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Workplace Violence Research Paper Summary

Danger(s) of Violence in the Workplace in Today’s Work World Research Paper Summary


Workplace violence is the act or threat of physical violence at workplace, the violence could be in form of harassment, intimation, these are the behaviors, in which the employees, in a company do not feel his/herself secure.

In these range of threat, the verbal abuse may lead to the physical assaults. In 2014, there were 403Workplace Violence Research Paper Summary workplace homicides in United States, the violence at workplace id becoming the major concern, for the employers and the employees nationwide.

The workplace violence could involve not only employees, but the visitors, contractors also. The employees are unable to perform their specific duty or responsibilities, due to the violence at workplace, as they do not feel themselves secure, they do not trust the organization and are de-motivated, the company can also face failure due to violence.

Workplace Violence:

Workplace violence could be the reason of the personal garage; it could be against the property, it is an inappropriate and disruptive behavior. The violence may be temporary or permanent; violence is the behavior that harasses the others.

The violence could be of many types, in disruptive violence the individual is disturbed, this violence is done to disturb someone mentally, it is also the interference in one’s work, so he/she may not able to do work, the disruptive violence include the yelling, verbal abusing, waving arm and fits etc. Intentional physical contract, it is a type of violence, which can cause the harm to the individual, the purpose is clear, the physical attacks are involved, such as slapping, punching, sticking, stabbing etc (Bobbie L., 2012).

The menacing and threatening behavior is the behavior that can threaten the other person, example, the throwing of object, towards someone or something. It is the aggression, which can intend to fight. It can harm the individual or property. The possessing firearm, it is the dangerous weapons that can harm one. It can be an instrument to threaten others, only with the valid permit the individual could carry the firearm or weapon. In these categories the violence are divided in the workplace.

The risk factors that are related to the workplace, could be external and internal, many people face the violence that are unpredictable, there are number of factors, which can increase the risk of violence for the workers, by looking at the work environment, work practices, and the other work-related situation, the violence could be predicted by others.

External Risk Factors:

The worker or employees not only face the violence within the organization the violence could be from society also. External violence includes the violence society, the violence-prone neighborhood, and the number of weapons in circulation. The hospitalization instead of incarceration of the violent criminals and could be faced by the people who have history of violence. The on-job person could also feel stress from his society that can be barrier is his performance, people often criticize each other’s, because of the profession, there could be people, who criticize on job performance, salary or the social class belongings, in this case the violence take place, the reason could be the serious state of aggression.

Internal Risk Factors:

The people or employees could feel or face the violence within the organization; this could be among the mangers and the employees, employees could also get jealous of each other’s and can create violence. The internal risk factors can affect the entire workplace, it can create the stressful climate within an organization, and the employees will not feel comfortable in such environment. There is variety of internal risk factors that could be the reason of violence.

The worker-on-worker violence include the chronic management disputes, frequent grievance filled by the employees, the extraordinary compensation given to one employee; could also be the reason of violence, as other could feel inequality and can take garage from one. The compensation claims could be the reason of physical or mental illness, some people cannot see others enjoying the things they cannot, and the jealousy factors can lead one to create the violence. The understaffing and excessive demands for the overtime; one may want to deal the staff under his observation but he could do that, or may one’s have to give overtime, to complete his work.

The company could use or demand the employees, for the extra overtime; through this, the high number of employees, could be stressed out and can create the violence. There may be very less flexibility from the company that how the employees are performing their jobs. Rumors about company downsizing could also force one to think negative about the company, there could be workload faced by one, and one can feel the tension due to job responsibility (Keim & McDermott, 2010).

An authorization management style, the conflicts and violence could mostly create by the one who have the authority, and in reaction, his workers could take possible actions against him. The one who have the authority can rule others according to what he wants; he can create violence if the workers under him do not listen to him, or do not do the work efficiently, he could abuse or physically torches, one to do work. In the reaction of such rude management styles by the employer or managers, the employees can also stand against him, and can be stressed out or take action.

There could be work place practices, which can also contribute towards the violence, the over worked employees; they always have the negative feeling for their organization or company, they will have no respect the boss or company. Employees working alone; the employees who are working alone, cannot share their experiences with anybody, by working alone they can face the dissatisfaction, and can participate in the violence due to mental frustration, one can not only work with machines, books, notes, newsletter all the time, one need to share the feeling, so he/she could stay motivated.

The employees working early in the morning or late at night can also think negative about the other employees or the organization. They can think that other people are sleeping while he hast to work, he may expect more from his organization in return, however, when he do not get what he expected in return, the problem or violence could take place.

One nature of job could also be the reason of violence, if one employee has to work all the time with the money or with the medicine, the frustration could occur at his part, dissatisfaction is main and serious reason of creating mess or violence within the organizational climate (Pai & Lee, 2011).

