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Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping


The behavior of the consumers towards online shopping is concerned on the behavior or theories that are focused in the literature review that how the consumers focused on the behavior and what theories they focused in order to do shopping. While doing the analysis motivation, search engine, optimization, content marketing, social media marketing and the brand theory (affect in color, logo, ethical of copycat) are concerned in the literature so that there could be an analysis of the consumers based on the literature reviews. Some factors that influence the behavior of a consumer.

Purchasing Power

The most important factor is the purchasing power of the consumer. Before making a decision about purchase the consumers analyze their capacity of consumption or purchase. If the purchasing power of consumer is low even the best quality product will not be consumed by them. Consumer behavior has a great impact on sales of a market.

Personal Preferences

Personal preference of an individual can affect the consuming behavior of the person such as their likes, dislikes, morals or priorities of their financial conditions. The taste of consumer in terms of certain food or fashion is a dominant factor for influencing the purchase of consumer.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

Group Influence

Group influence like the family or friends can also influence the consumer buying behavior. For instance if there is mass liking for a product or service they will eventually influence the individual consumer behavior.

Marketing Campaigns

Marketing of products play a huge role in influencing consumers to purchase that product. Marketing increases the competitive advantage of a product in the market. Good marketing campaigns can make consumers choose a particular brand over another Economic conditions: the consumer behavior is influenced by the economic conditions of the market. If there is a positive environment with stable economic conditions the consumer will purchase more of a commodity especially in case of cars or houses etc.

To retain their position in market the marketers should keep track of the consuming behavior of the consumers and produce products that are suitable for all types of consumers in order to meet their demands and successfully run in the marketplace.


  • Demographic Data

Please State Your Age?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of the age of the consumers focuses on the online shopping, however, it is known that 60% of the consumers are in between the age of 25-24. However, 20% of the consumers are from the age group 35-44.

What Is Your Gender?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of the gender of the consumers focuses on the online shopping, however, it is known that more than 65% of the consumers are male and other are female.

Have You Ever Done Online Shopping?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of the consumers that have you ever done online shopping? However, it is known that 99% of the consumers have done online shopping. It is analyzed through the literature review that this statement fits as Internet is a new medium that provides online customer services to compete demand of customers. Consumer behavior in the present work can be described as study of all the organizations, groups, and individuals who avails the opportunity to purchase electronic goods (Ranzcp.org, 2016).

Online shopping began in the 1999 to 2000 era. Amazon was the first ever online store founded by Jeff Bezos. It was basically a bookstore. After the success of amazon many other book stores started their online business ventures.  Online shopping is the fastest and convenient way of shopping for consumers and it can be cheaper sometimes as well. People who had to stand in lines for buying tickets or paying bills can now do all this stuff on the go by a simple click. Buying tickets online can help a consumer in selecting the cheapest ticket from the category. Travel is most famous category for online purchasing.  One can send gifts to their loved ones online instead of sending via posts which was a hassle.

Online shopping has various payment methods, one can either pay online in advance before the commodity is delivered or they consumer can pay cash on the delivery of the product. One can pay online via credit cards or debit cards. It is safe to pay online because of the fraud proof systems

What Is The Easiest Way For Online Shopping, Use Website Or Smartphone?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of the consumers that what is the easiest way for online shopping, use website or Smartphone? However, it is known that more than 50% of the consumers have done online shopping.

With the advancement in the internet based eCommerce the consumers can easily reach any information regarding any product or service from any part of the world. All the commercial organizations or big brands are now moving towards setting their business to World Wide Web because they know the consumer behavior is leaning more towards the online consumption and purchase. Online shopping is becoming the part of everyone’s life. Internet shopping or business is more effective and competitive because they know what their consumers want. Only a small proportion of consumers still think that purchasing or selling online is risky. About 80 percent people now prefer online selling and purchasing as it is more convenient and speedy.  The online shopping and customer behavior is more influenced by web design, online availability of the sellers, brand visibility, price visibility, new designs, availability, trustworthiness, website security, easy product information availability, convenience, cash on delivery or free home delivery, better service with easy payment, motivation for consumer, safe travel time etc. the factors that help to improve consumer behavior towards online shopping include physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs include food, water and sleep etc. safety includes security, shelter and physical safety. Belonging includes need for love, friendship or acceptance. Esteem includes need for recognition and self-respect. Self-actualization includes personal growth.

