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Characteristics of Leadership and its Perspectives

Behavioural Approaches To Work And Society


The term leadership stands as the capability of an organization’s management to deal and accomplish the goals, set the wise assessments, and motivate other people to give their best performance. People who have leadership skills in the field of business are selected for the exclusive positions such as CEO, COO, CFO, head leader, and as chair.

Leadership is an ability in which members are required to focus their whole concentration toward the specific problems and these problems are considered momentous from the end of leaders. Moreover, leadership is a procedure of organizing a state where members and leaders both perform to achieve the common goals through the highest financial system and lowest of effort and time. (Krapfl, 2016)

Characteristics of Leadership and its Perspectives

In the process of leadership, leaders are supposed to assist themselves and the other people to perform the right actions. Leaders set the guidelines, directions, develop a motivational revelation, and brought something innovative. Leadership means to map out the strategies and directions to achieve the organizational goals. Leaders must follow the directions and management skills to guide the people toward achieving the goal. In this piece of paper, we will focus on the leadership, its different perspectives, and examples as well. A leader must have the following abilities such as

  • Leader develop the innovative and inspirational ideas for the future terms
  • Leaders are supposed to motivate and encourage the members to accomplish the vision
  • Leaders also organize the delivery of the revolutionary vision
  • Leaders are supposed to develop and monitor a team

The term leadership brought all the skills close that are specifically required to perform these actions. A leader must contain all characteristics that are defined above. A great and professional leader is acceptable to the organization and its employees otherwise a leader with lack of these characteristics can lead an organization toward the failure. The organization must be selective while choosing a leader and leader must contain all the necessary abilities.

Develop And Motivate People Through Future Vision

In the field of business, a vision must contain specifications such as wise, revolutionary, authentic, and attractive as well. An authentic vision gives people directions, guidelines, and set the precedence through which work needs to be done by members. To develop a vision, leaders focus on the strength of the organization by using different methods such as PEST analysis, SWOT, and other analysis. Leaders focus on the organization achievement and achievement of the competitor organization as well. Therefore, the term leadership is known as proactive which means solving the various issues, following the directions, and maintain the things according to their need and use. (Lister, 2018)

After setting a vision, leaders have a responsibility to make the vision convincing for the people. Wise leaders have an ability to show the people a clear picture of the vision so that people can understand it easily. A vision must be innovative and developed by the leaders for the success and progress of the organization. Moreover, leaders must stick with the vision and encourage the employees and clients toward achieving the pre-defined goals for the organization.

Inspiring And Encourage The Members

A revolutionary vision gives us the foundation for leadership. On other side, leaders have an ability to encourage and inspire the people with the help of future vision. While inspiring and encouraging the people leaders connect two various possibilities such as

  • There is a possibility that hard work resulted in as good results
  • There is also the possibility that good results are a source of incentive

This scenario encourages the members to work hard and give their best performance to achieve the goal. The professional leader is the best way to encourage and motivate the people toward future vision because they are supposed to listen and understand the requirement of the people. It makes easy for the leaders to inspire the people. In addition, leaders also have an ability to inspire and encourage the people through power factor, which includes the power to give the bonus to all the members. It is a fact that, wise leaders do not depend on these types of powers.

By inspiring and encouraging the employees, the leader can obtain better performance. Due to an effective performance from the employees end the progress of a business and organization can be enhanced.

Engaging The Delivery Of The Future Vision

Engaging the delivery of future vision is related to the management field. Leaders have a duty to make sure that work that is supposed to deliver must be managed properly. The leaders and team members can do this responsibility. Both of them need to ensure that vision must be delivered effectively. For this purpose, members of a team are required to follow the goal that is directly connected to the team vision. Leaders are also supposed to engage all the changes in an efficient way. (Michael G. Vaughn)

Monitoring And Develop A Team To Attain The Vision

Development of team members and individual is a major responsibility of the leaders within the organization. To build a team, leaders must know about the dynamic characteristics of the team. For this purpose, leaders use a different type of models and approaches. Leaders must ensure that members of the team must have the necessary skills to perform their assigned task. This can be done by collecting the feedback on daily basis from the members and training the people to enhance the work productivity of the team. The term leadership also stands for finding the leadership of other people. If a leader develops leadership skills and abilities in team members, they can build a successful environment for long period.