The conflicts or violence could also take place, if one has less tolerance; the customers could also create the violence at the workplace, if customers have to wait long for the services, or if the services are not given top them on the committed time they can create violence by abusing the employees or the company. Sometimes there is violence when the customer does not get the expected, written services, due to the customer’s violence, there could be inefficiency in the work of employees, or organization, the workers or employees could also harm each other if customer is not satisfied. There are many other internal causes, which are reasonable for creating the violence; the employees may have the physical or mental problems.

The employer or employees in an organization may be addicted to the drugs, due to the use of drug; one could be out of the senses and can create the violence on others. One may not have control over himself after taking the drugs. The financial depression, childcare concerns, martial relationship problems can also make one frustrated of the situations and work, can force one to create violence, as he/she is not in the state to handle the work/life balance.

Threats Assessments:

In today’s world the employees are not save or secure at their workplace, the violence can lead one to face death, due to stress given at workplace one can do suicide, or may not able to perform his roles in the society, family and as an employee’s properly. There are serious issues at the workplace, the disturbed or angry employees can suffer or engage in the criminal violence. The sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, jealousy, assault, could also be the reasons of violence, all organizations across the world, whether they are small or big in the size face violence.

The violence in the workplace could be occur at anytime, the day or the night, the employees do not feel secure anywhere across the world, as the feel hesitate to talk about the violence they are facing during the job, the employees do not want to complaint as they do not want to leave the job. Many of the employees affected by the violence within workplace and inefficiency occur in performing their tasks. Employees are not physically and psychologically safe. The stalking and harassment is emerging these days, the fast-growing forms of violence at workplace, has undermine the society with various problems (Ramlall, Sunil, Al-Kahtani, Ali, Damanhouri, & Hind, 2014).

The employee’s life is getting difficult day after day; they are engaging themselves in wrong social activities, as they are not satisfied from their jobs. The employer think that if we shout at employees the work will be done faster and productivity could be increased, the bad behaviors are seems to be fruitful now. The majority of the incidents are ignored or not noticed by the organization, because organization does not want to spoil their reputation in the market. There are problem of neglecting, many of the organization fails to provide the security at the workplace, as they do not have proper safety and security methods. Each year around 2 million Americans are victims of the workplace. The employees across the world facing tensions, stress due o violence, especially women are facing harassment and physical violence. Men and women both are in vulnerable conditions.

There are potential risk and situations, at the upper or senior level the employers are so engaged in their activities, they do not notice what is being happening in their organization, and this is the reason that so many incidents remained unnoticed. The human rights violation, affect the individual and society badly, there are need to notice violence related activities, laws and regulations need to be implemented, for the safety of the employees (Papa, AnnMarie, Venella, & Jeanne, 2013).


Employees in the organization, need to be protect, it is the responsibility of the organization to protect the entire employees associate to it. The threat should be detected by the managers or the supervisors, there are need to adopt the preventive measures, the consequences responsible for the violence occurrence should be observe and notice.

Violence at the workplace need to minimized, if the organization want to enhance its productivity and wants to get competitive advantages, then there is need of competent workers; workers only be competent if they trust their organization, and their trust could only be develop if there are favorable conditions for them within the organization. The workers or employees want the suitable conditions for them; nobody could work or perform better in the organization where there is violence, there is need to educate the people regarding the violence. However, they can get aware of it and report to the authority, if they face or see any violence, there are need to understand the various types of violence; violence should not be tolerate in the society or in the organization.

The employers or the supervisors need to understand the situations regarding violence; the situations need to be observed at the workplace, the management need to ensure the policies that are supportive for the workers, the barriers of communication between the employee and employers must be noticed and there are need to report the threatening situations. Anti-violence strategies need to be implemented by the organizations; there should be practices that prevent the inappropriate behaviors. It is the responsibility of an organization, to adopt the proactive systems, the organization need to handle the violence situation very properly because the violence activities could result in decreased productivity.

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  • Bobbie L., D. (2012). Workplace violence: Impact, causes, and prevention. Work , 42 (1), 15-20.
  • Keim, J., & McDermott, J. C. (2010). Mobbing: Workplace Violence in the Academy. The Educational Forum , 74 (2), 167-173.
  • Pai, H.-C., & Lee, S. (2011). Risk factors for workplace violence in clinical registered nurses in Taiwan. 10 (9-10), 1405-1412.
  • Papa, AnnMarie, Venella, & Jeanne. (2013). Workplace Violence in Healthcare: Strategies for Advocacy. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing , 18 (1), 1-5.
  • Ramlall, S. J., Al-Kahtani, Ali, Damanhouri, & Hind. (2014). Positive Organizational Behavior In The Workplace: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. International Journal of Management & Information Systems , 149.

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