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Quality Measurement of Memorial Hospital

Memorial Hospital Quality Measurement

The memorial hospital’s administrator Janice fry had some concerns about the quality management of the hospital concerns. The Janice is going to manage the quality assurance in the hospital; as it is compulsory to keep the hospital area clean and hygienic, as people are very much concerned with their health. If people do not find the cleanliness in the hospital than they do not feel comfortable in terms of taking medical facilities from them. The cleanliness is the most important factor in this regard because every person wants cleanliness in the places especially at hospitals. Persons very much care about the quality level in the hospitals.
Janice was also very much concerned with the quality of services they are going to provide to the people from their hospital. He concerned a meeting with the hospital management about this quality concern issue. He after meeting get concerned with the fact they he has to improve some strategies that could easily make the measurement of the quality in hospital easy. The Janice decided to implement the total quality management programmer in order to check and maintain the quality of healthcare in the hospital premises. The total quality management TQM is a strategy or system that measures quality in any organization were places where implemented.

In total management care system the staff, members of the hospital are concerned with the check and balance of the quality management system in the hospital. The staff is assigned some tasks and they are bound to be active on that task in order to perform good efficiency in the hospital premises. The question arises here that what are the measurements should be taken by the hospital; administrators in terms of maintaining the quality level in the hospital at a high scale. The measurements include the check and balance on the hospital cleaning staff that whether they are performing their duty well, on the time that committed or not. (Writes, 2009)

Quality Measurement of Memorial Hospital

The potential cost in terms of arranging and purchasing quality management tools in the hospital premises are concerned with the quality assurance in the hospital. The quality could be maintained by keeping the hospital area clean and as well as making people comfortable in terms of taking medical facilities from the memorial hospital. The reason behind quality is that people want quality in every aspect of life whether they are taking services from anyone or they are managing anything by their selves. The value of human life is priceless. It cannot be measured in an amount. The human life can only be concerned with quality assurance.
Total quality management is that factor or strategy that an organization or any other institute on which the department of quality assurance put their best effects in terms of concluding the best positive aspects and continue for a long period. Total quality management techniques or strategies are not very costly. Means if you placed a setup in your hospital about quality management then it does not cost you very much. In the hospital premises, the quality of medicine and the quality of food you provide to the people or patients must be very much efficient and in good form. As their condition should always remain positive in terms of providing good quality services to their patients.
The first in the meeting of management and administrator Janice managers say that total quality management process is very costly. Janice says that my first and most important concern is with health and safety of my people. I am not going to do any compromise on the health of people and on the reputation of the hospital just because of saving a little amount of money. The Total quality management method helps best in maintaining the quality in the hospital. (Asq.org, 2018).

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  • Asq.org. (2018). What is total quality management? Retrieved from https://asq.org/learn-about-quality/total-quality-management/overview/overview.html
  • Writes, J. (2009, March 18). Measuring the quality of hospital care. Retrieved from https://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b569

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