Leadership And Its Perspectives

As being a leader, the role of a leader is to understand the importance of perspective of leadership. A perspective about the leadership gives us new visions, ideas and a better understanding of the organization. Perspectives are changed when an individual is turned in to the leader. As being a leader, individual contains a variety of innovative information, meetings with different people and revolutionary changes as well. In addition, all the leaders including new and expert both consider every single change in perspective important. It is a fact that, the leaders with the passage of time are ignoring perspectives.

It is a speciality of professional leaders that they consider the perspective important as part of their role. Here are three major facts about term perspective and leadership such as (Rena J. Pasick, 2016)

  • As being a leader, the leader has full access and authority to the perspectives that are important for the decision making process. This perspective helps us to enhance the level of performance and help to understand the ethics and rules of the organization.
  • Perspective assists people in many different ways and people are supposed to identify the various important points of perspective. People might able to know about the requirement of leadership and leaders are supposed to ask the clients for their perspective as well.
  • We are required to develop and enhance the term perspective and leadership. If we collect a large number of perspective, we came up with a large number of outcomes while decision-making process. The term leadership can be more effective if we have more perspectives.
Advantages Of Perspective

Perspective has many advantages and list of these advantages is given below such as

  • With the help of perspective, we are able to analyze the difficult situation more clearly
  • We conclude up with multiple choices and these choices lead to effective decision
  • With the help of perspective, we found the difficulties in our work and these difficulties are being ignored in initial stages by the leaders and members
  • We found the possible simple outcomes of problems that are faced by the leaders
  • We are concluded with the multiple options and we are able to compare these options easily
  • With the help of perspective, we are able to make the effective decisions for the organization
  • We are able to build strong relations with the organization, leaders, and members respectively
Disadvantages Of Perspective

Same as the advantages we have disadvantages of leadership perspective such as

  • Perspective provides us with the ideas and hypothesis, which are not enough to lead the organization toward the visions.
  • We need detailed criteria and strategies and due to the perspective we are unable to approach these two factors
  • Perspective can lead to multiple choices and we know that due to maximum possibilities we may sometimes go with the wrong decision
  • As perspective is used for the complex situation so it has a weakness that we are unable to follow perspective on simple problems

Characteristic Of A Leadership

An effective leadership is totally based on characteristics such as sincerity, performance, and beliefs as well. An effective leadership is based on the communication styles of the leaders that how they are interacting with the members. Leaders are considered to instruct the members and same as they are supposed to listen to the requirements of the members as well. Leaders must adopt an effective communication approach toward the organization and members. Due to effective communication, they are able to lead the organization or business toward the success. (Pirouz, 2017)

Leaders must be sincere with their duties and develop the plans for the progress of the organization. They develop the plans according to the requirements of the organization and existing marketing strategies. Leaders take risks for the progress of the organization and show a positive behaviour to the staff.  Leaders listen to the requirement of members carefully and respond them efficiently. As we know that leaders are the main part of an organization and they have potential to deal with the clients and members. Leaders influence not only the members but as well the clients. At a workplace, employees want that leader to listen to them thoroughly.

Employees are asked for the attention and feedback from the leader’s end. Leaders who have the ability to hear the requirements of the employee develop a strong relationship with the employees of the organization. As being a leader, it is not easy to understand that what your employees are thinking about you, which problems they are facing and how to deal with these problems. Leaders require a time to listen to the problems of the employees and he must focus on solving the issues. For this purpose, leaders are supposed to give the full attention to the employees so that they can solve their issues.

