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Mobilink Performance Management System

Table of Contents

  • Performance Management
  • Implementing a Performance Management system
  • Performance Management skills
  • Coaching
  • Raters training
  • Pilot Testing
  • Finally Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Performance
  • Determinants of Performance
  • Gathering Performance Information
  • Appraisal Forms
  • Performance Information Provider
  • Measuring Results
  • Determine Performance Standards
  • Measuring Behaviors
  • Reward System
  • Legal Considerations
  • Performance management and employment development
  • Mobilink
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision statement
  • History
  • Major departments
  • Human resource department
  • Mission statement
  • Sections
  • HR Practices
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Appraisal Policy
  • Performance Review
  • Appraisal categories
  • Training and Development
  • Training Method
  • Performance Management System
  • Career Planning & Development
  • Reward System
  • Gap Analysis

mobilink performance management system

Performance Management:

A process that includes activities which ensure that organizational goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner is known as performance management system. It can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee or even the process to build a product or service.

The system that is governing the process is called the performance management system. It’s an ongoing process, does not take place once a year rather it’s an ongoing process that includes different components. These components are interlinked.

Performance Management system components:

  • Prerequisites
  • Performance Planning
  • Performance Execution
  • Performance Assessment
  • Performance Review
  • Performance Renewal & Re-contracting


  • Knowledge of the organization’s mission and strategic goals
  • Knowledge of the job in question

These are the two prerequisites that are required before implementing any performance management system.

Performance Planning:

Not just the managers but employees equally have a right to know about the performance management system that is being used by the organization. In multinational companies performance planning component is followed and employee and manager have a detailed discussion about the behaviors that are noted what results an employee should produce.

Performance Execution:

Employees after getting a clear picture strive hard to produce the results and display the behaviors that have been agreed between the employee and manager. To make sure that the employee is going in the right direction certain things should be followed

  • Commitment to goal achievement
  • Ongoing performance feedback and coaching
  • Communication with supervisor
  • Collecting and sharing performance data
  • Preparing for performance review

Performance Assessment:

The extent to which the desired behaviors have been displayed and whether the desired results have been achieved are evaluated in the performance assessment component.

Performance Review:

Performance review or appraisal meeting is where managers and employee meet to review their assessment

Performance Renewal and Re-contracting:

In performance renewal and Re-contracting after considering the performance assessment review the whole performance management system is gone through to check the mistakes and correct them for which strategic plan is required

Contributions of Performance Management system:

  • Motivation to perform
  • Self-Esteem is increased
  • Managers gain insight about subordinates
  • The definitions of job and criteria are clarified
  • Self-insight and development are enhanced
  • Administrative actions are more fair and appropriate
  • Organizational goals are made clear
  • Employees become more competent
  • Employee’s misconduct is minimized

Disadvantages of poorly implemented Performance Management System:

  • Increased turnover
  • Use of misleading information
  • Lowered self esteem
  • Wasted time and money
  • Damaged relationships
  • Decreased motivation to perform
  • Employee burnout and employee dissatisfaction
  • Increased risk of litigation
  • Emerging biases

Implementing a Performance Management system:

There are essential steps that must be taken before the implementation of performance management system. Specially, the successful implementation of a performance management system requires a clear understanding of how the system will work and a clear understanding of its benefits from different perceptions. Before launching the system, a successful communication plan must be implemented and a part of this it also includes a description of an appeals process. Finally the system should be tested and results of a pilot test used to fix any malfunctions. However when the system has been tested and launched then there is a.

Communication Plan:

Organizations often design a communication plan to ensure that the information regarding performance management system is widely dispersed in that organization and which answers the following questions:

  1. What is Performance Management (PM)?
  2. How does PM fit in our strategy?
  3. What’s in it for me?
  4. How does it work?
  5. What are our roles and responsibilities?
  6. How does PM relate to other initiatives?

Appeals Process:

The appeal process is necessary in gaining the employee acceptance for the PMS because it allows the employees to understand that, if there is any disagreement relating to the rating or decisions then such disagreements could be resolved in a cordial and non-revengeful way and moreover it seems to be that the system is fair and well-organized.

