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Impact of Information system on the Performance of HR Department


Impact of Information system on the performance of human Resource Department tells us about The addition of information technology to the human resource industry has revolutionized the contemporary workplace. HR professionals now have an increased capacity not only to gather information, but also to store and retrieve it in a timely and effective manner. This has not only increased the efficiency of the organization but also the effectiveness of management functions. New technology has also created opportunities for higher levels of stress for younger and older workers alike ( mujtaba, afza, habiba) unethical temptations and behaviors and opportunities for better leadership practices. The twenty first century is characterized as the knowledge century. Most of the organizations are now dependent upon knowledge workers and thus on effective knowledge management practices. Today, knowledge management offers a unique concept considered by many in the industry as progressive and “ soft” in application, primarily because of the intangible elements of knowledge. The ability to not only attract and hire but also to retain and properly utilize these individuals is crucial knowledge for the survival and success of the organization. In this globalized world, a department that is increasingly becoming central to the implementation of organization policy is the HR department. So HRIS is now considered an integral part of every organization. More and more organizations are now developing information technology which can help the organization achieve its goals in a timely manner. This information can then help the organization make more strategic decisions.

HRIS is an effective tool that can be used for streamlining the administered functions of the HR department. This can be achieved by creating an elaborate and relevant database. The data that an effective HRIS would have on individual employees can include training completed awards received, projects participate in and finished successfully, level of education attained number of years of services, skills, competencies, etc. by using this data the HR department can make a contribution towards strategy formation within an organization. With an efficient HRIS in place, the development of HR systems becomes easier.

Impact of Information system on the Performance of HR Department – PROBLEMS

Problem no 1:

In previous time there was problem for managers to maintain and retrieve data timely and effectively.

Problem no 2:

There was problem for people to get opportunities for job’s
Problem no 3:

Lack of new technology
Problem no 4

Lack of knowledge of HRIS system.
Problem no 5:
                        lack of user preferences.


1: HR professionals now have an increased capacity not only to gather information but also to store and retrieve it in timely and effective manner.

2: now new technology has also created opportunities but also the effectiveness of for younger and older workers alike (Mujtaba, Afza, and Habib, N. (2011), unethical temptations and behaviors and opportunities for better leadership practices.

3: So the HRIS is now considered an integral part of every organization (Waytt, 2002). More and more organizations are now developing information technology which can help the organization achieve its goals in a timely manner.

4: The main HRIS problems were lack of knowledge of HR department about HRIS and lack of importance given to HR department in these organizations. Corporation is required across various functions and divisions of the organizations for proper implementations of HRIS.

5: on the administrative side regarding choosing the best people, the problem might be a lack of user preference in the context of using the HRIS but the greater emphasis would be on how the organization is operated.


The result supports the findings that HRIS is mostly being employed as an administrative tool more than a strategic one. The holistic view of the role that HRIS can play in improving the efficiency and integration of HR department into a more strategic role was missing. The respondents could not establish a direct link between HRIS system and its impact on their routine work. There was a lack of clarity as to the exact value the HRIS system would add to the organization. This relates back to the earlier literature, that the benefits of HRIS are different to quality and cannot be displayed in monetary terms. Neither cost saving strong though HRIS appears to have tremendous promise it has not been fully utilized according to its potential. However more research should be done in other sectors to see either these finding are similar in different industries.

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