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Microsoft Security and Authentication Process Implementation

Implementation Of Authentication Process

System Overview And Enterprise Security

Microsoft domain controller Reponses to the authentication of security requests such as checking permissions and logging in. The working principle is similar to the server computer; domain accepts Windows NT and the users are provided with the access to particular number of computer resources. The credentials for logging into the system are username and password (Technet.microsoft.com, 2018).

Rationale For Selection Of Protocol And Methods

The active directory domain controller is basically a hierarchical structure that contains all the information related to the objects on the network. The directory services are Active directory domain services (AD DS). The information stored in the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) is the data and information of the user on the same network as phone number, user name, and password and so on. The information enables the system to authorize the access on the network. The active directory was designed on the basis of rules for schema, attributes, global catalog, query and index mechanism, and replication service (Technet.microsoft.com, 2018).

Microsoft Security and Authentication Process Implementation

Installation Summary

The default installation of the complete system was done on Microsoft windows server 2003 R2 on AD01. The first step was analysis of system requirements as the service pack 1 was integrated as a standard edition by using the CD boot process. The support tools were provided by the server 2003 CD and it was named according to the environment. The SP1 was done and logged in the computer as administrator. The disk was inserted and started automatically and browsed setup2.exe. The ADO1 server was prepared to enable the remote desktop access by installing .NET framework 2.0. The remote desktop access was enabled by clicking start. The remote desktop on computer was done by sweeping into control panel. The updates of windows server 2003 was done by Microsoft update. The domain controller was promoted by DC promo and configured Active Directory through DNS (Stigviewer.com, 2017).

User Documentation And Briefing Of Implementation

The network interface cards were configured for the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP). The dialog box appears to the user after the configuration of DNS on the NetBIOS domain name. After accepting the domain name the database log folder comes to the default database. For the implementation, the permission compatibility was done for window 2000 operating system. The directory services remotely accessed the restore mode administration password (Social.technet.microsoft.com, 2018).

System Test Summary And Report

The AD check health was used for the testing purpose as a comprehensive test for the domain controller. The services were installed to the user account and switches were used to testify the accuracy of system. The Active Directory (AD) Explorer was generated by the sysinternals and worked as stand-alone tool (Petri, 2014). The query AD was performed for various tasks and executed sophisticated searches to save the information and re-execute. The second authentication process used was LDP.exe that is a GUI tool and works similar to the light weighted directory access protocol client (LDAP). The meta-data was used for the active directory DC was logged in by credential and connectivity was tested (Docs.microsoft.com, 2017).

Review Of Authentication System Implementation

The controlled interface was contented to the information system that operates between non-DoD and DoD. The active controller group was managed for the domain controller and manages to the active Directory forest (Social.technet.microsoft.com, 2018).

Summary Of Authentication System Adjustment

The domain controllers were first blocked from any internet access and then local administration accounts access the domain system. The dedicated system was managed by the active directory through remote process and then internet access was blocked from the specified account (Docs.microsoft.com, 2017).

Also Study:

Authenticated and Unauthenticated Attack

  • microsoft.com. (2017, 05 31). Active Directory Domain Services Overview. Retrieved from docs.microsoft.com: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/get-started/virtual-dc/active-directory-domain-services-overview
  • Petri, D. (2014, 05 24). Test Connectivity to an Active Directory Domain Controller from a PC. Retrieved from www.petri.com: https://www.petri.com/test-connectivity-to-an-active-directory-domain-controller-from-pc
  • technet.microsoft.com. (2018). Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Overview. Retrieved from social.technet.microsoft.com: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/699.active-directory-domain-services-ad-ds-overview.aspx
  • com. (2017, 12 45). Active Directory Domain Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG). Retrieved from www.stigviewer.com: https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/active_directory_domain/
  • microsoft.com. (2018). Build and Deploy the First Domain Controller. Retrieved from technet.microsoft.com: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc526432.aspx

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