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Pros and Cons of Whole Grains Food

Whole Grain Food Choice

The topic of this paper is whole grain food choice. As the world population and the cost of food increases simultaneously, consumers have diverted their attention to food choices that are cheap but which offer wide range of nutrients. I picked this topic since it covers other benefits which are not fully explored by other topics. Additionally, whole grains are affordable and easily available for most people globally. This implies that this topic has quite significant information that is useful for customers worldwide. Besides, whole grains are packed with other nutrients such as protein, antioxidants, vitamin B, and trace minerals. In this way, consumption of whole grain has been associated with reduced risks of heart diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and various forms of cancer. Based on its importance to deal with these healthy challenges which are currently being faced by many countries, whole grain food choice is an important issue in the society. Its consumption will have positive implications on social, economic and political developments of global community.

List of references

Reference no. 1: Amanda Gardner. (2014). 18 Health Benefits of Whole Grains

Amanda (2014) indicates that USDA recommends individuals to consume grains daily and at least half of the grains should be whole grains. Unless one is experiencing non-celiac gluten sensitivity, this article depicts that an individual should not miss the healthy benefits of eating whole grains. Some of the notable benefits of whole grains as outlined by this article include getting adequate fiber, vitamins, variety of phytochemicals, and minerals. Vital aspect to note is that whole grains have the original parts of kernel which include bran, endosperm and germ. This article indicates that whole grain lower blood pressure, which is a major factor for heart diseases. As compared to refined food, Amanda (2014) argues that whole food help individual’s blood glucose from rising, thus reducing the risks of getting type 2 diabetes. For example, a study indicated that by taking one third of serving cooked white rice per day for brown rice, the risks of type 2 diabetes is reduced by 16%.

Pros and Cons of Whole Grains Food

Reference no. 2: WebMD. (2015). Tips for Reaping the Benefits of Whole Grains

This article indicates that whole grains diet has positive implications on bowel health due to the regular bowel movements and promotion of healthy bacteria in the colon. Despite importance of whole food in consumers’ bodies, WebMD indicates that only 10% of Americans consume three servings a day, which is the recommended level. This is due to the fact that it is somehow challenging to tell just which foods are whole grains (WebMD, 2015). This article provides good examples of whole grains. These include Whole-grain corn, Whole oats/oatmeal, Brown rice, Whole rye, Whole-grain barley, Wild rice, Millet and Quinoa among others.

Reference no. 3: American Heart Association. (2015). Whole Grains and Fiber

This article provides three major benefits of eating whole grains. These are excellent sources of dietary fiber, improving cholesterol levels thus lowering risks of stroke as well as heart diseases and helping to manage a healthy weight. Other nutrients provided by grains include Vitamin B1, riboflavin (Vitamin B2), niacin (Vitamin B3) and folate (Vitamin B9) which all have positive biological implications

Cons of Whole Grains

Reference no. 4: Carly Schuna. (2014). Disadvantages of Whole Wheat

Carly (2014) notes that whole wheat, which is one of the mostly consumed food choice, has some negative impacts on human health. The article indicates that whole wheat has high calories and can act as an obstacle for those aiming at losing weight (Carly, 2014).

Reference no. 5: GRAINS…….. WHOLE GRAINS – A MYTH? https://healthunlocked.com/diabetesindia/posts/1116387/pros-and-cons-of-whole-grains……..-whole-grains-a-myth

This article indicates the nutrients contained in the endosperm and germ such as Carbohydrates, Protein, vitamins B & E, Antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats, folic acid (important for pregnancy), Iron and zinc among others. However, the article argues that grains contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

Reference no. 6: Kris Gunnars. (2015).   Grains: Are They Good For You, or Bad? https://authoritynutrition.com/grains-good-or-bad/

Kris (2015) indicates that many people are intolerant to Gluten, which is one of the proteins found in grains. These individuals include those with celiac diseases, a major autoimmune illness and gluten sensitive persons.

Evaluation of Scientific Merit of References

The above 6 references provides various scientific approaches that relates to the whole grain food choice and its implication on human health. Through the use of point scale as indicated below, it is possible to make an evaluation of their scientific merit, thus their resourcefulness in the research on whole grain food choice.

