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Tools for Sustainable Urbanism

Evaluation of the Tools for Sustainable Urbanism

For the land development, there is the need to focus on the new projects, development process and conceptual planning for the construction. However, the greatest threat to our planet is “CUL-DE-SACS”. Moreover, tools for Sustainable Urbanism are important to focus.

Benefits and Limitations of Tools

There are the benefits of the tools because it could restore water resources and restore the biodiversity for the present and future ecosystem services. There are problems of the suburbs in our countries, for natural environment or new urbanism effective tools can be implemented, as the convenient solution given by Jacobs can help to reduce environmental crisis, usage in less energy and more healthy environment with the reduces pollution. For the greener economy, Sustainable Urbanism tools need be implemented. For the social equity and quality of life, there is the need of the faster progress, innovation, and steps for social responsibility. Thus, if the tools are not properly implemented then there could be human health consequences and negative environmental issues that can never make the green building and interior spaces (Mercader-Moyano, 2017).

Most Interested Tool (LEED-ND guide)

The most interesting tool is the LEED-ND guide because LEED-ND guide has awarded with the four Certifications.Tools for Sustainable Urbanism Since human population is increasing exponentially and by 2030, it is predicted that we need space that will be equivalent of two planets. Increasing in the population is responsible for the toxins and the harmful climate change thus there is no food security, economic competitiveness in the countries. However, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) has recognition of the problems and they have focused on design and construction through expertise and tools so that effective development processes can be achieved. LEED projects can make the sustainable planet, it Neighborhood Development (ND) strategies is really effective and helpful for the climate protection because it could improve the public health. The LEED ND’s, core elements focus on the innovative leadership in order to achieve the sustainability goals. It was focused by the Green Building Council and provided the framework so that there could be the maintenance in the operations and restorative strategies could be analyzed (U.S. Green Building Council, 2017).

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  • Mercader-Moyano, P. (2017). Sustainable Development and Renovation in Architecture, Urbanism, and Engineering. Springer.
  • U.S. Green Building Council. (2017). LEED v4. Retrieved April 14, 2017, from https://www.usgbc.org/guide/nd

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