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Time Management Training Plan for Students

Learning Objectives
  • To instill the significance of time management in students
  • To encourage learners to set their SMART
  • To encourage students to handle time effectively, so that they can concentrate and do their job effectively.
Participants  Students of my class
Scope Time Management Principles, methods for time management (i.e. SMART, Time Matrix, making calendar)
Date June 08-09, 2014
Location (your university and classroom number)
  • Lecture and debate: 3 hours (15 minutes)
  • Exercises and seminars-3 hours
  • Evaluation and input-1.5 hours
Expected outcome/benefit Better efficiency for students because of their capacity to successfully control their time and tasks.

Training Methodology

            The instructional methodologies that I employed to teach participants about time management were;

  • Lecture and discussion (Day 1). Lecture and discussion are employed as the formative tool to teach students about time management.  Through this method, participants were asked to identify the inefficiencies in the use of their time.  From these identified inefficiencies of time management, effective time management were discussed to fill the gap between the ideal time use and their present use of their time.  This is the formative learning process wherein participants were taught about the different techniques in managing their time such as goal setting, prioritizing, planning their time and controlling their activities.


  • Workshop and simulations (Day 2). At the conclusion of the module, the workshop acted as summative learning in which learners were challenged to recognise gaps in their time management and how to develop them by successful time management. In this experiment, the capacity of participants to successfully control their time utilising the procedures learned was assessed. The activities would allow the training managers to recognise training holes. Which is helpful for the training session and it would help ensure that learners are imbued with the training goals. These priorities provide a grasp on time management and the opportunity to better monitor and regulate their time and activities.


  • Flipchart and power point presentation. For the participants have a visual idea of how to effectively manage their time using the various time management techniques such as time matrix, prioritizing, and goal setting, a power point presentation were used during the lecture and discussion to aid and facilitate understanding about SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound) goal setting and other methods.  This will aid the formative learning process
  • Big drawing papers. The medium where students will practice on how to create SMART, Time Matrix and calendar during the workshop and exercises.

Areas that will be Measured (summative)

            Participant’s grasp of the training were measured in terms of their ability to construct their own Time Matrix, SMART Plans, Order of Priorities and ability to identify the important from non-important activities.

Evaluation (Day 3)

            The long-term benefit of the training plan may not be immediately felt by the students and administrators of the training.  It is expected however that students must be able to have a greater efficacy and efficiency in their activities that will result to higher productivity and better performance in all aspect of lives due to the lessons learned in time management.  Ultimately, it is also envisaged that with the ability to control time and manage activities, students will have a more fruitful and successful lives both in their professional, social and personal lives.

            Since the long-term benefit is difficult to measure, administrator of the training plan instead evaluated the participant’s skill to manage their time. This was done through the summative tools that were employed such as the exercises to create their own Time Matrix, SMART Plans, Order of Priorities and ability to identify important from non-important activities.

Feedbacks were also be given along with the evaluation for the students to know their area/s of improvement and for them to work on it.


Activity Duration Materials Expected benefit
Lecture and Discussion 3 hours (with 15 minutes break) Powerpoint presentation Participants to have a grasp about time management.
Workshop and Exercises 3 hours(with 15 minutes break) Individual paper for students to write For participants to internalize time management though the tools of Time Matrix, SMART Goals and use of calendar.
Evaluation and Feedback 1.5 hours Evaluation form For participants to know their area/s of improvement and be able to work on it on their own.

Evaluation Form

Areas of Evaluation Rating Comment Area/s of Improvement
Grasp of Time Management concepts
Able to set goal through SMART
Able to prioritize through Time Matrix
Displayed Competence in creating schedule that efficiently and effectively uses one’s time.


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