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Effects of Consumerism and Advertising in USA

Consumerism and Advertising – Introduction

Consumerism is an economic theory that states that a more and more increasing magnitude of utilization and spending is beneficial to the consumers. All the way through the 1800s and the Industrial Revolution, the globe, has been consuming at rates that are higher than ever before. The Industrial Revolution ensured availability of products in large quantities for the maiden moments since time immemorial. The products were relatively cheap and were availed to every individual. Owing to the unlimited access, soon there was an era of Mass Consumption. Soon people were all buying the latest models of the newest devices and gadgets available as people were buying the more modern appliances based on their appearances other than function and as a result consumption. Planned obsolescence and perceived obsolescence are the primary kinds of production that are contributing to the excessive consumerism in the current America. Planned obsolescence is where companies design products with the aim, or rather driving force that the people will be having the need or the wanting to throw away only after a short while after purchase. Perceived obsolescence, on the other hand, is driven by, “keeping up with the Joneses” (Stearns, 2006). Companies, in this case, use adverts and gimmicky newer models to convince the consumers that they are in need of the new paradigm.

Effects of Consumerism and Advertising in USA


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