There are two levels of appeal process:

Level 1:

  • HR reviews facts, policies, and procedures
  • HR reports to supervisor/employee
  • HR attempts to negotiate settlement

Level 2:

  • Arbitrator (panel of peers and managers) and/or
  • High-level manager – final decision

Finally the panel reviews the case, asks questions take interviews and review policy and then they simply take a vote to make decisions

Performance Management skills

Managers have to possess several important skills to manage the performance of their employees effectively. Managers need to serve as coaches, to observe and document performance accurately, to give both positive and negative feedback, and to conduct performance review meetings.


Coaching is an ongoing process in which the manager directs, motivates, and rewards employee behavior. Coaching is defined as a continuous process to manage employees. Coaching includes several key functions, such as giving advice about what is expected about performance and how to perform well, giving employees’ guidance so employees know how to improve their performance, providing employees with support without being controlling, and enhancing employees’ confidence and competence.

Major Coaching Functions are to:

coaching skills

There are four different coaching styles which are used by managers while coaching their subordinates. Good coaching sometimes include giving direction, sometimes persuading employees how to do things in a particular way, sometimes showing empathy and creating positive effects, and sometimes paying close attention to established rules and procedures.

Raters Training:

Training programs for the Acquisition of required skills (Rater Training)

  • The raters should have all the required and relevant Information when the performance management system is operated in an organization including appraisal forms and system mechanics etc.
  • The raters should be Identifying, Observing, Recording, and evaluating the performance of the individuals for their rating or evaluation
  • The raters should have an idea how to interact with Employees in the performance management process including appraisals interviews, training and coaching etc.

Choices of Training Programs include:

Rater Error Training (RET)Frame of Reference Training (FOR)

Behavioral Observation Training (BO)Self-leadership Training (SL

Pilot Testing:

  • It provides ability
  • To discover potential problems
  • To fix them

Finally Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation:

When the testing period is over and the performance management system has been implemented in the organization then. Several measures are used by an organization on a regular basis to monitor and evaluate the whole system:

  • Number of individuals evaluated
  • Distribution of performance rating

Strategic Planning

A process that involves describing the organizations destination, assessing barriers that stand in the way of that destination, and selecting approaches for moving forward is known as strategic planning. Strategic planning serves as a blueprint that defines how the organization will allocate its resources in pursuit of its goal.

Development of a strategic plan:

The development of an organization’s strategic plan requires a careful analysis of the organization’s competitive situation, the organization’s current position and destination. Every plan has to follow a few steps, strategic plan is also made by considering a few steps which include

  1. Conduct of environmental analysis
  2. Creation of organization’s mission and vision statement
  3. Setting goals
  4. Creating strategies that will allow the organization in fulfilling its mission and vision to achieve its goal.

Environmental Analysis:

Environmental analysis identifies external and internal parameters with the purpose of understanding broad issues related to industry where organization operates so that decisions can be made.


A mission statement summarizes the organization’s most important reason for its existence.


An organization’s vision is statement of suture aspirations.


Goals a source of motivation and provide employees with more tangible target for which to strive.


Strategies are made to fulfill the mission and vision of the organization which are set to achieve the goals.

At unit level:

Strategies at unit level also include same factors the mission statement, the vision statement, the goals and stratifies but they are of a unit a department which aligns with the overall organizational strategic plan.

Job description:

The detailed information about the various tasks performed together with a description of some of the KSAs required for the position.

Individual and Team Performance:

Performance management system needs to motivate employees to display the behaviors and produce the results required to support the organizations and the unit’s mission, vision and goals. Developmental plans needs to be aligned with unit and organizational priorities as well.


Performance management system includes measures of both behaviors (what employees does) and results (the outcomes of an employee’s behavior).

Two additional characteristics of behavior are:

Evaluative: Such behaviors that can be judged as negative, neutral, or positive for individual and organizational effectiveness

Multidimensional: Different kind of behaviors that have the capacity to advance organizational goals

Determinants of Performance:

Combination of three factors allows people to perform at higher levels than others and that are:

  1. Declarative Knowledge
  2. Procedural Knowledge
  3. Motivation

Declarative Knowledge is the information about the facts and things, including information regarding a given task’s requirements, labels, principles, and goals. Procedural Knowledge is a combination of knowing what to do and how to do it and includes cognitive, physical, perceptual, motor, and interpersonal skills. Motivation involves three types of choice behaviors which are choice to expend effort, choice of level or effort, and choice to persist in the expenditure of that level of effort.

