Cognition and learning have the popularity in the modern world as the students are given the support so that they could become comfortable with the classroom environment and give the better results. Cognition and learning are the acquiring and understanding of the knowledge. However, the Cognition and learning help students so that they could able to perform better and could able to do the creative thinking, the analysis done on class 5. The benefits of the positive relationship or relations are there. There are the positive relations between the students and the teachers, the student in this way become confident because they have the good rapport with the teacher and the student, as they gain the self- confidence. Moreover, there can be the effectiveness of Cognition and learning and a student will perform better, in the academic achievement and performance. With the positive impact of Cognition and learning, the teachers and the students focus on the learning and there is the purpose to collect the data. However, in the paper, the English and science lessons are concerned for the better learning goals.
The cognitive process results in learning as the cognition and learning can be obtained through the experiences and the thoughts. It is the process that can relate to the acquiring and understanding of the knowledge. Cognition and learning are very important in every organization as the students are given the values and support for the good learning environment, there is the need to promote the cooperative, competitive and the individualistic efforts so that student could become able to perform for the higher grades. Therefore, the thinking or focus is on the good learning efforts and the instructional activities that could be helpful for them in the future. The support is given when focusing on intellectual thinking and the positive learning.
For the academic achievement there is the focus on the student attitudes and the problem-solving techniques, moreover, there are the values to achieve the higher cognitive skills in the students or the learners. Consequently, the paper focuses on the strong relationship that is in the Cognition and learning and higher achievement. Following are the two important points that could be focused for the Cognition and learning.
- Cognition and learning strategies are impacts on the students and academic achievement.
- The teachings of English and Science concepts have the effectiveness in the cognition and learning strategies.
Cognition and learning are helping the students to think in a new way so that the environments of the studies stay competitive and there could be the creative thinking from the students. However, positive relationship encourages them to build the good rapport as the academic achievement and performance could help them to enhance the personality, which could be supportive in the future (Kolodziej, 2015). Moreover, the students think of the new ideas because they feel comfortable in the classroom as the values are giving to them because the teachers thinking depend on the individualistic efforts so that the goad grades could be there. The teacher is doing efforts, in order to provide the enjoyment in the ideal classrooms so that there could be the enhancement of the students learning is for the grade of “A”.
To accomplish the cognition and learning the teachers have set the learning goals so that there could be the promotion of the individualistic learning and in this way, the competitive learning can be given the support for the new generation. Consequently, the new technology has the core values in the modern world, the students are promoting the technical achievement because they are interactive and discovery oriented. The students are a focus so that there could be the comfortable learning environment and the effective teaching strategies. Thus, the skilled learners are given the support, however, the positive effects of cognition and learning are there in the school, the effective learning is provided, based on that the interpersonal skills of the students are developed by the teacher. There is the continuous effort, in order to gain the attention and to give the values, the teachers have developed the skills regarding the speaking and listening (Huang, Huang, & Yu, 2011).
- Positive interdependence between the students is making them able to attain and ensure the success.
- There are the positive opinions and ideas from the students so that there could be the verbal interaction.
- In the cognition and learning setting, there is the focus on the accountability, so that there could be the achievement of the group goal, which contributes to the effective performance.
- Cognition and learning provide the opportunities so that there could be the enhancement of the interpersonal skills, communication skills, the conflict resolution and the compromise. Therefore, the students are analyzed and given the values.
- Group evaluations help the group to do the discussions so that there could be the achievements of the goals and actions.
The academics study wanted the student to accomplish the goal structure for the effectiveness of the organization as the good name could be created among the students and there could be the benefits for the student as the desired future state could be there. The teacher in this way, helping the students for the interactions, and there are the efforts to solve the problems, their teacher asks the student if they have any problem and if yes, then the steps are taken to resolve the issues and support them. However, to maintain the good grades, the student, and teacher, need to discuss the situations with each other so that the goal structure could be achieved. The students and the academic cooperation is working together in order to bring the effective conditions for the students so that there could be the efficiency in the tasks and the situation for the learning environment remains competitive (Mesquita & Anabela, 2015).
