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Compare and Contrast Between the Two Countries Britain and Oman


Oman is a kingdom in southwest Asia at the shores of Arabian Sea, coast, and Persian Gulf. Bordering countries comprise Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. Oman is strategically located on the Arabian Cape, which borders the Passage of Hormuz, and is a major transit route for rudimentary oil. The topography of Oman is precipitous and lush. The system of government is a monarchy. The head of state and head of government are the Sultan and the Prime Minister. An interactive map of the United Kingdom (England, wales and Scotland) surrounded by oceans on​​ entirely​​ sides and​​ disjointed​​ from the European subcontinent​​ through​​ the North​​ Ocean​​ and the English​​ Passage. The Great Britain​​ is​​ solitary​​ of the​​ greatest​​ densely​​ inhabited​​ countries in Europe,​​ by​​ the southern​​ portion​​ of the country​​ getting​​ the​​ uppermost​​ density​​ statistics​​ in Europe​​ such as​​ a whole. The main parts of the hill are Cornish Heights, Cambrian in Wales, Cambrian Mountain​​ and Penny. Britain's highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.​​ In this article, I will compare the political system, including the structure and composition of the two countries, Oman and the Britain, and contrast them. I will also describe the economic and governance system of both countries.

Political System in Oman

Oman is a Sultanate country and an Arab Islamic national. This worth that Islamic religious rule is the foundation of jurisprudence. Though, this religious rule is first and foremost subject to the elucidation of the Sultan, who grasps extremely moderate​​ opinions. As a result, the universal approach in which Omani adheres to the ethics of the Qur'an is highly progressive and aligned with the legitimate system of several Western countries. Oman does not consent political parties. Oman's only independent political organization, the Popular Front, was disbanded in 1992, and remains inactive to this era. Oman is a complete monarchy and the Sultan is the head of government and head of state​​ (Schöttli, 2015).​​ The​​ innate​​ sultan​​ retains​​ a cabinet to​​ succor​​ him and​​ obliges​​ as commander-in-chief of the​​ prime minister,​​ armed​​ forces,​​ and​​ foreign affairs,​​ minister of defense, and finance. When he is alive, the Sultan does not nominate his successor.​​ In its place, the ruling family nominates a​​ new​​ monarch​​ after the Sultan's​​ demise. The legislature is two-way.​​ Conversely, it does not have full authority over the legislative​​ procedure. The Council of Ministers (selected​​ by the Sultan) should send the draft​​ rules​​ to the​​ inferior​​ house of Oman, the​​ Consultative Assembly (elected by international vote). The bill is then subject to the approval of the Upper House, the State Council (appointed by all the Sultans). Bills must be approved and signed by the Sultan to become law​​ (Bierschenk, 1988).

Political System in Britain

Britain is a legitimate monarchy. This means that that one is a country ruled by a monarch who admits the advice of assembly. It is furthermore a parliamentary consensus. That is, this one is a country whose administration is well-ordered by a parliament selected by the populaces. Senior positions in government are occupied by directly elected members of parliament. In Britain, such as in various European countries, the authorized head of government, whether​​ king (as in the Netherlands or Denmark, Belgium) or the president (such as in Greece or Italy, Germany,) has very petite authority​​ (Johnson, 1997).

Political Structure of Britain

The U.K. is a united states​​ with a deviant and constitutional monarchy. Britain's political system is a multi-party system: the Conservative Party, the Labor Party, the Liberal Party and the Democratic Party. There are two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords and the​​ Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. Unclear constitutions, including ambiguity, high flexibility, low policy compliance, and the courts do not have the power to overtake the courts as parliament by declaring any act of parliament unconstitutional. In Britain, there is friction between judges and ministers. A network of policing includes: the prime minister, cabinet​​ ministers, top government officials and politicians, advisers. A small number of people in the core decision-making executive group.