Performance = Declarative Knowledge * Procedural Knowledge * Motivation

Performance Dimensions:

Two types of behaviors or performance facets that standout to identify performance are following:

  • Contextual Performance
  • Task Performance

Task Performance is defined as activities that transform raw materials into the goods and services that are produced by the organization. Whereas, Contextual Performance are those behaviors that contribute to the organization’s effectiveness by providing a good environment in which task performance can occur.

Performance Measurement Approaches:

  • Behavior Approach
  • Results Approach

Gathering Performance Information

An important component of performance assessment stage is the use of appraisal forms. These forms are the instruments used to document and evaluate performance.

Appraisal Forms:

At the core of any performance management system is the assessment of performance. Information on the performance is collected by using forms, which can be filled out on paper or electronically. One advantage of filling out forms electronically is that the information is stored and it can be shared easily, for instance, between the managers filling out the form and the HR department

Appraisal forms usually include the following components:

  • Basic Employee Information
  • Accountabilities, Objectives, and Standards
  • Competencies and Indicators
  • Major Achievements and Contributions
  • Stakeholder Input
  • Employee Comments
  • Signatures

Determining Overall Rating:

After the form has been completed, there is need to compute an overall performance score. Two main strategies are used to obtain the overall performance scores for each employee judgmental and mechanical

Appraisal period and number of meetings:

Organizations with a performance management system typically conduct an annual review, however some other organizations may choose to conduct semiannual or even quarterly formal reviews. To conduct only an annual review might not provide sufficient opportunity to the supervisor and subordinate to discuss performance related issues in a formal setting therefore it is recommended that to conduct semiannual or quarterly reviews Performance management system can include six Types of Formal Meetings between subordinates and the supervisor.

Performance Information Provider

As we see that the employee’s supervisor is the primary source of performance information because he directly observes the performance of the employees and also has the knowledge of performance standards. However, there are also some alternative sources of performance information and it includes:

  • Supervisors
  • Peers
  • Subordinates
  • Self
  • Customers

Measuring Results:

The first step in measuring performance by adopting a results approach is to identify accountabilities. Accountabilities are the various areas in which an individual is expected to focus.

Determining Accountabilities:

Based on job description and additional information some of the accountabilities are listed as follows:

  • Process Leadership
  • Supervision of nonexempt staff
  • Coaching
  • Team-building Consultation
  • Assessment instrument feedback
  • Product Improvement

Determining Objectives:

After all key accountabilities are identified; the next step in the results approach is to set objectives for each. Objectives should be as follows:

  1. Specific and clear
  2. Challenging
  3. Agreed upon
  4. Significant
  5. Prioritized
  6. Bound by time
  7. Achievable
  8. Fully communicated
  9. Flexible
  10. Limited in number

Determine Performance Standards:

Final step in the result approach is to determine Performance Standards… Good standards are:

  • Related to position
  • Concrete, specific, and measurable.
  • Practical to measure
  • Meaningful
  • Realistic and achievable
  • Reviewed regularly

Measuring Behaviors:

The first step in measuring performance standards through behavior approach involves identifying competencies. “Competencies are measurable clusters of KSAs that are critical in determining how results will be achieved. Second step involves identifying indicators that will allow us to understand are behavioral manifestations of the underlying competencies. Third step involves choosing the right measurement system, either comparative or absolute.

Comparative System:

By its focus on results or outcomes, CPM can help communicate to the public an agency’s accomplishments and performance in comparison with similar agencies.

Absolute System:

This system includes evaluations of employee’s performance without making direct reference to other employees. Such system includes essays, behaviors, checklist, critical incidents and graphic rating scales. For this type of measurement to be most useful, the meaning of each response category should be clear, the individual interpreting ratings should be able to clearly what response was intended, and the performance dimensions should be rated clearly for the rater.