As being a leader, a leader focuses on marinating the performance and effort of the employees. To listen to the employees is a major responsibility, which is assigned to the leader by the organization. Those leaders who listen to the employees carefully are fluffing their responsibility and lead the organization toward success. In term of listening to the employees, a leader must have following specifications such as (Hasan, 2017)

  • When a leader shows care to the employees, they give best their performance. Employees are satisfied with those leaders who show care to them. Leaders should avoid considering the employees just as a worker but deal them with friendly behaviour. Employees feel free while the communication with leaders.
  • When employees share their problem with the leaders they might expect for the wise solutions and leaders should give them the good solution to their problems.
  • There are many difficulties faced by the employees at the workplace. Leaders might be stressed and worried many times but the behaviour of leader should not impact the employees.
  • Leaders are not allowed to judge the other employees at the workplace. Many time leaders personally judge the employees and then avoid interacting with them. It is a negative behaviour and leaders are not supposed to adopt this type of judgemental behaviour in the workplace.

Here is a list of responsibilities of great leaders is mentioned here such as

Be Positive

If the team is working, properly so leader does not tend to be worried about the performance of the employees. A leader must act positively in each situation and with the help of positive behaviour; the leader can deal with any problem and difficult situation in the workplace.

Be Careful

A leader must be careful that what is going on around him. He must be familiar with the existing situation of the organization and employees as well. If leaders care about the employees they can get the best performance and if they don’t care for the employees it will directly affect the performance of the employees.


Training the employees is a major factor that we need to be considered in leadership. It is a technique, which is used to assist the employees of an organization so that they are able to focus on various beneficial perspectives. With the help of training, employees are trained according to the organization and perform well. It is a responsibility of a leader is to think about the employees and provide the essential training. (Anastasia, 2017)


Leaders are supposed to correct the things, which are not functioning properly within an organization. With the help of correction, level of ambiguity will be decreased and it is the part of the responsibilities of a great leader.


A leader has an ability to face and overcome all the challenges faced in the workplace. They also have the ability to challenge the other competitors. In an organization, if a leader is assigned with a challenge he must have gust to tackle the challenge. Due to this ability, the leader will impress other employees.


The communication level among the leaders and employees must be strong and the communication factor should be at the top of the everyday commotion list. Communication with the employees helps a leader to know what is happening inside the organization and leader came to know that what might be wrong or good for the organization.

Leaders must motivate the employees and has the ability to encourage the employee through their communication. Leaders are unable to motivate and encourage the employees if they have lack of communication. However, it is important to know that listening is the main part of communication and both of terms are linked to each other. (Downard, 2018)


A leader must have an ability of creativeness in his visions and ideas. A creative and innovative idea leads to the success of the organization, therefore; a leader must be creative in his actions and decisions as well. They are creative enough to deal with any type of problem.

Moreover, leaders do not only tend to judge the employees but the relationship among leader and employee must be strong.

Employees can share their problems with the leaders without any fear and the behaviour of leader influences the performance of employees. To improve the performance of employees it is not necessary to focus on their abilities but a strong relationship among leader and employee matters a lot. So we concluded that due to the good and cooperative behaviour of leaders, an organization can lead toward success and employees give their best performance. The entire professional and great leader emphasizes to listen and understand the requirements of the employees. (Adonis, 2017)

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  • Adonis, J. (2017, February 16). The 11 characteristics of great leadership. Retrieved from https://www.smh.com.au/business/small-business/the-11-characteristics-of-great-leadership-20170216-guehie.html
  • (2017, December 31). Characteristics of Leadership & Leadership Qualities and Traits. Retrieved from https://www.cleverism.com/leadership-qualities-traits-and-characteristics/
  • Downard, B. (2018). 101 Best Leadership Skills, Traits & Qualities – The Complete List. Retrieved from https://briandownard.com/leadership-skills-list/
  • Hasan, S. (2017, February 13). Top 10 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders. Retrieved from https://blog.taskque.com/characteristics-good-leaders/
  • Krapfl, J. E. (2016). Behaviourism and Society. 39 (1), 123-129.
  • Lister, J. (2018). Examples of Behavioral Approaches in Business Management. Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/examples-behavioral-approaches-business-management-39059.html
  • Michael G. Vaughn, M. D. Human Behavior: A Cell to Society Approach.
  • Pirouz, A. (2017, December 06). 8 Characteristics of Great Leaders. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/alex-pirouz/8-characteristics-of-grea_b_7680566.html
  • Rena J. Pasick, D. N. (2016). Behavioural Theory in a Diverse Society: Like a Compass on Mars. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921832/

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