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U.S. Aerospace Manufacturing Industry Economic Crisis

Table of Contents

  • Review of Aerospace Economical History
  • Economical Crises Facing the Aerospace Industry
  • Managerial Economic Analysis of Boeing and Airbus
  • Conclusion
  • Reference
  • Bibliography

Review of Aerospace Economical History

The aerospace industry is one of the world’s top manufacturing sectors in terms of amount of jobs and volume of production. This aerospace industry has risen as the most strong in the world.

a. Economic Review of the Industry as a Whole

The aerospace sector has five major industries – rockets, combat aircraft, commercial airliners, space and general aviation. This industry is mainly concerned with the manufacturing and planning of new and improved spacecraft to explore the universe, designing aircraft for the transport of the civilians and military services as well as missiles with the aim of national defense. The industry employs nearly 1703000 people retaining the global diverse talents. Owing to the heavy investment in the research related functions a significant percentage of the people employed with the aerospace are scientists, engineers and technicians (Cook, n.d.).

b. Short History of Boeing and Airbus

Boeing is the leader in the manufacturing of space, defense and security systems and commercial jetliners. A top ranked exporter in US the company serves customers across 90 countries. The products and services of the company include military & commercial aircraft, weapons, electronics, satellites and defense systems, launch systems, advanced communication & information systems. The airline has long history of aerospace innovation and leadership. The company has continually expanded its product lines and services to satisfy the growing needs of the customers (Boeing. 2011).

U.S. Aerospace Manufacturing Industry Economic Crisis

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