Reward System

An employee’s compensation usually referred to as tangible returns, includes cash compensation (i.e. base pay, cost of living and merit pay, short term incentives, long term incentives) and benefits (i.e. income protection, work/life focus, tuition reimbursement, and allowances) however employees also receive intangible returns also referred to as relational returns, which include recognition and status, employment security, challenging work and learning objectives

Base Pay:

Base pay is given to employees in exchange of work performed. The base pay which usually includes a range of values, focuses on the position and duties performed rather than an individual’s contribution. This means that base pay is same for employees working on same positions.

Cost of living Adjustments:

Cost of living adjustments imply the same percentage increase for all employees regardless of their individual performance. Cost of living adjustments are given to employees to combat the effects of inflation in an attempt to preserve the employees ‘buying power.

Contingent pay:

Contingent pay or merit pay is given an addition to base pay based on past performance. In a nutshell, contingent pay means that the amount additional compensation depends on an employee’s level of performance.

Short term incentives:

Short term incentives just like contingent pay is based on past performance. However, incentives are not added to the base pay and are only temporary pay adjustments based on review period. Incentives are one time payments and are referred to as variable pay.

Long term incentives:

Long term incentives usually involves an attempt to motivate performance in the short term and involves cash bonuses or specific prizes, long term incentives attempt to influence future performance over a longer period of time.

Income Protection:

Income protection program serve as a backup to employees’ salaries in the event that employee is sick, disabled, or no longer able to work.

Work/ Life focus:

Programs that help employees achieve a better balance between work and non-work activities are benefits related to work / life focus.


Benefits in some countries and organizations include allowances covering housing and transportation. These kinds of allowances are typical for expatriate personnel and are popular for high level managers throughout the world.

Relational Returns:

Relational returns are intangible in nature. They include recognition and status, employment security, challenging work, opportunities to learn and opportunities to form personal relationship at work.

Legal Considerations

Effective management of contextual performance involves consideration of several legal issues. Performance appraisals, promotion decisions, and other decisions impacting employees are Subject to scrutiny under a number of different principles which are:

  • Employment-at-will
  • Negligence
  • Defamation
  • Misrepresentation
  • Adverse Impact
  • Illegal Discrimination

Performance Management system are usually considered legally sound and fair if standard procedures are follow and all employees get same treatment.

Performance management and Employment Development

An effective performance management system initiates with a thorough goal-setting process, followed by regular feedback and reviews/appraisals. It also identifies employees’ developmental needs and includes robust reward and recognition practices. The system also should encourage collaboration, teamwork, and communication.

goal setting processThe overall objective of development plan is to encourage continuous learning, performance improvement, and personal growth. Developmental objectives can be achieved by doing one or more of the following developmental activities: (1) on the job training, (2) courses, (3) self-guided reading, (4) mentoring, (5) attending a conference, (6) getting a degree, (7) job rotation, (8) temporary assignments, and (9) membership or leadership role in professional or trade organizations. 360-degree feedback systems are tools… The implementation of 360-degree feedback systems can produce many benefits including (1) decreased possibility of biases, (2) increased awareness of performance expectations, (3) increased commitment to improve, (4) improved self-perceptions of performance, (5) improved performance.

mobilink performance management system

Mobilink Performance Management System

Mission Statement:

“To be the unmatchable mobile system of Communications in Pakistan this provides the best value to its customers, employees, business partners and shareholders.”

Vision statement:

“To be the leading Telecommunication Services Provider in Pakistan by offering innovative Communication solutions that make each day better for our customers while exceeding Shareholder value & Employee Expectation”


Mobilink is a subsidiary of Orascom telecom. Orascom telecom is headed by Egyptian based chairman Mr. Naguib Sawiris. It was founded to achieve a fundamental target to build one unique telecommunications entity of Arab identity. In its effort to fulfill its regional strategy, OrascomTelecom now has 20operating licenses; 5 in Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan. Syria, Yemen and recently Algeria) one in Pakistan and 15 in central and sub-Saharan African countries (Zimbabwe, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Zambia, Uganda, ThecentralRican republic, DRC, Togo, Benin, Chad, Gabon, Burundi and Niger). It adopted Mobilink in June 2000, since then it has seen a dynamic and full throttled speed of development and prosperity.PMCL (Pakistan Mobile Communication (Pvt.) Limited) was set up in 1994 with its headquarters in Lahore. PMCL is a joint venture between Motorola incorporated and Saif Media Group. Mobilink first launched its services in Lahore in Augusto 1994. Since then the network has grown and now Mobilink covers thirty-nine cities