What Kind Of Items Have You Purchased Online? (Among Online Shoppers).

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of the consumers that what kind of items have you purchased online? (Among online shoppers). There were different choices given to the consumers. However, it is known that more than 50% of the consumers have done online shopping example, there were options related to Clothes, Electronic devices, Social event tickets (e.g. movie, theatre, concert), Books, Hobby items, Computer hardware, Any kind of service, Game, Software, Music / Video, Other (please specify). Thus, in this way, it is known that more than 70% of the people or consumers said that they do online purchases of the clothes and electronic devices. There is increase in consumers of shopping online, this year it has soared even high. The UK online retailers are increasing deal hunt for consumers to get the vest prices for goods and services. They are trying to make an affordable ecommerce website for the consumers to get the best experience out of their online shopping. In UK the total business share from ecommerce and online shopping is about 19 percent that is about 533 billion pounds.

As online shopping is increasing, one major problem for the businesses is the speedy delivery of their product delivery services that counts a lot for consumers while shopping. Speedy delivery service is the priority of most consumers shopping online in UK. About one in four online consumers pay monthly for delivery subscription. About 76 percent consumers of amazon have purchased delivery subscription. An average online shopper spends about 40 pounds every month on clothes or footwear. 55 percent female consumers purchase online for clothes and footwear. 33 percent male consumers purchase clothes and footwear online. 32 percent online purchases in UK are from amazon, 22 percent online purchases in UK are from eBay. The best-selling and highly consumed products from online shopping are tops which are purchased 26 percent, t-shirts about 24 percent and trainers about 21 percent.


Did You Search For Same Product In Other Online Websites Before You Making The Purchase?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

What Would Convince You To Shop Online? (Online Shoppers And Non-Shoppers) .

Purchasing Online Is Desirable.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

If I Buy Online, I Will Be Saving A Significant Amount Of Money?

A consumer can purchase almost anything online from groceries to clothes, from electronics to greeting cards, from food to tickets, from houses to searching for jobs. The internet has made life of a consumer so much easier. Consumer behavior is highly affected by internet and online shopping because of its great purchasing possibilities anyone can purchase anything, anytime and at any rate of their liking.

Purchasing Online Is Definitely Worth The Money.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of purchasing online is definitely worth the money.

, however, it is known that less than 50% of the consumers are agree with the statement however, it is also analyzed in the literature review.

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that Purchasing online is definitely worth the money.” however, the options that were given to them were, strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree.  Thus, it has been found that most the respondents thought that purchasing online is definitely worth the money as about 50% of the consumers are agree with the statement and about 15% of the consumers are strongly agree with the statement. Consequently, it is analysed that maximum consumers think that purchasing online thing has worth their money because they may be satisfied with the quality. About 30% of the consumers are undecided in this way, who think that there is worth or not worth of their money; the people who agree has the higher percentage as you can see in the following graph. Through the analysis in the literature review, the studies have also analyzed that online purchases definitely worth the money.

Consumers are the individuals who consume or purchase the commodities produced by sellers or marketers. Consumer behavior refers to behaviors of individuals, groups or organizations, who consume, purchase or dispose the goods and services produced in market. It includes the purchasing emotions of a consumer, their responses to different products and their demands. This concept dates back to the 1940s and 1950s as a part of marketing discipline to determine the demands of consumers. In order to produce better products marketers determine the consumer behavior beforehand. It can be done by various methods. Consumer behavior is linked with various purchasing aspects of consumer like the before purchase activities and after purchase usage and consumption of consumer.

