter: Sir sir my sweet boss. I am just saying that you can predict things so clearly that I feel you  are not a simple human being.
Manager: It is not a man speaking it is his experience telling you.
Waiter: Sir please one more thing him in (thinking) about those  boys.
Manager: Those sitting on the last table.
Waiter: Yes my lord.
Manager: They are students. To show themselves of a higher class they will start to look down upon the things.
Waiter: How sir?
Manager: Go and test. They will must have objection in each and every thing.
Waiter: I am going.
Manager: Good luck.
3rd costumer Hey you come here. A lot of mess in your hotel. A poor system of cleanliness. Oh what  a bad smell?
Waiter: What you want to do first clean the restaurant, take you order.
3rd costumer (In anger, standing and pointing figure) do not try to teach me thing. We are sitting here for last twenty minutes. No one felt need to take our order. Now you are dictating us.
Waiter: Are you getting late for the meeting of prime minister.
3rd costumer Shut up, you fool, I dot, nonsense.
Manager: (In loud voice) Sunny move to them and handle the matter.
Waiter: (To manager) you were right.
Manager: I always say right.
Waiter: Now I understand why things have exhausted you?
Manager: Exhausted?  Am I look exhausted?
Waiter: Yes
Manager: Sometimes routine work exhaust you and sometimes behavior of people.
Waiter: Ok! Calm down, today I can make you happy.
Manager You you can make me happy?
Waiter: By singing a song. Don’t you know a cheerful voice.
Manager: Why not? My dear please sing a song but now in low voice. Lest our costumers should run away.
Waiter: You are under estimating my talent. (Start singing).
Manager: Oh he has a pleasant voice. (In Loud Voice) Irfan arrange some musical instrument. I think we have put them.
(Musical instrument) next to store. Hussain sings very well.
(Singer sings song and every one present in restaurant enjoys his song).

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