Mobilink’s Values:

Be Passionate: We at Mobilink, are passionate about fulfilling & exceeding customer needs and enriching their lives every day.

Be Professional: We take pride in practicing the highest ethical standards and take responsibility for our actions.

Lead with Purpose: We are committed to lead the market through innovations in new services, products, as well as cutting edge technologies and solutions.

Products of Mobilink

Mobilink has two products

  • Jazz
  • Indigo

Services Offered

MOBILINK GSM has always been the market leader when it comes to introducing state-of -the-art communication solutions for its customers. We are continuously adding up to the range of our Value Added Services, all for your convenience. Following are the major services:

Call time identification Call Waiting
Call holding International Roaming
Call forwarding News information service
Short messaging services Mobile TV
Fax and data service GSM & Entertainment

Major Clients/Customers

Mobilink has about 53% market share.

Number of Customers

Total numbers of subscribers are about 12 Million. The major customers are from jazz package.

Major departments

Financial department Customer-service department Commercial Department
Technical Department Information Technology Department Human Resource Department
Administrative Department Internal Audit Department Customer Services Department

Mobilink Human Resource Department

Mission statement:

“To lead the organization in enhancing its human capital and create a winning environment where everyone enjoys contributing to the best of one’s ability.”

Mobilink plans to achieve this by:

  • Inspiring and motivating its people.
  • Developing its people to strive for higher standards.
  • Driving an open minded and enterprising corporate culture where people through leadership at all levels dare to dream, dare to try, dare to fail and dare to succeed.
  • Attracting and recruiting the best talent

Mobilink has a very defined and well-structured department and its various policies of keeping eachemployee productive part of the organization are intoned with the corporate world’s requirement…Humans are the basic to for having competitive edge in the market for most of the organizations and Mobilink is one of these. Mobilink has one of the best HR systems in Pakistan that gives it an edge over its competitors.


Employee Services:

Pay roll
Leave and Medical Record Final Settlements and provident funds
Policies &Procedures Employee record & Recreation

OD &effectiveness:

Training management Performance Management
Employees Retention Orientation and employee Communication

Staffing and compensation:

Staff plan & HR budgeting Management trainee & internship program
Interviewing & Selection Compensation, benefits & Incentives


At MOBILINK the people have been empowered to a large degree by minimizing out dated rules /regulations and plan to further eliminate the bureaucratic barriers to capitalize on their ingenuity and talent. Mobilink. There is a whole process behind HR Strategy. The top team continues to play its role in providing the guidance and support to people at all levels. The HR (people’s) function ensures that it leads the transformational change by nurturing a climate, which would help in converting the huge potential at disposal of the company into world-class performance

HR Practices at Mobilink

Some basic HR practices being carried out at Mobilink are

Planning Recruitment & Selection
Performance Appraisal system Compensation
Training & Development Career Planning & Development
Occupational health Measures Research & Development
Reward Management Employee Relations

Performance Appraisal

Reviewing performance and taking positive steps to develop employees further is a key function of management and is a major component in ensuring the success of the company through effective employee performance. Although the appraisal process is conducted at each department by their own supervisors through interviews or written forms, the screening process is carried out by the HR department itself .However, due to certain policies of the management, the confidentiality of the system is veryhigh. Though we did manage together some information regarding the system and how it leads to the development of the employee, we were not able to attain the complete system with supporting data. A review is about ensuring people know what levels of performance are expected of them and then taking action to ensure they are trained and developed to perform effectively.

