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Effect of Inexpensive Plants Extracts to Use As A Natural Insecticide To Manage Different Insects

Table of Contents


  • Objectives


  • Introduction
  • Biopesticidal potential of some local plants
  • Eucalyptus
  • Calotropis
  • Aedes mosquito


  • Research Methodology
  • Procedure of extraction
  • Preparation of stock solution
  • Bioassay
  • Exposure
  • Results


  • Summary of research work


  • References /Outcomes

Chapter#1: Objectives


  • To test the effects of  inexpensive plants extracts to use as a natural insecticide to manage different insects like house fly and mosquito etc.
  • To evaluate the bio-pesticidal potential of some local plant extracts against selected insects.
  • To improve my analytical skills.

Chapter#2: Introduction


Biopesticidal potential of some local plants

Over year, chemical pesticides had made a great contribution to the fight against pest and diseases. However their widespread and long term use resulted in insecticide resistance and bio-magnification of insecticides, which in turn resulted in many primary and derived agricultural products arose, which endangered both the general environment and human health (Shen and Zhang, 2000). The use of synthetic organic insecticides in crop pest control programs around the world has caused tremendous damage to the environment, pest resurgence, pest resistance to insecticides and lethal effect on non-target organisms (Abudulai et al., 2001).

Biopesticides are certain type of pesticides derived from natural materials like plants (US Environment Protection Agency pesticides, 2008).

Biopesticides are attracting global attention as new tool to kill or suppress pest population such as weeds, plant pathogen and insects while posing less risk to people and environment than synthetic pesticides (Saxena and Panday, 2001).

Globally, the use of biopesticides havesteadly increased by about 10 percent (Bailey and Mupondwa, 2006). Biopesticides are typically derived from living organisms like plants (Kabaluk and Gazdik, 2005).

In recent years use of many of the former synthetic insecticides in mosquito control programe has been limited. It is due to lack of novel insecticides, high cost of insecticides, harmful effects on human health (Russell et al., 2009). Mosquito can transmit more diseases than any other group of arthropods and effect millions of people throughout the world. WHO has declared the mosquito as public enemy number one (Lopez and Pascual, 2010).

In the past decades, apart from the pyrethrum which has attained international and commercial acclaim due to its high effectiveness and broad spectrum insecticidal activity, very few natural insecticides have been developed (Rajapake and Ratnaseka, 2008).

In contrast with older chemicalsor synthetic pest control strategies which generally utilized a single chemical, and hence a single mode of action, modern biopesticides seek to take a more holistic approach. This holistic approach recognize that chemical mode of action are necessary or beneficial, but not always sufficient on their own, for successful pest control (Bailey et al., 2011)

The resistance to biopesticides in target organism was not easily generated unlike in many cases of their chemical counterparts. They are fast becoming a new trend in the global pesticide industry.

Plants that I was used as a biopesticides Eucalyptus and Calotropis . Some eucalyptus species have attracted attention from horticulture global development researchers and environmentalist because of desirable traits such as:

  • Fast growing sources of wood
  • Producing oil
  • Use as a natural insecticides
  • Used to drain swamp
  • Use for fragrance
  • Act as insect repellent
  • Antimicrobial property

Outside their natural ranges eucalyptus are both lauded for their beneficial economic impact on poor population.

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