Consumer behavior is difficult to learn even the experts of the field cannot be a hundred percent sure because the human emotions and behaviors are constantly changing. However the behavioral sciences like sociology, anthropology and clinical psychology have helped the marketers to get a closer overview of the consumer behavior especially in terms of online shopping. Consumer behavior is influenced by motivation research in order to understand behaviors of consumers. Techniques like depth interviews, projective procedures, thematic apperception tests and online surveys help the marketers to gain knowledge about the consumer behavior. purchase activities of consumer include the buying of commodities, what consumers demand, and what affects their decision of purchase. It also includes the modes and methods of payments used or preferred by the consumers for payment of their purchased goods as well as their experience of purchasing. Consumption activities include the use of commodities and the experience of use by consumers. Disposal activities include the behavior of consumers for those commodities for example whether they resell the goods and services to online markets or whether they use the commodities and dispose them off in the secondhand markets. Consumer responses can be emotional, mental or behavioral towards the purchasing.  Consumer behavior is an applied social science.

There are different types of consumers that affect their consuming behaviors. According to there are eight factors or types of consumer decision styles. The quality conscious or perfectionist consumers only consume the best quality products and make comparisons before purchase. The brand conscious consumers only consume products from highly expensive brands or designer labels. The recreational consumers or hedonistic consumers only shop or purchase for pleasure. Price conscious consumers purchase products that are low in price, they usually purchase from sales. The novelty or fashion conscious consumers want to purchase whatever is new and in fashion just for fun. Impulsive consumers buy commodities without wasting any time on thinking, they purchase regardless of the price or quality of products, and they shop as a therapy depending on their moods. Confused consumers have knowledge about a huge list of products and they cannot decide which product to consume. The habitual or brand loyal consumers buy products from their favorite brands whenever they launch new products.

Consumer buying behavior is the whole of consumer’s preference, intentions, attitudes and their decisions of consuming the marketplace.

Considering The Price, Products Purchased Online Are Of Excellent Quality For The Price.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis of considering the price, products purchased online are of excellent quality for the price., however, it is known that more than 50% of the consumers are agree with the statement thus, it is also analyzed in the literature review.

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “Considering the price, products purchased online are of excellent quality for the price.”Consequently, it is analysed that maximum consumers think that the price, products purchased online are of excellent quality for the price because they may be satisfied with the prices. About 25% of the consumers are undecided in this way, who think that the price, products purchased online are of excellent quality for the price; the people who agree has the higher percentage as you can see in the following graph. Through the analysis in the literature review, the studies have also analyzed that price, products purchased online are of excellent quality for the price because many consumers were satisfied; can be seen in various works of literature. As mmotivation is known as the desire or urge for someone, to satisfy his/her needs. It means that consumer develops a motive in their mind to do or achieve something (Joines, Scherer, & Scheufele, 2003).


I Search Various Online Shopping Websites Just To Find Out More About The Latest Styles

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “I search various online shopping websites just to find out more about the latest styles” thus, it is known that more than 35% of the people are agreed with the statement as they think that online shopping websites has latest style.

Online shopping is the activity of buying commodities over the internet from various online web pages or social platforms instead of buying from a traditional store or market. Globally there are an increasing number of online shopping activities over the internet because it is more convenient and there is a huge variety of products to buy from according to the need to the consumer. Online shopping only for Christmas recently was estimated to be over $20 billion.

Security And Privacy Seals In Website?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “Security and privacy seals in website?” However, it has been found that most of the respondents thought that there is the greater influence of the security and privacy seals in website as about 55% of the respondents believes on the greater influence. It is also analyzed in the study of (Ranzcp.org, 2016).

Content Marketing

I Am Confident That Buying Online Is A Good Decision.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I Like To Browse Through The Online Shopping Websites Even When I Don’t Plan To Buy Anything.