Appraisal Policy:

The intent of these appraisals is to review current job performance and responsibilities, set goals and discuss further opportunities with reference to past performance at Mobilink

Performance Review:

At MOBILINK a review is intended to be an open and frank discussion between an employee and their Team Leader/Manager. Generally there are two elements: First is the element in which discussion takes place over the strengths and areas which need to be developed as displayed by the job holder over the past 12 months. The performance is of course judged comparing the performance against the core indicators of Job. The second element is concerned with discussing the training needs/inputs activities that are considered to be appropriate to help the jobholder overcome some of development areas discussed in the review and also those activities that are deemed appropriate to buildupon their current strengths.

Appraisal categories:

Appraisal category Definition of category % of employees which can be rated in this category
Outstanding (OS) Superb performance 12
Exceed expectation (EE) Better than expected 8
Meet expectation (ME) Manages to meet expectations 10
Improvement needed (IN) Not been able to meet expectations. 5

Training and Development

The second step of the appraisal process after reviewing is the training and development of the employee. Now Mobilink focuses keenly on the weaknesses of its employees in order to identify and eradicate them. Training is a planned effort to facilitate employees learning of job-related competencies and overcoming their weak points. These include knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for thesuccessup job performance. At MOBILINK, there is a continuous assessment of the technical and managerial skills. For the further enhancement of these skills formal training programs are offered at all levels. The employees are provided with opportunities to put these skills into practice, in preparationfor the movetoa managerial role. Training is viewed at MOBILINK as a way of creating intellectual capital. Employees are expected to acquire new skills and knowledge, apply them on job and share this information with of their employees. The training is cross-functional for sharing of skills. The employee are trained periodically either locally or abroad according topreplannedschedules.

Theobjective of such training is to upgrade the capabilities of employees. If an employee attends an overseas training then he/she has to serve the company for a certain period after the date ofcompletion of training subject to the cost and duration of training itself. In case an employee leaves the company during this period he/she will have to pay the amount specified at that point in time.

Training Method:

  1. On Job Training
  2. special Training Sessions
  3. Team Building
  4. Problem Based
  5. Refresher Courses

Types of Training in Mobilink

On a general basis the training done in Mobilink can be divided into two categories:

  • Soft skill training
  • Technical Training

Mobilink Performance Management System:


Though the management claims that their Performance Measures are congruent to strategies, reliable and acceptable but they emphasized that the main strengths of their systems are the validity and specificity.


The performance measurement systems used at PMCL are valid. As stated by the management, the core job areas extensively. They are not only aligned with the company’s strategic objectives but are also free from deficiency. Contamination is acceptable as a few things extra from the actual job requirements are expected.


The performance measure used at PMCL has a very high specificity because it guides the employees as to where they lack and how can they improve.

Career Planning & Development

Mobilink aces much competition in the telecom industry so now they are focusing on career Management of their employees in which they enable the employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests and to use these skills and interests most effectively both within the company and after they leave the firm. Career planning is the deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests knowledge, motivation, and other characteristics; acquires information about other opportunities and choices; identifies career related goals and establishes action plans to attain specify it goals. Importance of Career planning in today’s competitive world is as important as any other HR function. Retaining your valuable Human resource today is one of the biggest challenges that organizations are acing. So, HR needs to come up with new strategies. Career planning and development is one of the basic tool and strategy organizations are using for retaining their employees. This function actually makes employees feel that they are important to the organization and Mobilink wants them to be at the top in their careers. However, at Mobilink this function is not fully performed or we should say this function is not performed satisfactorily. There are some policies on these but those are not recognized that

Promotion Policies

The new company structure is in five layers, comprising associates, specialists, managers, directors and chief officers; in that order starting from the bottom and working towards the top rung of the ladder. Until approved otherwise, it would be mandatory for the employees to spend the following maximum period at each level before a promotion to the next level depending upon availability of a slot: Associate 3-4 years Specialist 3-4 years Manager 2-3 years Director According to the president decision Chiefs According to the president decision

Reward System

Mobilink considers its employees not just as a cost but also as a resource in which the company has invested rom which it expects valuable returns. Pay policies and programs are one of the most important human resource tools for encouraging desired employee behaviors. The advantage of paying above the market average is the ability to attract and retain the top talent available, which can translate into highly effective and productive work force. The incentive schemes and incentive objective have been clearly communicated to all individuals and depends on their performance and appraisals.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards include