The Prime​​ Minister is the only important person in the British government. Parliament is a legislature consisting of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are four main functions, passing laws, authorizing taxes and government budgets, scrutinizing and​​ investigating government administration, and discussing current affairs. Political parties have been described as a two-party system, but more than that, the approach is recognized as a multi-party system and there are currently around 10 parties. Conservative Party: Conservative Economic Liberalism British Alliance, 318 seats won, private property operation, enterprise, strong military restoration and protection of traditional cultural values ​​and institutions Labor Party: Democratic Socialist Party, won​​ 262 seats, links to trade unions. Promote the state through economic prosperity and the provision of social services.

Table. 1 political system

Political system and structure



The governmental model



The British monarchy

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 


Political Parties



Judicial system


constitutional monarchy and​​ parliamentary system

Queen Elizabeth II



House of Lords & House of Commons


multi-party systems

extremely complex

Monarchy rule



Haitham bin Tariq


Consultative Assembly




No political party

Royal Decree 90/99


Economic Indicators Comparison

The UK ranks 5th largest economy in the world with a GDP of 9 2.9T, while Oman ranks 69th with a volume of 79.3B. The 5-year​​ average GDP per capita and GDP per capita is 126th vs. 114th and 23rd vs. 56th, correspondingly​​ (Alostad, Steinke, & Schafheutle, 2018).


Table.2 economic comparison between Oman and Britain




GDP growth per year



5 years average GDP growth



Purchasing Power Parity conversion factor



GDP per capita growth



GDP per capita










Fig.​​ Annual GDP at market prices U.K. VS Oman

The economic features of Oman's settlement include distribution and broad-based, but they endure politically elite. Sultan Qaboos is a complete king. He is not solitary the head of government but also the dome of foreign affairs, economics and the army. Oman's political settlement is based on a foundation of permanent autonomous personal rule, a narrative that surprisingly puts aside the legitimacy of the outcome for Sultan Qaboos alone. The emergency, isolated and controversial factors described earlier were important in shaping the shape of Oman's political settlement, but so was the scope for coercion provided​​ through​​ the British​​ armed​​ and the Foreign Office.​​ Deprived of​​ active British​​ provision, it is highly​​ unsure​​ that Qaboos would have the military capability to thwart the Dhofari uprising, which is the​​ utmost​​ immediate​​ risk​​ to his early rule​​ (Baatwah, Salleh, & Ahmad, 2015).

The deepness of the British intervention points to a clear contradiction in the achievements of​​ Sultan Qaboos: first, he supervised over an era of extraordinary​​ economic growth and on the other, the majority of Oman is genuinely admired, who personally Credit for making progress against this country. Difficulties On the other hand, his rule was greatly facilitated by British imperialist interests. The fact is that the political settlement of Sultan Qaboos personality can at least be revealed. This exemption specifically clarifies the autonomous nature of politics, and the role of the British in violently suppressing the insurgency. Here, the apparent improvements in prosperity and security have been controversially linked to the personal qualities of Sultan Qaboos, who predicted a debate on how the political settlement, according to a successor after Qaboos, Can shield​​ (Phillips & Hunt, 2017).



Phillips, S. G., & Hunt, J. S. (2017). ‘Without Sultan Qaboos, We Would Be Yemen’: The Renaissance Narrative and the Political Settlement in Oman. Journal of International​​ Development, 29(5), 645-660.

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Schöttli, J. (2015). Regionalizing Oman. Political, economic and social dynamics.

Alostad, A. H., Steinke, D. T., & Schafheutle, E. I. (2018). International comparison of five herbal medicine registration systems to inform regulation development: United Kingdom, Germany, United States of America, United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Bahrain. Pharmaceutical medicine, 32(1), 39-49.

Bierschenk, T. (1988). Religion and political structure: remarks on Ibadism in Oman and the Mzab (Algeria). Studia Islamica, (68), 107-127.

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Baatwah, S. R., Salleh, Z., & Ahmad, N. (2015). Corporate governance mechanisms and audit report timeliness: empirical evidence from Oman. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 11(3-4), 312-337.




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