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Effective Management Styles for an Organization


In the activities we have discussed that organization can be benefited by using the various strategies and how employees can be motivated through different techniques, motivational styles or theories that are beneficial for all the small or large organizations. Satisfaction is important for all the employees, managers need to work hard on the employee performance if want the effective or desired outcomes. The organization need to introduce the culture of open communication, innovation for the effectiveness. Most important is that organization needs to tell the employees that how much organization care for them.

Effective Management Styles for an Organization

Effective Management Styles for an Organization

Following there are management styles and illustration on the points that how effectiveness can be bring in the organization.

Organizational Structure Impacts on People:

Organization structure is the hierarchy of any organization, it identifies the jobs and responsibilities people have towards their organization. The structure of the organization has the great influence on the behavior of the people; people in the organization perform their work efficiently if the structure of organization is effectively managed. Basically, it is way that how employees at the work place can be managed, if the organization is noticeable at this point that how people are behaving towards their jobs then through strong leadership all the processes can be effectively managed, it help the people to stay ,motivated with their jobs or work, the leaders eventually boost the people. The researches have shown that employee attitude is depends on the structure of the organization, if the managers are playing their role well in organization then employees can be happy and can show the positive outcome or can give the productive outcome in their work (Boroughs & Palmer, 2016).

Organizational Culture Impacts on People:

According to Michael Watkins “Culture is organization’s immune system”. The culture is a set of beliefs, in the organization there are some norms and value, which are needed to be followed by all the people or employees working there; however, it is the unique characteristic of any organization which can influence the people behavior. It is the culture of the organization which can motivate the people to work together to achieve the desired outcomes or the mission of the organization. Organization makes the goals or desires more specific through the culture. We can say there are some set rules of the organization (Menon, 2014). Example if in the organization, there is the culture of sharing, innovation or open communication there could be betterment. If there is open communication then people can talk to their managers easily if they are facing any problem, from open communication culture problems could be easily resolve.

Personal Differences Impacts on Individual Behavior:

The culture of the organization should be based on equality and fairness. Personal differences due to gender, race, and age can also impacts on one’s performance towards the organization; there are some work ethics which are needed to be followed for the desired results. In the organizations there are different types of personalities, and every individual perform differently. The differences could be related to the personal or personality traits, it is the duty of the managers to identify the traits of the person and needed to give the job to the person who is reasonable for the job, it is needed to understand that not every job is suitable, for every person. Job satisfaction is important for every individual working in the organization, because if there is satisfaction, productivity and efficiency can also be increases. The managers need to evaluation or need to give the job based on fairness, there should be no biasness, inequality can affect on one’s personality, which can lead the personality to think wrong or create inefficiency in the work performance (Boroughs & Palmer, 2016).

Management Style for the Differences of Behavior:

There are many types of management styles that needed to be accept or learn by the managers, if managers want to achieve the best output or results from their employees they need to deal with them in an effective manner. In my point of view, equality and fairness can be effective approach to deal with the employees; employees are needed to evaluate fairly based on their performance then there is need to appraise or rewards them accordingly. A manager should be participative, he needs to follow the authoritative style because in this way he can fair with the firm and the people or employees, and he can have the vision and become able to give the clear directions to all the employees, which can be beneficial for the employees. Through autocratic style, a manager can motivate and persuades the people to show their best (Gallant, 2013).

Effect of Leadership Style on Individuals and Teams:

Leadership styles in the organizations have impacts on the people; significant effects are shown inEffective Management Styles for an Organization through the researches and the management styles are participating in shaping the culture of the organization, as the culture has the influence on the organizational performance so managers are admitting the worth of leadership styles. Participative leaders can make decisions with the involvement of the employees, which can give the sense to the employees that they are important for the organization and their organization value them, with the sense employees work more hard (Germano, 2010). Corporate culture affects the people of the organization they become more comfortable in the organization and starts value their leaders.

Also Visit: Development of Leadership In An Organization

Benefits of Flexible Working Practices:

Every organization need to give benefit to the employees as the employees can stay motivated in this case and can work hard for outcomes if they know that their organization value them and take care of them, organizations need to implements the flexible work policies so the employees can do better team work. Workforce can be more productive, happy and satisfied when they are living in the desired environment or culture that is given by their organization. Flexible working practices can open the new source of talent and reduce the turnover rate. The employees will work together at the workplace and can do open communication (Fell, 2013).

Working Environment impacts Performance (Motivational Theory):

Working environment can impacts on one performance, if the employees feel satisfaction at the workplace and they are motivated through the different techniques or sources then they can performance effectively within the organization. There are many effective theories that are based on the motivational theories that how to keep employees motivated towards the work practices. However, effective discipline can be effective in this case, there is need to treat employees fairly, there is need to satisfy the needs of the employees, restructuring job and rewards on performance are all the techniques through which staff or employees can be motivated. Frederick Herzberg has given the 2 factor hygiene and motivational theory through which working conditions can be improved for the employees and their performance can also become effective. For the better outcomes Herzberg theory can be an effective approach (Stello, 2011).

Organization Ethical Practices Impacts on Motivational Levels:

Ethics are important in the workplace, ethical practices can impact on the behavior of the employees; employees can stay motivated if the organization have the well defined ethical policies, there should be no bad practices at the workplace if the organization want the better outcomes from the employees, however, managers want to understand the ethical principles because employees can feel discriminated in this way and can unable to perform the work (Bredeson & Goree, 2012). Moreover, employers or organization need to think for the employees, there should be no unfair behavior towards employees, there should be no use of abuse, extra working hours should not be there if employees are not paid. Inappropriate action can lead the organization to face the difficulties.

CSR to Motivate Employees:

Corporate social responsibility is important in any organization as employees can psychologically connected towards the organization through using the strategy, if the employees know that organization is taking care of them and care or value for them they will work hard for the better outcomes, the will stay motivated and their attitude can also be improved. However, CSR is helpful for the society in this way, society and employees can be benefited, it is considered to be an important tool through which improvements can be done. CSR has positive effects on the employees as the researchers has indicates that CSR resulted in the employee satisfaction, retention, loyalty, motivation, commitment, reduced turnover etc (khan, Latif, Jalal, Anjum, & Rizwan, 2014).

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