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Determine the Amount of Sodium in Water and Soil

Introduction: Sodium is the most abundant element on Earth and is widely distributed in soils, plants, water, and foods. Most of the world has significant deposits of sodium-containing minerals. Sodium ion is ubiquitous in water because of the high solubility of many sodium salts (EPA, 2003).

Sources of Sodium: The application of fertilizers and other agricultural products that contain sodium salts can increase the sodium in soils. Ground water and seawater contain sodium naturally. In food the majority of dietary sodium comes from sodium chloride added to food during food processing and preparation (EPA, 2003).

Sampling: The samples were collected from Lahore canal adjacent Punjab university campus at four intervals, each at a distance of 0.5km. A hand held sampler was used with a cork bottle. The sampler was suspended in the middle of the canal, cork pulled out with rope and samples were collected. The bottles were corked once out of the canal.  The samples were mixed to create a composite grab sample.

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