I Rarely Read Advertisements That Contain Lots Of Information.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

Social Media Marketing ( Trust In Online Seller )

For What Reasons Have You Shopped Online? (Among Online Shoppers).

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “For what reasons have you shopped online?” However, it has been found that most of the respondents thought Just to see if it would work because it has the higher percentage as you can see in the following graph. Moreover, other than that maximum consumers or respondents also think that the reason they shopped is the social media and news effect.

Logos Of Famous Brands.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “Logos of famous brands?” However, it has been found that most of the respondents focused or think that there is the greater influences of the brand; example more than 55% believes on this statement.

Privacy Policy.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “privacy policy” However, it has been found that most of the respondents focused that brands have the privacy policies and consumers in this way can be saved; Example more than 45% believes on this statement. Example, the research by George (2004), focused that which tried to see relationship between internet purchasing and theory of planned behaviour. His research found that trustworthiness and internet privacy are the controlled behaviours, which are important to shape the behaviours of consumers towards internet purchasing.

Customer Feedback Section.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “customer feedback section” However, it has been found that most of the respondents focused customers feedback section have the greater influences; Example more than 65% believes on this statement.

User Agreement.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section, there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “user agreement” However, it has been found that most of the respondents focused that user agreement has the greater influence as there can be effective services by the consumers. It is known that more than 45% of the people or respondents think that user agreement can improve the customer’s services. However, there are many customers, who also think that user agreement has the little or no influence and it is also analyzed in the literature review.

Customer Service Section.

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

In this section, there is the analysis about the consumer behavior that “customer service section” However, it has been found that most of the respondents focused that customer service section has the greater influence as there can be effective services by the consumers. It is known that more than 55% of the people or respondents think that customer service section can improve the customer’s services. This section is also analyzed in the literature review as it is concerned that according to (Ranzcp.org, 2016) internet is a new medium that provides online customer services to compete demand of customers.


Which Logo Of Brand Do You Think Is More Attractive And Why?

Ebay, amazon, addidas from my point of view the companies like Ebay, Amazon and Addidas are likely to have the best logo design. The logo design of the companies is very attractive and at the same time have the compatibility with the personality of the products and the services they are selling to the customers.

As analyzed in the research that in UK about 80 percent of consumers shop online. The average online consumers in UK spend about 40 pounds every month on clothes. About 55 percent of females shop online in UK. In UK the most popular online clothing sites are EBay, amazon, M&S and Next. About 53 percent of consumers first compare products online and then buy the best for the value of their money, about 49 percent buy online for convenience and about 54 percent go through all the other choices of same product and buy the one that suits them the best.

Do You Think Copycat Product Any Ethically Okay To Purchase?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

I think the brands that are coping the other brands are not ethical to purchase because they are actually make the customers confused about the originality of the brands. The brands must represent their uniqueness and not try to fade up the identity of other brand. About 42% of the people think that copycat brands are unethical to buy.

As analyzed in the literature review that; it is true that different brands use different kind of logos and colors to introduce their brand to consumers, and it automatically tells the importance of different colors, logos and their affects. The research LIBERATORE, (2015) has revealed that when consumers develop their opinion regarding any brand, the color scheme is the most influential thing.

Do You Think The People Would Respond To The Brand And Logo Of Estore With?

As analyzed today’s online shoppers are concerned and focused on the shopping motivations as they have understood the patterns of consumers’ and focus on improvement in the online stores regarding the choice of the consumers (Patel, 2009).

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

The logo of the E-store is said to be very simple. The people are more likely to attract to the logo of the E-store because of the popularity that it has in the market. About 54% of the people think that the popularity of the E-store logo is likely to attract more customer and after that about 9% of the people think that the logo is affective because of colors.

For What Reason Do You Use The Branding?

Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping

The brand is the symbol of the standard that the companies perceive. The more quality the companies is likely to offer to the customers the more reputation the brand of the company have in the market. I think the brand is the present time are the indicator of the quality and standard of the product.

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