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Whole Food Market in America Analysis

Whole Food Market Inc. is the American supermarket, which feature its products or foods that are free from artificial Whole Food Market in America Analysispreservatives, hydrogenated fats, artificial sweeteners and artificial flavor, colors etc. Supermarket of Whole Food is in America, Canada and United Kingdom. John Mackey and Walter Robb are CEO’s of the company. Their mission is to provide the high quality and standards products that are free from artificial food preservative, antibiotics in meat and pesticides in vegetable. They want to sell the products that are from natural ways, they are committed and their food is beyond expectations. This is best place to shop for food-curious people and one can trust them. They have sustainable seafood; they care for their animals, as they have quality standards across the store. They have loyal customers; customers can order anything they want to, from online shopping. They have non-toxic cleaning products, beauty products and body shop etc. They value for customers prices and want serve high quality standards. They are selling best products at best prices (wholefoodsmarket, 2016).

LOHAS is becoming the hottest trend within the consumers across the world and companies are focused on their lifestyles. LOHAS stand for the Lifestyle of health and Sustainability; LOHAS refers to the market segment that is focused on environment, sustainable living, and social justices and is focused on sustainable living. These are health conscious people, who want everything healthy and with perfection, they value their buying decisions, as they have awareness about their environment and lifestyles so they want to buy and eat organic food (Gill, 2014).

Whole Food Market Inc. is targeting the LOHAS value segments, because they prefer organic products, as they are health conscious. They prefer healthier options of eating, their awareness for environmental safety and sustainability; force whole food market to target them, Whole Food Market Inc. can gain success and profitability by targeting LOHAS.

  • Gill, A. (2014, May 17). WHAT IS LOHAS? Retrieved March 29, 2016, from https://www.education4sustainability.org/2014/05/17/what-is-lohas/
  • wholefoodsmarket. (2016). SPRING IT ON. Retrieved March 29, 2016, from https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/

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