TED Organization Culture
As Ted is non-profit, organization and they call intelligent people to talk and share their experiences. I have listened to the Reshma Saujani, she in the show talked about the perfection of girls and bravery of boys; she says we need to make our girl brave; we are raising our boys brave but raising girls to be the one with perfection. We should not do that; we should socialize young girls and teach them to take risks. She says, Girls should be loved and accepted not for being perfect but for being courageous, every girl should be comfortable with imperfection, whatever society says, let them say a girl should do whatever she wants to. According to her women should be brave because they have to teach new generations, she says, we do not have time to wait. We should take steps now to promote bravery of girls. Her technique was to influence on the societal aspects, that how women are being treated.
- https://www.ted.com/talks/reshma_saujani_teach_girls_bravery_not_perfection