Discussion ONE
Ironically, the on-boarding program is a slightly longer process than other new employee hires orientation programs. The purpose of an on-boarding program is to let employees learn about culture, team-work in the organization, and most importantly, to understand how their role fixes into this big picture/organization (Sherwood, 2017). There are different components of the on-boarding program, i.e. Initial Orientation, Functional Training, Role Clarification Sessions, Leadership Assessment etc. All these on-boarding components are essential for a new employee before putting them into the team-work. A most crucial element of employee on-boarding is Initial Orientation. It is a thorough introduction of the organization, including some initial training regarding learning new technology, focus, employee’s role etc. It helps a lot a person to learn about the organization’s culture to broaden his/her vision. As far as Human Resource manager’s role is considered, the HR manager acts as Guide to new employees on-boarding because he is the captain of the ship and has to set clear expectations from new employees. By utilizing the coaching approach to work with new employees on-board for organizational goals and their career development. On the other hand, the manager is responsible for the accountability of the new employee on-boarding program. He is responsible for making a report on new employees, their performance and gets the final verdict for the upper management whether new employees fit for the organization or not. It usually happens during or after the probation period of new employees. New employee on-boarding program is essential for both the organization and the employees because both are attached to this program for a particular purpose, i.e. vision. This on-boarding program benefits the employees in many ways; they learn the culture of the organization, workplace ethics, team-work, technical training to assist new systems and many more. Every organization has its different policies; usually, this process continues up to 90 days in which employees get a thorough introduction to everything (Yancey & Jose M., 2011). On the other hand, there are much organization which hire employees without considering any on-board plan which could create severe disturbances for the organization in the future and most importantly, employees would not be able to clarify their role and purpose. Effective on-boarding programs set an example for excellent Employee Engagement and Employee Retention because, in this complete session, they treat them as a family, provide them with all facilities required to learn about organizational culture, vision and purpose of business effectively and efficiently. Organizational focus towards new-employees make them effective and efficient in terms of learning many new things during the on-boarding program like some of them use new technology for the first time, some of them come to a big organization for the first time. All these are important and create an urge in the employee to work for the organization effectively and efficiently.
Discussion TWO
As we know that an effective on-boarding program brings fruitful results for both employees and the organization. On the other hand, the ineffective on-boarding program does not go well for the organization which lowers employee morale, less employee engagement and sometimes zero, it spreads lack of confidence in the employees, and most importantly lack of trust happens among employees due to which workplace tension could rise (Dorosz, 2015). Human Resource Managers have different opinions about in-effective and in-efficient on-boarding program. 16% of HR managers say that poor on-boarding program decreases the company’s overall productivity, 14% of HR managers say that more significant inefficiencies come in the way due to poor on-boarding schedule. Most importantly, employee turnover could rise, which is being said by 12% of HR managers.
Based on HR managers opinion, it is clarified that the in-effective on-boarding program would lead the organization towards poor performance and lacking back in terms of achieving the desired goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. Lower operator resolved, lower levels of authority obligation, the lower conviction among workers, a nonappearance of trust inside the association and missed compensation targets are among the other adverse effects of not having a raised on-boarding program. While on-boarding is a crucial bit of setting new experts up for progress from the most punctual beginning stage, this assessment gives a few affiliations are pardoning fundamentals in the on-boarding cycle and running into true results that can impact reality. Yes, new employee on-boarding programs are highly useful for the organizations to prepare a workforce who is competent and performance-oriented from all points of view. It would be helpful for the organization to keep those employees who want to collaborate their vision to organizational vision. On-boarding program also useful in monitoring employees in terms of their work, performance in the organization, based on which their probation period is being monitored and resulted (Hollon, 2018). Likewise, the overall on-boarding program lets employees know their fellows, their mindset, vision, goals in life which help each employee to work harder to achieve their desired goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. It also increases the competition among employees which has ultimate benefit to the organization because they put their level best for an organization to compete for each other and also get rewarded with different kinds of incentives, perks from the organization. To achieve organizational goals, it is mandatory to have a competent workforce who work smart, continuously learn and help the organization to increase its overall performance in the market.
- Dorosz, M. (2015). The Hallmarks of in-effective On-boarding program. Integrity Ethics and Compliance Training: HR.
- Hollon, J. (2018). Study Finds that Bad On-boarding Experience May Disengage New Hires. Recruitment Strategies: Human Resource Management.
- Sherwood, K. (2017). 5 Critical Components of Successful and Practical On-boarding. Human Resource Management: Training and Development.
- Yancey, G. B., & Jose, M., A. (2011). Assessing New Employee Orientation Programs. Journal of Workplace Learning, 349-354.