Cognitive learning is supportive in the institution because the teachers are motivated for it, as there are the online services provided to the students, the research article, states about the immediacy and presence of the teacher, however, the learner be provided the online learning environment in the relation. Thus, the cognition, and motivation is supportive and the effective learning is there if the cognition principles are focused on the online study. There is the positive relationship in the instructor immediacy and the student online presence. Moreover, the instructor immediacy and presence support the student because there is the effective learning, the cognition, and motivation if the behavior is significant for the individual predictor and the online instructions by the school and online teacher. Moreover, the student’s skills could be enhanced because the support is there, students can ask the relevant questions and if they are facing the issues regarding the academic and other changes (Baker, 2010).
The book on the cognitive theory and teaching process relates to the teaching process that there could be the dominant role of the students if the teachers are providing the assistance, however, the better learning environment can be provided to the students if the LAN technology is focused. The external and the internal environment of the students are disused with the distributed cognition that cognition theory emphasis on the systematic cognition system. There could be the better learning activities for the students if they are encouraged through the theories. The positive social foundation can be made for the future work of the students (Zhong, 2013).
There are the learning theories in the cognition and learning, however, instructional methods from the teacher can help the students to learn and focus on the organizational practices. The teachers are assisting the students so that there could be the learning of the excellent academic content (Sternberg, Sternberg, & Zhang, 2014). The focus of the institutions focuses on the accomplishment of the shared goals. The organization or the institutions, in this way, are maximizing the instructional approach so that the students could be guided in an effective manner. The interactions between the students help in the learning process so that the there could be the development of social skills through the interaction and the evaluation (Rasmussen, Brouwer, & Day, 2012).
In the cognitive learning, there can be the two essential conditions that can affect the student’s performance, as the students can be given the value if the teachers want the better performance from the students. Therefore, there could be the effectiveness of the cognition and learning process, if the students know about the recognition of reward and know that there can be the rewards example, encouragement, and appraisal if the interest will be there. Consequently, the individual accountability results or does the contribution in the learning process when the teachers ensure the students about the success (Guitart-Masip, Huys, Fuentemilla, Dayan, Duzel, & Dolan, 2012).
Regarding use the theory of cognition and learning, the analysis was there in the Grade 5 and the classes of the Elementary section. There was the analysis of the American school that is in Dubai. The two classes of English and Science were focused, as the two teachers and the students of two classes, were observed. Through the focus on the cognition and learning, there was the complete analysis of the lesson that was 45 minutes. Therefore, the academic achievement and performance were consider and undertaken. There was the focus on two classes of the Teacher A, who was teaching English in 5A and 5B. Another focus was on the two classes of Teacher B, who was teaching the subject science in 5A and 5B to the students. In both, the classes of English, the grammar spelling and the sequences of tenses were taught to the students. However, in the class of science, there was the lecture on the water cycle.
The analysis showed that in a class of teacher A, there were 28- 30 heterogeneous students, as both boys and girls were there and between the ages of 10 – 12 years. Moreover, the qualitative method was focused during the lectures or taking the class session observation. The data collection tool was our, observation sheet that focuses that teacher are supporting the cognitive and learning theories and if the students are facilitated in the better way and is there are the effort to provide them with the support. In two lectures, it was observed that the teachers are the focus on the cognitive learning so that student can learn in the effective way, the sheet was designed primarily and there was the focus on the teachers sharing of ideas among the students, the learning was there in both the English and the Science classes. The teacher taught them the lectures, with their participation and involvements, the discussions were for the brainstorming of the students. The students of the 5A were the 30 mixed ability students and the students of the class 5B consisted of a mixed ability of about 25 to 28. There was the fully focus on the cognitive learning, which can be focused on the different situations and the conditions, the ability of the students focused and they were asked the good questions so that there could be the critical thinking and the teachers could help them in the problem-solving methods. Moreover, the synthesis and evaluating were there by us regarding two consecutive days.
