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Pillars of Knowledge Management Example in Organizations

Pillars Of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Every organization uses its knowledge to gain and sustain the success for both, short and long run. The role of four pillars of knowledge management is in the limelight in the companies, as it helps the management to gain the strategic goal in an effective and lucrative manner. These four pillars of knowledge management assist in the transformation process in the company. The four pillars of knowledge management as leadership, organization, technology, and learning.

Pillars of Knowledge Management Example in Organizations

The pillars of the knowledge management include the leadership, organization, technology, and learning. However, the team is managing these pillars so that there could be affectivity in order to reach the goals through the vision and a plan. Thus, in this way, the companies are feeling the responsibility to ensure that how to reach the knowledge management plans through the effective team norms. Various companies are focused on the knowledge management and the four pillars. Consequently, the companies may also have the different pillars based on the goals, thus, the team members need to accept all the pillars that help the companies to grow.

The example can be taken of the General Motors from the automobile industry as the company is focused on the four principles or pillars of the knowledge management so that there could be better practices as well as the success in the market. The company has the different underlying values related to the knowledge management. General Motors is focused on the flexible enough strategies so that there could be benefits in the market or industry. The pillars related to the management include the different types of teams that help the companies to grow its organizational culture and help the companies to divide the team’s function (Bencsik, 2016).

First, talking about the leadership in the General Motors Company, this has been revealed that the management of the company plays a role of leadership through identifying the knowledge, and based on the knowledge, set a vision, mission and strategies. This is all about setting the road map or directions, based on the knowledge regarding the internal and external factors. The leadership actually helps to make the cultural changes in the company to integrate with the new trends. For Instance, the management uses the knowledge management values in the company and demonstrates the business tactics, which are enough to compete in the competitive market (Mich, 2014).

A good leader in the company identifies what is required at the right time, and accordingly executes the strategies. The organizations, from retail to manufacturing are using this pillar to contain the function of value-driven activities. The leadership, based on knowledge, can conduct the work centered analysis. For Instance, General Motors leadership is depicting the high-level strategic approach, as it sets the goals and objectives to be a market leader in the retail industry. Other examples of the companies are promoting values and norms, strategy implementation process and several measurements programs.

The second pillar, organization, refers organizing to support values for the knowledge management. For example, the companies, in the modern and competitive business era, identify the different knowledge gaps and risk in the knowledge management process. Interestingly, it has been seen that the management empathize an on the type and nature of knowledge and develop the business process model. This pillar of the knowledge management also shows the relative people’s engagement. The application of this pillar of knowledge management is critical for the company because it helps in organizing the knowledge for different business operations. The success is quite triggered by this pillar of this process, and the organizations, with the passage of the time, are quite up to it.

The third pillar of General Motors Company, knowledge management is technology, which is containing the specific functions in the company. For Instance, collecting and connecting the knowledge in an organization is the main function of this particular pillar. For example, in Apple Inc, the management of the company uses both, internal and external knowledge to enhance the visibility of system integrations and access for a long run. Technology is the main sources in the modern organizations to derive and share the knowledge in a lucrative manner, and accordingly, the management and all key stakeholders are engaged prominently. The intention of a modern organization is always to exploit the semantic technology to accelerate the visibility of pertinent knowledge flow (Becerra-Fernandez & Leidner, 2014).

Forth pillar is learning. The General Motors is managing the learning and effective tasks based on the innovation practices for the pillar of knowledge management. Thus, in this way, the company had made cars that can be appreciated in the market, there are fuel-efficient cars and in this way, the employees are given the knowledge of the workshops as there are training courses and the best practices. The company General Motors conducts the best research so that there could be the focus on the real day-to-day challenges (GM.com, 2017).

There are different practices that support the pillar of knowledge management, as the organizational culture of the General Motors is related to attain the best practices. Moreover, the company is focused on the role of a manager so that there could effective in the entire corporation and so that there could be the strategic consulting support. General Motor is focused on the effective principles, example, the company is managing the workforce so that there could grow, and however, there is the continuity in order to gain the success in the field of an automobile.

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