This article explains about Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy Advantages and Disadvantages and Safety Concern.
Advantages of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy
The advantages of the NSOM are given below.
- High resolution up to 2-5nm can be obtained.
- By contrast mechanism, the properties such as refractive index, chemical structure, and local stress can be observed.
- The conductive, non-conductive or transparent sample can be used to examine no special sample creation needed.
- There are advantages related to the optical microscopy and there are benefits of albeit higher resolution.
- The benefits of the electron microscopy can be obtained through using NSOM.
- Using NSOM also requires minimal sample preparation.
- NSOM if operated in ambient, there can be advantages of the liquid environments (Hsu, 2001).
- The spectroscopy techniques can be concerned in NSOM.
- NSOM focuses to enable the probe different materials properties
- NSOM microscope if operated effectively, there can be advantages of spectroscopy.
- NSOM also support conventional optical microscopes.
- NSOM focus on the light source and collection mode.
- Nanometer resolution is concerned by NSOM.
- Single molecule sensitivity is there in the NSOM.
Disadvantages of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy
Disadvantages of NSOM:
- There is some limitation of the NSOM are given below.
- For the high resolution of the image, it takes a long scan time to process it.
- The shear force mode and the other contact operations are not helpful for soft materials.
- The working distance is very low and has the extremely shallow depth of field.
- NSOM only limited to the surface studies.
- Disadvantages of NSOM device include the topographic image, as there could be issues.
- There could be correlate structural issues in the NSOM device.
- Physical properties of NSOM device can create problems.
- The NSOM device can be opposite sometime.
- There could be issues of side’s reflection mode (Hsu, 2001).
- The contact tasks are not useful for delicate materials.
- The working separation can be low.
- NSOM device may has tapered optical fiber.
- In NSOM device laser light can be coupled.
- NSOM device may had ineffective illumination source (Hsu, 2001).
- There can be high determination of the picture.
Safety Concern of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy
Safety concerns of NSOM:
- There are some precautions to use NSOM device.
- Cells or tissue can be damaged with the laser light while using NSOM for cell or tissue imaging.
- Laser light can affect the operator of NSOM device.
- Effective practices of NSOM; result in the position resolution and accuracy.
- For NSOM scanning optical microscope; MCL-NSOM need to be used (Hsu, 2001).
- NSOM gadget are very few to utilize.
- Laser light can be harmful as there are tissue imaging.
- NSOM need to be concerned with the microscope’s versatile design.
- Constant force feedback and shear force feedback both can be effective approaches.
- NSOM versatile designs can help researchers to focus on the instruments that are effective.
- Feedback mechanisms is important to achieve high resolution in the tasks of NSOM
- NSOM is helpful in the optical microscopy techniques (Hsu, 2001).
- Feedback mechanisms need to be concerned timely.
- Hsu, J. W. (2001). Near-field scanning optical microscopy studies of electronic and photonic materials and devices. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 33(1), 1-50.