Consider Day 1 – English lesson in 5A and 5B
Consider Day 2 – Science lesson in 5A and 5B
Day 1 (Application of cognition and learning in English Lesson)
On the day one, there was the focus on the practices that take place in the class, as the teacher made the five groups of students that have the heterogeneous mixed ability groups; the group consisted of the 6 members. There were the practices for the students in the class, as there was the group discussion so that the students could focus on the tenses that involved the estimating, the participating and contributing. However, the teacher gave them the understanding of the tenses so that there could be learning, as the cognition and learning strategy was focused so the students were given the activity sheet; so that they could correct the wrong tenses by the help of each other. In the process of estimation, there was the focus of the brainstorming and the discussion so that the students able to understand the tenses and working efficiently, according to tasks assigned to them, there are the cognition and learning. A cooperative learning technique, which helps them to reflect on the thinking, the teacher encouraged the students so that they could think logically with the help of the group members and the teachers. There was the focus on the opportunity to share with the students, thus, achieve the learning outcomes were good because the students have performed well, it was analyzed that the there was the practice of cognition and learning. The teacher expects the higher level of participation from the students because they were explained the lecture in the better way. The student’s engagement were there and they performed according to the teacher expectation, it could be said here that cognition and learning strategy proved to be effective for the students because they were contributing, willing the different and the supportive group members. There was the participation by the students, the student was helpful to each other, in the discussion. I am as an observer, could say that the better learning was there for the students the English teaching level and the learning strategies were proved to be effective in the school.
Day 2:
On the next day, when the students and the teacher come into the class, the teacher asked about what they had learned yesterday, there was the presentation of the students in a group and it was effective to know that the students still remember about the learning. Moreover, the task of the next day, made the students able to think and write on the video, as the learning clip was shown to them, it was a 10-minute video, will teach about the English tenses that how to correct the tenses. The activity sheets were provided to them again, as the teachers wanted the students to support. There was also the struggles for the slow learners because the teacher already knows them, in this, it could be analyzed that teacher is concerned about every student, the teacher knows about every student and there the students are struggling with the teacher. In order to show them the better performance, some of the students have the blank expressions as they failed to answer, buy the teacher provide them the support through the cognition and learning technique.
From the data collection and the analyses, there was the focus done by the simple questionnaire that if the cognition and learning technique proved to be useful for the student or not, it was then analyzed that it very effective because the results have shown that. The analysis was after the break time but the students were given the sheet to fill the understanding in the class, in the and that, they had to submit after the break. However, the qualitative data tell us about the questionnaires which were provided to the student as the opinions were taken from the students, so that there could be the assessment of the cognition and learning technique. 35 questionnaires were provided to the students of the class, the questionnaires after that discussed and analyzed on the based on the theory.
There two staff members of the school was also analyzed so that the conditions of the school and student learning techniques could be focused, the assessment was done to know about the implementation of cognition and learning technique and the positive impact that can be there for the students or not. However, it was analyzed that the achievers are there in the schools and the students have shown the good progress. The observation was made, in order to know about the answer session that was conducted in the class. Consequently, the report and the questions tell about the effective results, the 95% of the students from the English class 5A were satisfied as they learn what is taught to them, they have the clear understanding of the English class. Moreover, the student from 5B also satisfied and gave the same results because they learn the skills that were by the teachers, however, and in elaborating ideas was there by the school based on the cognition and learning technique in order to achieve the learning outcomes.
The following table showed the classroom observation:
5A | ENGLISH | √ | √ | √ | √ |
5B | ENGLISH | √ | √ | √ | √ |
5A | SCIENCE | x | x | √ (partial) | x |
5B | SCIENCE | x | x | x | x |
Cognition and learning technique reflect about the students and teachers that there is the effective learning shown based on the good conceptual understanding. Moreover, the student of the schools, are getting the effective interpersonal skills because there is the focus on the learning group tasks, the teacher prefers to involve the personal involvement of the teacher and the students. However, the two approaches have focused on the significant results because of the difference opportunities and score, as the student were motivated to learn together.
It can be concluded that cognition and learning are the acquiring, understanding of the knowledge, as it makes and able the students to perform better and does the creative thinking. There is the good rapport in the teacher and student. The cognition and learning are highly recommendable, for the teachers, as have set the learning goals so that there could be the promotion of the individualistic learning and in this way, the competitive learning can be given the support for the new generation. The cognition and learning are helping the students so that they stay competitive in the academic achievement. Moreover, the analysis was doing in the school on the five classes. The English class 5A gave satisfying results, as the teachers were helping and 5B satisfied and gave the same results there were the learning and the development of the skills in the students.
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