  • Base Pay
  • COLA’s
  • Seniority Pay
  • Merit pay
  • Incentive pay
  • Pay for knowledge
  • Pay for skills
  • Task identity
  • Skill variety
  • Task significance
  • Autonomy
  • Feedback

Gap Analysis




Types of Reward system:·.    Base pay

·   COLA

·   Short/Long term Incentives

·   Income protection

·    Work/life focus

·    Allowances

·    Relational returns

Mobilink is giving all the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. But all the rewards are on entirely on the basis of their performances. They are not focusing on income protection throughout their life. This means if they are not tolerating any less work from their employees for the reward system Mobilink is providing both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on Exceptional performance in a project, Targets achievements, Special assignments and they provide them with rewards like Medical car, Life insurance Vacations Relocation, Recreation Club Policy Travel, Mobile phone, Business mobile phone policy, Official Blackberry Policy, Life insurance, Medical entitlement
Measurement approach: 

1.      Behavior approach

2.      Result approach

3.      Trait approach

Mobilink is not using any specific measurement approach for performances. They should use behavior and result approach according to the organizational work demands. Mobilink is using MBO as their approach for the measurement of performance. MBO focuses only one sources of performance information that is direct supervisor.
Measuring Behaviors:·         Comparative: o   Simple rank order

o   Alternation rank order

o   Paired comparison

o   Forced distribution·


o   Essays

o   Behavior check lists

o   Critical incidents

o   Graphic rating scales

Large number of employees is working in Mobilink and for that they should simplify their measuring behavior of performance as related to comparative or absolute systems. Mobilink has characterized their employees in four rank orders which are OS, EE, ME and IN.Forced distribution is used in Mobilink and specific percentage of employee is alloyed for each category.
 Components Appraisal Form:   

   1. Basic employee information

2. Accountabilities, objectives, and standards

3. Competencies & indicators

4. Major achievements & contributions

5. Employee comments

Mobilink should have the system in which supervisors check and rate the employees first on their performances and then employees rate themselves. Rather than supervisors rate after employees. Mobilink is using an online system in which employees grades themselves on the form given to them. They rate themselves on the rating scale of 1 to 5.
Standardized-Performance Management Practices: 1.    Personal-Developmental Plans

2.     Developmental Activities

3.     Direct Supervisor’s Role

4.     360-Degree Feedback Systems

Mobilink is using MBO which focuses on only one source of performance information i.e. direct supervisor. If Mobilink implements 360-Degree Feedback Systems instead of MBO approach then supervisor will get plenty of information and after doing gap analysis he can screen out the more accurate information on different performance dimensions. That will be helpful in crafting better Personal developmental plans Personal developmental plans are made for each employee in Mobilink. If any deficiency is identified then it is addressed through developmental activities including on-the-job training, courses, mentoring, job rotation & temporary assignments. But this all developmental planning process only relies on the information provided by direct supervisor as Management by Objectives is implemented instead of 360-Degree Feedback Systems.
Raters training program:
It is important to make sure that the supervisors who are rating have a clear understanding of how to conduct for which trainings are organized.
Raters training program should be introduced as even in self-evaluation supervisors should play their role. Mobilink has introduced self-evaluation system in which supervisors role is minimized and due to which no attention is placed on raters training.
Performance-Management Process:
·       Prerequisites·        Performance Planning
·        Performance Execution·       Performance Assessment·        Performance Review·        Performance Renewal
Mobilink has not organized a thorough or complete PMS implementing program like preparation, communication plan etc. Mobilink PMS is online where employee receives appraisal form through email and then sends it to Line Manager for approval and after commenting receives back.
Retirement Benefits

Transportation Facility

Mobilink should introduce retirement benefits.

Gender discrimination should be avoided and transport facility for both male and female employees should be introduced.

Mobilink does not offer retirement benefits.Mobilink does not provide transport facility to male employees.
Team work Team work should be promoted even if on temporary grounds Mobilink promote individual performance rather than team work.
  • www.mobilink.com.pk
  • www.google.com

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