Point Scale

Scientific merit Low Good Better Best
Points 1  2  3   4

Evaluation of References

Reference Number

Reference title Merit points
1 Amanda Gardner. (2014). 18 Health Benefits of Whole Grains    2
2 WebMD. (2015). Tips for Reaping the Benefits of Whole Grains    3
3 American Heart Association. (2015). Whole Grains and Fiber    4
4 Carly Schuna. (2014). Disadvantages of Whole Wheat     3
6 Kris Gunnars. (2015).   Grains: Are They Good For You, or Bad?     2

Based on my research, the positive side of argument is more science-based. Personally, I agree with scientific-based positive arguments by what Amanda (2014), American Heart Association. (2015) and WebMD. For example, Reference no. 1 touches on diverticulosis. This is the condition whereby little pouches appear in the colon resulting into constipation, inflammation, diarrhea and pain. The lactic acid in the fiber promotes good bacteria which are essential in aiding digestion, nutrients absorption thus beefing up body’s immune system. Whole grains reduce triglycerides and prevent the body from taking in bad cholesterol, which are key contributors of heart diseases. Similarly, Reference no. 3 argues that Folic acid, which is one of the vitamins B, helps the body to form new cells as well as prevention of birth defects. Magnesium is on the other hand involved in more than 300 body processes; iron role is carrying oxygen in the blood while selenium is essential in regulating thyroid hormone activities. The effects of emotional and intuitive are on the other hand depicted by the references on the negative side. For instance, the article Disadvantages of Whole Wheat by Carly Schuna provides the demerits of consuming whole wheat due to its implications of human health, yet it is one of the most consumed whole grains.  Carly also indicates that, due to the naturally bitter notes, whole-wheat products have higher added sugar as compared to refined white flour, thus having a negative result on the blood levels of the consumers. Another notable issue as outlined by this article is that grains are astronomical spike in the production of insulin, thus having significant impact on the production of hormone in the body. This is an indication that despite the global efforts to fight the increasing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, whole grains consumption acts as obstacles. However, in spite of reference no. 5 indicating the myth that it indicates as far as consumption of whole grains is concerned as revealed in its title, it provides a scientific approach to the issue. This article for example indicates that grains particles can slip through into the intestinal wall resulting to an immune response and due to regular attacks of the immune system; it fails to fight threats such as pathogens. The article also indicates that grains cause inflammation, they are not good for our joints, have effects on the skin and prevent mineral absorption. Phytates in the bran as well as rancid oils are also noted to cause health problems.

Kris (2015) article also provides a scientific-based explanation as to why whole grains are not good for consumption. For example, the article maintains that the availability of FODMAPs, a carbohydrate that result to digestive distress, is also a key disadvantage of taking grains according to this article. Due to high level of carbohydrates, grains are thus unsuitable for individuals who are on a low-carb diet and diabetics.

Through the mixed view of the two sides, it seems that they are well-studied and are providing convincing impression of eating whole grains. However, there are conflicting results in some types of whole grain. A good example is the support that is given for the consumption of whole wheat by pros references and then the other side indicates the negativities associated with it.

Implications of the Research on my Opinion

My research into this topic has not changed my opinion. Based on the wide range of food choices at our disposal and health issues that we face on day to day basis, healthy eating is vital. Once it is combined with regular exercises, healthy diet can assist one to lower his or her cholesterol, lose weight and improve the way our bodies functions. As discussed in this paper, it is clear that whole grains have quite a number of nutrients that consumers may not be aware of. The availability of vitamins and folic acid, for example does not require one to look for other food choices in the groceries. Despite arguments against the whole food as noted by Kris (2015), I will not change my food choice. This is due to the fact that the merits of whole grains outweigh its demerits, and it is possible to replace the whole wheat, which is disadvantageous with another whole grain food variety.  In addition, whole grains are easily available while the costs are still low. The minerals that are found in the whole grains can be found in other food choices which are more expensive than whole grains. This implies that even during the time of financial obstacles that can affect my purchasing power, I will have access to my food choice and nutrients since the prices are low. Currently, companies producing whole grains are required to indicate the term ‘whole grain’ in their list of ingredients. Thus, it will be easier for me and other consumers to identify whole grains products that are in the market.

  • Amanda, G. (2014). 18 Health Benefits of Whole Grains Available from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/10/whole-grains-health-benefits_n_5655022.html
  • American Heart Association. (2015). Whole Grains and Fiber Available from https://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyDietGoals/Whole-Grains-and-Fiber_UCM_303249_Article.jsp
  • Carly, S. (2014). Disadvantages of Whole Wheat Available from https://www.livestrong.com/article/486605-disadvantages-of-whole-wheat/
  • GRAINS…….. WHOLE GRAINS – A MYTH? Available from https://healthunlocked.com/diabetesindia/posts/1116387/pros-and-cons-of-whole-grains……..-whole-grains-a-myth
  • Kris, G. (2015).   Grains: Are They Good For You, or Bad? Available from https://authoritynutrition.com/grains-good-or-bad/
  • WebMD. (2015). Tips for Reaping the Benefits of Whole Grains Available from https://www.webmd.com/diet/healthy-kitchen-11/reaping-benefits-whole-grains

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