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Shock Waves and Cumulative Arrival and Departure Models

Shock Wave and Cumulative Arrival and Departure Models, Partners without Conflict

Shock Waves

Shock wave is the technique; used for the modeling for freeway congestion and staples of traffic analysis; shockShock Waves and Cumulative Arrival and Departure Models waves is a major weapon, in traffic analyst’s arsenal. However, through the model, the queue length is defined in different ways, as the model is compatible; provide additional insight and identical estimates about the travel time and delay. Shock wave analysis begins with the construction of the passing vehicle trajectories. However, the technique, if used correctly, is compatible.

Cumulative arrival and Departure

The cumulative arrival and departure known as the deterministic queues; is the same technique as shock waves; the Shock Waves and Cumulative Arrival and Departure Models techniques is the used for traffic analysis. The cumulative arrival and departure technique, do not understand about the departure technique, it requires help from the shock wave technique. Both techniques shock waves and cumulative, facilitate the comparison, as both can give the different answers, which can comparable. Both techniques’ can be used together; however, a shock wave is the dominating partner and alerts the reader, so that the problem can be known.

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