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Sample Employee Development Plan Example

We were assigned the topic of building employee development plan example by our professemployee development plan exampleor, instructor of our Human Resource Development course at our university. We were required to collect data from a small size organization in the city. Data was relevant to training need assessment and employee development plan. We were supposed to collect data about recent training activity and to collect data through TNA form for employee training plan for the next six months.

For the purpose of this activity we choose the a software house based in current city.

We conducted the interview of HR officer with the reference of a senior developer at the company.

In the interview we got information related to training and development at the organization. We were given information about the most recent T&D activity at the organization. We calculated the cost per trainee.

Then we develop a training need assessment form, which was filled by the employees of the company. After evaluating the TNA form filled by the employees we designed the employee development plan for next six months.

Both the TNA form and employee development plan are attached with this report.


Training Need Assessment form:


  1. Name and Surname:
  2. Position:
  3. Sector/Department:
  4. Age group:
  • to 24
  • 25 – 29
  • 30 – 34
  • 35 – 39
  • above 40


  1. Contact details (Please provide your contact details below):

5.1        Work phone:                        5.2        Mobile:                       5.3        e-mail:



  1. How long have you been in the current position? (Please specify):

years             months

  1. DOES A process for identifying future TRAINING AND professional development needs exist within your department?
  • Individually
  • By my line manager
  • By the Human Resources department
  • Other (Please specify):
  1. In your experience, to what extent the identified needs were met within the given calendar year?
  • Not satisfactory
  • Satisfactory/weak
  • Average
  • Good
  • Excellent

This questionnaire the employee is asked to rate the performance of different work skills. After indicating the importance of each skill, the employees were selected for training of different skills.

Skills You Consider Important

Please rate the importance of the following skills.

Top of Form

Work Skills

How good are you at the following skills? Not
Poor Average Good Excellent
1.      Establishing and monitoring goals and objectives
2.      Encouraging collaboration among fellow employees and departments to achieve results
3.      Seeking and utilizing opportunities for continuous learning and self-development
4.      Understanding and seeking to achieve [Company]’s mission and values
5.      Responding to a changing organization
6.      Taking appropriate and timely action to overcome unexpected hurdles or obstacles to a plan or project
7.      Expressing loyalty and dedication to [Company] in interactions with others
8.      Setting up and monitoring time frames and plans

Communication Skills

How Good are you at the following skills? Not
Poor Average Good Excellent
9.      Understanding clear and assertive communication skills and how they create rapport and trust
10.  Conducting effective and efficient meetings
11.  Listening carefully

People Skills

How Good are you at the following skills? Not
Poor Average Good Excellent
12. Conducting regular meetings with direct reports to discuss performance and achievement of objectives
13. Encouraging teamwork and collaboration as a method to accomplish tasks and achieve objectives
14. Recognizing and rewarding people for doing their best
15. Constructively receiving criticism and suggestions from others

Leader Skills

How Good are you at the following skills? Not
Poor Average Good Excellent
16. Giving others direct, constructive feedback which can be used to achieve goals
17. Leading people and allocating tasks to achieve goals
18. Empowering others to achieve results and holds them accountable for actions
19. Motivating others in order to reach organizational goals
20. Influencing others in a way that results in acceptance, agreement, or behavior change

Customer Skills

How Good are you at the following skills? Not
Poor Average Good Excellent
21. Understanding who the department’s customer is and communicates that priority consistently
22. Becoming more effective in satisfying customer needs
23. Pursuing the best customer-focused responses that add value to the business

Bottom of Form

Employee Development Plan Example

Employee Name: (Name of employee)                                      Date: (As on calendar)

Position: Senior software developer                                             Department: Android Development

Key Objectives and core competencies:

List of Business Objectives List Core Competencies
1-       Complete the Tello app

2-       Leading the team in developing an Islamic app (Azan,Quran,Daily Hadith)


1-Communication skills 2-Design Software(work skills)

3-stress management    4-Teamwork(people skills)

5-Awareness of the Software Development Life Cycle

Competencies Gap and action plan:

Competencies that need development Gap for competency How to close Gap Target completion date Status


Knowledge of contemporary issues Emerging technology and related software trends Mentoring and coaching by seniors, magazines and IT journals for contemporary knowledge.

Sending him with a bright team leader in the next assignment

July to


Customer Skills Managing different customers,

Customer orientation

Attending different workshops in-house and outside the organization October, November,

5 different workshops

Teamwork December Y


Notes to be written during manager and employee progress review.

Manager’s name:                                                      Signature:                                                             Date:

Note: This is a sample employee development plan example. So please adjust it according to your organization need and you may change it for your convenience. You may further check ways to improve employee development program also.

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admin March 26, 2019 - 4:26 pm

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